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A highly customizable and reusable table component for Next.js applications, built with TypeScript and the latest technologies.


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Next.js Reusable Table

A highly customizable and reusable table component for Next.js applications, built with TypeScript and TailwindCSS.


npm install nextjs-reusable-table@latest
# or
yarn add nextjs-reusable-table@latest
# or
pnpm add nextjs-reusable-table@latest


  • Next.js 12 or later
  • React 16 or later
  • React DOM 16 or later
  • Tailwind CSS 3.0 or later
  • TypeScript (recommended)

Note: This is a Client Component ("use client"). Using it in purely SSR contexts may require additional handling to avoid hydration mismatches.

Basic Usage

"use client";
import React from "react";
import { TableComponent } from "nextjs-reusable-table";
import "nextjs-reusable-table/dist/index.css";

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;

export default function BasicTable() {
  const data: User[] = [
    { id: 1, name: "Alice" },
    { id: 2, name: "Bob" },

  return (
      columns={["ID", "Name"]}
      props={["id", "name"]}


Next.js Reusable Table is designed for easy integration into Next.js apps. It supports sorting, pagination, row actions, and flexible data rendering via custom formatters. Built-in helpers handle arrays, dates, and URLs gracefully.


Column Management

  • Hide/Show columns: Each column header has a dropdown (⋮) to remove or unhide columns.
  • Sorting: Specify which columns can be sorted.
  columns={["Name", "Email"]}
  props={["name", "email"]}

Smart Row Interactions

The table provides intelligent click handling:

  • Click anywhere on a row to trigger row action
  • Click on cell content to expand/interact without triggering row action
  • Expandable content with "show more" functionality

Built-In Data Handling

  • Dates automatically formatted.
  • Arrays displayed as chips with “+X more” for large arrays.
  • URLs automatically detected and rendered as links.

Action Dropdowns

  • Easily attach row actions via a dropdown button:
  actionTexts={["Edit", "Delete"]}
  actionFunctions={[(item) => editItem(item), (item) => deleteItem(item)]}

Search and Pagination

  • searchValue filters rows against all columns.
  • Built-in pagination. Provide page, setPage, and itemsPerPage.

Custom Styling

  • Styling with Tailwind. Override default classes or disable them entirely:
const customClassNames = {
  table: "my-custom-table-styles",
  thead: "bg-gray-200 text-gray-700",
  tbody: "divide-y divide-gray-200",
  pagination: {
    container: "flex justify-center mt-4",
    button: "px-2 py-1 border",
    pageInfo: "mx-2",


Dark Mode

  • Automatically respects system preference if enableDarkMode is true.

Loading Skeleton

  • Show a skeleton loader while data is loading.
<TableComponent loading />

Empty State

Pass noContentProps to customize text and icon:

    text: "No data found",
    icon: <MyCustomIcon />,

Advanced Example

"use client";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import "nextjs-reusable-table/dist/index.css";
import { TableComponent } from "nextjs-reusable-table";

interface Project {
  id: number;
  title: string;
  tags: string[];
  deadline: string;
  active: boolean;
  link: string;

const ProjectTable = () => {
  const [page, setPage] = useState(1);
  const data: Project[] = [
      id: 1,
      title: "Website Redesign",
      tags: ["UI/UX", "Frontend"],
      deadline: "2025-03-15T10:30:00Z",
      active: true,
      link: "",

  const formatValue = (value: string, prop: string, item: Project) => {
    if (prop === "active") {
      return ? "Active" : "Archived";
    return value;

  return (
      columns={["ID", "Title", "Tags", "Deadline", "Status", "Link"]}
      props={["id", "title", "tags", "deadline", "active", "link"]}
      sortableProps={["title", "deadline"]}

export default ProjectTable;

Prop Reference

Prop Type Default Description
columns string[] Column headers
data T[] Array of data objects
props ReadonlyArray Object keys to display
actions boolean false Enable action dropdown
actionTexts string[] Labels for dropdown actions
loading boolean false Show loading skeleton
actionFunctions Array Handlers for dropdown items
searchValue string Filter rows by substring
rowOnClick (item: T) => void Callback for row clicks
enablePagination boolean false Enable pagination
page number 1 Current page index
setPage (page: number) => void Page setter callback
itemsPerPage number 10 Rows per page
totalPages number Override total pages
sortableProps Array [] Columns that can be sorted
formatValue (val, prop, item) => React.ReactNode Custom cell formatter
enableDarkMode boolean true Respect system dark mode
disableDefaultStyles boolean false Disable built-in styling
customClassNames object {} Tailwind class overrides
noContentProps object {} Custom empty state


Contributions are welcome! Please see for details on how to get started.


We use Semantic Versioning for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

To bump the version, update the version field in package.json and follow the guidelines in the file.


This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.


  • Inspired by common data table patterns in React and Next.js applications.
  • Thanks to all contributors and users for their support.