Pitest (aka PIT) is a state of the art mutation testing system for Java and the JVM.
Read all about it at http://pitest.org
- Upgrade to ASM 5.0.2
- Fix for #114 - fails to run for java 8 when -parameters flag is set
- #99 Support additionalClasspathElements property in maven plugin (thanks artspb)
- #98 Do not mutate java 7 try with resources (thanks @artspb)
- #109 extended remove conditional mutator (thanks @vrthra)
- Move to Github
- Upgrade of ASM to support Java 8 bytecode (thanks to "iirekm")
- Partial support for JUnit categories (thanks to "chrisr")
- New Remove Increments Mutator (thanks to Rahul Gopinath)
- Minor logging improvements (thanks to Kyle Rogers aka Stephan Penndorf)
- Fix for #92 - broken maven 2 support
- Fix for #75 - incorrectly ignored tests in classes with both @Ignore and @BeforeClass / @AfterClass
- restores java 7 compatibility
- new remove conditionals mutator
- support for mutating static initializers with TestNG
- properly isolate classpaths when running via Ant
- break builds on coverage threshold
- allow JVM to be specified
- support user defined test selection strategies
- support user defined output format
- support user defined test prioritisation
- fix for issue blocking usage with Robolectric
Note, setup for Ant based projects changes in this release. See ant setup for details on usage.
- Maven 2 compatibility restored
- Much faster line coverage calculation
- Fix for #78 - Error when PowerMockito test stores mock as member
This release also changes a number of internal implementation details, some of which may be of interest/importance to those maintaining tools that integrate with PIT.
Mutations are now scoped internally as described in https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pitusers/E0-3QZuMYjE
A new class (org.pitest.mutationtest.tooling.EntryPoint) has been introduced that removes some of the duplication that existed in the various ways of launching mutation analysis.
- Support for parametrized Spock tests
- Support for JUnitParams tests
- Fix for #73 - JUnit parameterised tests calling mutee during setup failing during mutation phase
- Fix to #63 - ant task fails when empty options supplied
- Ability to override maven options from command line
- Ability to fail a build if it does not achieve a given mutation score
- Performance improvement when tests use @BeforeClass or @AfterClass annotations
- Slightly improved scheduling over multiple threads
- Improved maven multi project support
- Integration with source control for maven users
- Incremental analysis (--historyInputLocation and --historyOutputLocation)
- Inlined code detection turned on by default
- Quieter loggging by default
- Improved Java 7 support
- Upgrade of ASM from 3.3 to 4
- Fix for concurrency issues during coverage collection
- Fix for #53 - problems with snapshot junit versions
- Fix for #59 - duplicate dependencies set via maven
- Inlined finally block detection (--detectInlinedCode)
- New experimental switch statement mutator (contributed by Chris Rimmer)
- Do not mutate Groovy classes
- Fix for #33 - set user.dir to match surefire
- Fix for #43 - optionally suppress timestamped folders (--timestampedReports=true/false)
- Fix for #44 - concurrent modification exception when gathering coverage
- Fix for #46 - incorrect setting of flags by ant task
- Smaller memory footprint for main process
- Faster coverage gathering for large codebases
- Faster classpath scanning for large codebases
- Support for JUnit 3 suite methods
- Fixes for incorrect detection of JUnit 3 tests
Known issue - Fix for #33 may not resolve issue for maven 2 users.
Detection of Groovy code has not yet been tested with Groovy 2 which may generate substantially different byte code to earlier versions.
- Much prettier reports
- Now avoids mutating assert statements
- Removed inScopeClasses option - use targetClasses and targetTests instead
- Fix for 100% CPU usage when child JVM crashes
- Fix for #35 #38 - experimental member variable mutator now corrects stack
- Fix for #39 - order of classpath elements now maintained when running from maven
Upgrading users may need to modify their build due to removal of the inScopeClasses parameter
- Ant support
- New experimental mutator for member variables
- Fix for #12 #27 - no longer hangs when code under test launches non daemon threads
- Fix for #26 - now warns when no test library found on classpath
- Fix for #30 - now errors if mutated classes have no line or source debug
- Fix for #32 - now correctly handles of JUnit assumptions
Known issue - The new member variable mutator may cause errors in synchronized errors. The mutator is however disabled by default, and the generated errors are correctly handled by PIT.
- TestNG support (experimental)
- Fix for issue where mutations in nested classes not isolated from each other
- Fix for broken classpath isolation for projects using xstream
- Improved handling of JUnit parametrized tests
- Ability to limit mutations to specific classpath roots (--mutableCodePaths)
- Ability to add non launch classpath roots (--classPath) (experimental)
- Read configuration values from XML (experimental)
- Option to not throw error when no mutations found
- Consistent ordering of classes in HTML report
- Statistics written to console
- Classes no longer loaded during initial classpath scanning
- New syntax to easily enable all mutation operations
- JMockit support
- Option to output results in XML or CSV
- Fix for #11
- Improved INLINE_CONSTS mutator
- Fix for issue 7 - source files not located
- Upgrade of Xstream to 1.4.1 to enable OpenJDK 7 support
- Fix for #5 - corruption of newline character in child processes
- Ability to set child process launch arguments
- Significant performance improvements
- Support for powermock via both classloader (requires PowerMockIgnore annotation) and java agent
- Minor error reporting and usability improvements
- Fix for major defect around dependency analysis
- PIT dependencies no longer placed on classpath when running via maven
- Support for excluding certain classes or tests
- Support for verbose logging
- Limit number of mutations per class
- Upgrade xstream to 1.3.1
- Make available from maven central
- Built in enum methods now excluded from mutation
- Fixed bug around reporting of untested classes
- Support for excluding tests greater than a certain distance from class
- Support for excluding methods from mutation analysis
- Performance improvements
- Removed support for launching mutation reports from JUnit runner
- First public release