In Case of the practical Course "OpenStreetMaps" an Application was designed to give your friend a chance to share his remaining arrival time with you. Send your friend a link and you will see his live route.
The communication is secure cause of using the secured MQTT and Websocket protocol. Multiple Algorithms for route calculation can be used.
- Dijkstra
- Bidirectional Dijkstra
For the route calculation a the "Open Street Maps" graphdata in *.pbf format is used. Please download the file (e.g and save the file in the data folder.
- cmake >= 3.9
- protobuf >=3.6.1
- Boost >= 1.68.0
- Zlib >= 1.2.11
- make >=3.81
- gcc >= 7.3.0
- git
- rabbitmq >= 3.7.17
In .scripts there are some example installation scripts. On Ubuntu 18.04 all requirements could be installed by running:
cd .scripts
sudo ./ && \
sudo ./ && \
sudo ./
For building the client some additional requirements are required:
- nodejs >= 12.7.0
- npm >=6.9
For example:
cd .scripts
sudo ./
cd ./client/
npm install
npm run-script build
cd server/libs/osmpbf
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive --remote
cd generics && git submodule init && cd ..
git submodule update --recursive --remote
rm -rf ./build && mkdir -p build
rm -f CMakeCache.txt
cd build && cmake .. # (for mac instead use cmake . -B ./build && cd build)
Maybe done by step before
cd server/libs/Simple-Web-Server
git submodule init
git submodules update --recursive --remote
cd server/src/
- generate certificate files To make the communication work on mobile devices all of the communication must be secured. In the data folder there are some example keys
- (The key for rabbitmq-wss and webserver)
- (the cert for the rabbitmq-wss and webserver)
To generate certificates for development you can use mkcert ( If you want to use the certificate in npm development server. Just generate a new file with (cat > server.pem and use this as certificate in webpack. Start development server with HTTPS=true npm start.
- config rabbitmq Make sure that rabbitmq is not running
sudo rabbitmqctl stop
edit config file in data/docker_rabbitmq.config and enter the correct certificate path. Then copy the config file:
cp ./data/docker_rabbitmq.config /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
- Start and install plugins
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/rabbitmq/sbin
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management rabbitmq_web_mqtt rabbitmq_mqtt
cd server
./main.out --path-to-pbf--
- docker engine >= 19.03
Before you start building the Image, make sure you have copied the correct osm.pbf file into the data folder. Later you will pass the filename to the container environment
docker build --no-cache -t osm .
docker run --name osmfapra -e PBFFILENAME=germany-latest.osm.pbf -p 8080:8080 -p 15672:15672 -p 15673:15673 osm
First generate a sharelink with the button 1.
Share this link (area 3) with your friend. After opening the link, the current position of your friend will be shared with you. In Area 9 you will receive several notifications. For Example connection informations. The remaining time to arrive will be shown in the area 8. In the configuration part 5 you can setup the "Epsilon path Distance" and the "Max Update Distance". Both are smoothing parameters to make the routing more stable.
Parameter | Description |
Epsilon Path Distance | in an area of epsilon in meters the algorithm will choose a node of the current Route. |
Max Update Distance | for distances greater then epsilon in meters no request will be send. |
Two Algorithms are implemented. In Area 6 you can choose which algorithm you want to use. In Area 4 the current calculation time of the Algorithm is shown If you are interested in some statistics of the graph import (e.g area 2) you can use button 6.