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NOMAD CoE and Laboratory

This organisation of the Novel Materials Discovery (NOMAD) Center of Excellence and Laboratory develops FAIR tools for materials-science data.

Popular repositories Loading

  1. nomad nomad Public

    NOMAD lets you manage and share your materials science data in a way that makes it truly useful to you, your group, and the community.

    JavaScript 83 22

  2. greenX greenX Public

    Library for Green’s function based electronic structure theory calculations

    Fortran 23 11

  3. electronic-parsers electronic-parsers Public

    Python 19 13

  4. nomad-schema-plugin-example nomad-schema-plugin-example Public

    This is an example for NOMAD schema plugins. It should be forked to create actual plugins.

    Python 14 17

  5. matid matid Public

    MatID is a Python package for identifying and analyzing atomistic systems based on their structure.

    Python 12 2

  6. pyzeo pyzeo Public

    Python interface for the zeo++ package

    C++ 9 5


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