This is my Compilers class project repository. Initial template obtained from
- Download the whole repository.
- In the root directory, open index.html in a browser.
- Install the npm package manager if you don't already have it.
- Run
npm install -g typescript
to get the TypeScript Compiler. (You may need to do this as root.)
npm install gulp
to get the Gulp Task Runner.npm install gulp-tsc
to get the Gulp TypeScript plugin.
Run gulp
at the command line in the root directory of this project.
Edit your TypeScript files in the source/scripts directory in your favorite editor.
Visual Studio and IntelliJ have some tools that make debugging, syntax highlighting, and lots more quite easy.
WebStorm looks like a nice option as well.
Gulp will automatically:
- Watch for changes in your source/scripts/ directory for changes to .ts files and run the TypeScript Compiler on them.
- Watch for changes to your source/styles/ directory for changes to .css files and copy them to the distrib/ folder if you have them there.