Build PDFium on MacOS M3 Max
Step 1: Install XCode
Step 2: Install
git clone
Assuming you cloned depot_tools to /path/to/depot_tools (note: you must use the absolute path or Python will not be able to find infra tools):
$ export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/depot_tools"
gclient config --unmanaged
gclient sync -r origin/chromium/6815 --no-history --shallow
cp patch/ pdfium/
cp patch/build/config/ pdfium/build/config/
mkdir -p pdfium/build/toolchain/wasm/
cp patch/build/toolchain/wasm/ pdfium/build/toolchain/wasm/
cp patch/core/fxge/ pdfium/core/fxge/
cd pdfium && rm -rf out/prod
gn gen out/prod --args='is_debug=false treat_warnings_as_errors=false pdf_use_skia=false pdf_enable_xfa=false pdf_enable_v8=false is_component_build=false clang_use_chrome_plugins=false pdf_is_standalone=true use_debug_fission=false use_custom_libcxx=false use_sysroot=false pdf_is_complete_lib=true pdf_use_partition_alloc=false is_clang=false symbol_level=0'
echo 'target_os="wasm"' >> out/prod/
echo 'target_cpu="wasm"' >> out/prod/
ninja -C out/prod pdfium -v
cd ..
git clone
cd emsdk && ./emsdk install 3.1.70 && ./emsdk activate 3.1.70
source ./
which emcc && emcc --version
cd .. && mkdir -p wasm
cp code/cpp/*.h wasm/ && cp code/cpp/*.cpp wasm/
cp wasm/
cp exported-runtime-methods.txt wasm/exported-runtime-methods.txt
cp exported-functions.txt wasm/exported-functions.txt
chmod +x wasm/
cd wasm
source ../emsdk/ && ./
echo "Size of pdfium.wasm:"
ls -lh pdfium.wasm | awk '{print $5}'
echo "Size of pdfium.js:"
ls -lh pdfium.js | awk '{print $5}'
# Optional
cd .. && mkdir -p dist
cp wasm/pdfium.js dist/pdfium.js
cp wasm/pdfium.wasm dist/pdfium.wasm