***) Chapter 1 *) system = for all users global = for all repo local = for local repo
*) git config --global user.name "nmsh911" git config --global user.email [email protected]
*) setting default editor git config --global core.editor "code --wait" with the wait flag we tell terminal to wait until we close new vscode instance Replace "code --wait" with the appropriate command for opening Visual Studio Code on your system. The --wait flag is used to wait for the editor to be closed before proceeding, which is the expected behavior for Git operations.
git config --global -e this will open our default editor to edit all the global settings
git config --global core.autocrlf true
***) Chapter 2 *) Posh-git, an optional lib
*) for unstaging a folder and its contents git rm --cached "D:/Other Setups 2/tig/folder skip/skip.txt"