- Netmath is a leading online math exerciser, widely used in most Quebec schools. I'm proud to have worked on most parts of the platform.
- CookIt is one of the most recognizable meal kit delivery in Quebec. I had the chance to be the architect of their newest transactional platform.
- JusteDuNeuf was an online repository of all new real estate projects around Montreal that I created. It reached thousands of visitors every month and had some attention in the media (Metro, Nightlife, Infopresse)
- LecteurOPUS started from a personal initiative to develop an iOS app that would let a user to read the content of an OPUS card with the NFC chip of an iPhone.
- Pérusse Cité was a TV series written by François Pérusse for Radio-Canada, and the website was a nominee for the Prix Gémeaux 2012.
- TowerTrip was a blog for whom I developed a Chrome Plugin that would help them to generate article.
- NivMath was my first dip into programing as a project for high school