Fast and fair consistent hash for small clusters (best < 18 nodes, maximum 20)
Hashes 64-bit key to node, where data for that key stored
- fast (75 ns/hash for 2 nodes, 230ns/hash for 10 nodes, 400 ns/hash for 18 nodes)
- close-to-ideal keyspace distribution among cluster nodes (each node gets equal keyspace partition, so no worries about unfair load)
- location for storage and replicas cam be calculated upfront and depend only on the key and cluster size, so client can directly request data from correct node
- no central routing or coordination needed
- addition/removal of new node makes only 1/n-th of the data to be reallocated
- number of buckets is n! where n is amount of nodes, so cluster size is limited by capacity of 64-bit integers - 20 nodes is the maximum for now
- linear growth of hashing time with cluster size
- with 19 and 20 nodes the bucket size is critically low and division errors start to significantly distort the partitioning
Stats for 1000000 random keys on Core i5 3.4GHz
2 nodes
bucketRange: 9223372036854775807, buckets: 2, buckets/node: 1
hash/ms: 13.767771, ns/hash: 72.6334
Keyspace distribution
1 : 5000626, deviation: 0.01%
0 : 4999374, deviation: -0.01%
5 nodes
bucketRange: 153722867280912930, buckets: 120, buckets/node: 24
hash/ms: 8.030123, ns/hash: 124.5311
Keyspace distribution
1 : 1999196, deviation: -0.04%
3 : 2000712, deviation: 0.04%
0 : 1999237, deviation: -0.04%
4 : 2000709, deviation: 0.04%
2 : 2000146, deviation: 0.01%
10 nodes
hash/ms: 4.289224, ns/hash: 233.1424
Keyspace distribution
0 : 999327, deviation: -0.07%
6 : 999946, deviation: -0.01%
9 : 1001914, deviation: 0.19%
8 : 998524, deviation: -0.15%
2 : 999659, deviation: -0.03%
7 : 1000240, deviation: 0.02%
5 : 1000845, deviation: 0.08%
1 : 999628, deviation: -0.04%
4 : 1001472, deviation: 0.15%
3 : 998445, deviation: -0.16%
19 nodes
bucketRange: 151, buckets: 121645100408832000, buckets/node: 6402373705728000
hash/ms: 2.363837, ns/hash: 423.0411
Keyspace distribution
0 : 523954, deviation: -0.45%
12 : 525333, deviation: -0.19%
11 : 526442, deviation: 0.02%
4 : 531324, deviation: 0.95%
1 : 524644, deviation: -0.32%
6 : 527485, deviation: 0.22%
3 : 522909, deviation: -0.65%
7 : 526982, deviation: 0.13%
18 : 526715, deviation: 0.08%
9 : 527589, deviation: 0.24%
5 : 529507, deviation: 0.61%
13 : 526286, deviation: -0.01%
10 : 527307, deviation: 0.19%
15 : 525449, deviation: -0.16%
16 : 525807, deviation: -0.10%
17 : 525308, deviation: -0.19%
2 : 524951, deviation: -0.26%
8 : 525372, deviation: -0.18%
14 : 526636, deviation: 0.06%
20 nodes, notice small bucket range and partitioning distortion for nodes 0, 1, 2 and 3
bucketRange: 7, buckets: 2432902008176640000, buckets/node: 121645100408832000
hash/ms: 2.240514, ns/hash: 446.3262
Keyspace distribution
14 : 499591, deviation: -0.08%
17 : 499333, deviation: -0.13%
16 : 499557, deviation: -0.09%
4 : 499666, deviation: -0.07%
0 : 462724, deviation: -7.46%
19 : 499735, deviation: -0.05%
1 : 462193, deviation: -7.56%
18 : 499294, deviation: -0.14%
15 : 499992, deviation: -0.00%
7 : 500537, deviation: 0.11%
10 : 499102, deviation: -0.18%
5 : 500229, deviation: 0.05%
12 : 499516, deviation: -0.10%
3 : 538012, deviation: 7.60%
8 : 499442, deviation: -0.11%
2 : 538406, deviation: 7.68%
6 : 501391, deviation: 0.28%
11 : 499474, deviation: -0.11%
9 : 500612, deviation: 0.12%
13 : 501194, deviation: 0.24%