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NetworkGym is an open-source based network simulation software framework consisting of four modules: Client, Server, Environment, and Simulator. Gym is referenced to OpenAIβs Gym library β an API standard for reinforcement learning (https://gymnasium.farama.org/).
This repository provides source code for all four modules: Client (network_gym_client
), Server (network_gym_server
), Environment (network_gym_env
), and Simulator (network_gym_sim
network_gym_sim (license: GPLv2): a ns-3.41 (https://www.nsnam.org/) based full-stack multi-access network simulator enhanced with the support of the Generic Multi Access (GMA) protocol (https://github.com/IntelLabs/gma)
network_gym_server (license: Apachev2): application software based on ZMQ socket APIs (https://zeromq.org/socket-api/) to support info exchange between network_gym_client and network_gym_sim
network_gym_client (license: Apachev2): application software to configure network simulation, collect synthetic data and traces, and run algorithms to generate commands and control the simulation
network_gym_env (license: Apachev2): application software to connect network simulator with network_gym_server
- (Optional) Create a new virtual python environment.
python3 -m venv network_venv
source network_venv/bin/activate
- Install Required Libraries.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- (For ns-3 Environment Only) Build the
Install ns-3.41. In the root directory, clone the ns-3.41 and name it as
:git clone -b ns-3.41 https://gitlab.com/nsnam/ns-3-dev.git network_gym_sim
After downloading ns-3, install the dependencies and libraries following the ns-3 prerequisites. Build the ns-3 with the following commands. You can find more information on building ns-3 here.
cd network_gym_sim ./ns3 clean ./ns3 configure --build-profile=optimized --disable-examples --disable-tests ./ns3 build
Copy gma and networkgym module files:
cp ../network_gym_ns3/scratch/unified-network-slicing.cc scratch/ cp ../network_gym_ns3/network_gym_sim.py . cp -r ../network_gym_ns3/contrib/* contrib/
Install the ZeroMQ socket C++ library (required by networkgym module):
apt-get install libczmq-dev
In the
folder, clone the 5G nr module from here, using the 5g-lena-v3.0.y branch:cd contrib git clone -b 5g-lena-v3.0.y https://gitlab.com/cttc-lena/nr
Add C++ Json library. Replace the
with the json.hpp:cd networkgym/model/ rm json.hpp wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nlohmann/json/develop/single_include/nlohmann/json.hpp
Finally, we need to fix a few bugs in the ns-3. The lte module hard coded the IP addresses for the backhaul links. This two files allows we to customize the IP addresses for the backhaul links.
cd ../../../../ cp network_gym_sim/contrib/modified/no-backhaul-epc-helper.cc network_gym_sim/src/lte/helper/no-backhaul-epc-helper.cc cp network_gym_sim/contrib/modified/point-to-point-epc-helper.cc network_gym_sim/src/lte/helper/point-to-point-epc-helper.cc
Try to build ns-3 once again to see if there is any errors:
cd network_gym_sim ./ns3 build
(Optional) With the previous steps, the code should be running without any issue. However, we also identified a few more issues related to TCP or BBR and proposed fixes in the modified files located in
folder. You can also replace the original files with them if needed. Again, this is not required.
First, open 3 terminals (or 3 screen sessions), one per component. Make sure all terminals have activated the virtual environment created in the previous step.
In the first terminal type following command to start the server:
python3 start_server.py
The expected output is as following:
Max instances per client:
{'test': 1, 'admin': 100}
β Worker β Status β Time since Last Seen (seconds) β Environment β
In the second terminal type following command to start the ns-3 based environment:
python3 start_env_ns3.py
The expected output from the first (server) terminal should be updated as following:
β Worker β Status β Time since Last Seen (seconds) β Environment β
β admin-0-*** β idle β 13.100512027740479 β ['nqos_split'] β
In the third terminal, type the following command to start the client:
python3 start_client.py
A progress bar should be displayed at the third (client) terminal:
system_default agent is interacting with NetworkGym's nqos_split env.
