A website where users can see locations in a map and how much they cost, and then plan a trip.
We used Flask (python) for back-end and reactJS for front end. We found that it's easier to use a cloud database than a local one, so we chose to use MongoDB.
The is one of the shortest react tutorial out there in the internet. It helps us learn the basic of state vs props, what are components, and the lifecycle of components.
React is a javascript framework so it's great to understand javascript syntax. Another great thing about this video is that it's fairly new (posted in 2020). Javascript loves to deprecate their function, so even videos that were posted in 2018 are sometimes outdated.
We treat this more like a cheatsheet than an actual tutorial. React uses ES6, which is a modified version of javascript. Good to know, but we don't use it as much.
Good for testing out API before you actually write front-end code to manually test it. We didn't know it exists before and found it really difficult to know whether our back-end code was correct.
yarn install
to install frontend dependenciespip3 -r requirements.txt
to install backend dependenciesyarn start
to start a live webpagepython3 src/server/app.py
to run the backend server