Looking for a more detailed explanation of this repository? You might be interested in the YouTube video! 😁
This repository contains a crewAI application for generating LinkedIn posts automatically. The crew consists of three agents:
1️⃣ LinkedIn Scraper Ninja
It uses a Selenium custom tool to scrape my LinkedIn profile. I need to scrape my
posts since I want some examples for the last agent to emulate my writing style. This tool needs some env variables,
defined in an .env
file (you can see an example here).
2️⃣ Web Researcher
It fetches relevant information about a given topic. In my case, I chose the recent release of Llama3 by Meta AI, but you can choose whatever you want (you'll need to modify the Tasks and Agents of course ...)
3️⃣ Influencer Agent
This agent has to deal with the information gathered by the two previous agents and write a high quality and engaging LinkedIn post emulating my writing style.
First of all, install the necessary dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
After all the dependencies are installed, run the main.py
Keep in mind that you need to have all the necessary env variables in your
file for this to work. Also, if you want to change the topic of your LinkedIn post, you'll need to modify the Agents and Tasks.
python3 main.py