β ΄ Progress ββΈββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ 5% 0:04:41 env time: 4600/101100 ms
First, open 3 terminals (or 3 screen sessions), one per component. Make sure all terminals have activated the virtual environment created in the previous step.
In the first terminal type following command to start the server:
python3 start_server.py
In the second terminal type following command to start a custom environment:
python3 start_custom_env.py
The expected output from the first (server) terminal should be updated as following:
β Worker β Status β Time since Last Seen (seconds) β Environment β
β admin-0-*** β idle β 13.100512027740479 β ['admin-custom'] β
Change the environment variable in start_client.py: env_name = "custom"
. In the third terminal, type the following command to start the client:
python3 start_client.py
A progress bar should be displayed at the third (client) terminal:
system_default agent is interacting with NetworkGym's custom env.
β ΄ Progress ββΈββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ 5% 0:04:41 env time: 4600/101100 ms
Once youβve successfully established a connection between your client and the custom environment, youβre ready to substitute the network_gym_env/dummy_sim.py with your proprietary simulator or testbed.
NetworkGym Client includes two configuration files, a common configure file and environement dependent configure file.
- Update the common configuration parameters in common_config.json:
"connect_via_server_ip_and_server_port": false, //set to ture to use the server_ip and server_port to connect to a Intel cloud server (this method requires Intel VPN);
"server_ip": "gmasim-v01.jf.intel.com", //do not change (for internal users only).
"server_port": 8092, //set to 8088 to access stable version or 8092 to access dev version.
"local_fowarded_port": 8092, // the local port that used to forward to the external server.
"enable_wandb": false, // sending data to wandb database.
"enable_terminal_redering": true, // render the network in the terminal.
"session_name": "admin",//This is for connecting to Intel Cloud server. Make sure to change the "session_name" to your assigned session name. Cannot use '-' in the name! Test account is for testing only (shared by every one). Contact us to apply for an account.
"session_key": "admin",//This is for connecting to Intel Cloud server. Make sure to change the "session_key" to your assigned keys.
- Update the environment dependent configuration file, e.g., network_gym_client/envs/nqos_split/config.json.
- View configuration suggestions for arguments at NetworkGym Docs Website.
π¦ NetworkGym
β£ π start_client_demo.py
β π network_gym_client
β£ π adapter.py (β‘οΈ WanDB)
β£ π common_config.json
β£ π env.py
β£ π northbound_interface.py (β‘οΈ network_gym_server and network_gym_env)
β π envs
β π [ENV_NAME]
β£ π adapter.py
β π config.json
- Excuting the π start_client_demo.py file will start a new simulation. To change the environment, modify the
parameter. The π common_config.json is used in all environments. Depends on the selected environments, the π config.json and π adapter.py in the [ENV_NAME] folder will be loaded. The π adapter.py helps preparing observations, rewards and actions for the selected environment. - The π start_client_demo.py create a NetworkGym environment, which remotely connects to the ns-3 based NetworkGym Simualtor (hosted in vLab machine) using the π northbound_interface. π start_client_demo.py also uses random samples from the action space to interact with the NetworkGym environment. The results are synced to β‘οΈ WanDB database. We provide the following code snippet from the π start_client_demo.py as an example:
#Copyright(C) 2023 Intel Corporation
#SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#File : start_client_demo.py
from network_gym_client import load_config_file
from network_gym_client import Env as NetworkGymEnv
client_id = 0
env_name = "nqos_split"
config_json = load_config_file(env_name)
config_json["rl_config"]["agent"] = "random"
# Create the environment
env = NetworkGymEnv(client_id, config_json) # make a network env using pass client id and configure file arguements.
num_steps = 1000
obs, info = env.reset()
for step in range(num_steps):
action = env.action_space.sample() # agent policy that uses the observation and info
obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
# If the environment is end, exit
if terminated:
# If the epsiode is up (environment still running), then start another one
if truncated:
obs, info = env.reset()
Please use the following to reference "NetworkGym" in your paper if it is used to generate data for the paper:
Menglei Zhang and Jing Zhu, "NetworkGym: Democratizing Network AI via Simulation-as-a-Service", https://github.com/IntelLabs/networkgym