CALVIS: Chest, wAist and peLVIS circumference from 3D human Body meshes for Deep Learning, RFMI 2019
Yansel Gonzalez Tejeda and Helmut A. Mayer
- 1. Download CALVIS dataset
- 2. or Create your own synthetic data
- 3. Training models
- 4. Storage info
- Citation
- License
- Acknowledgements
You can check Storage info for how much disk space they require and can do partial download. Download from our cloud (see bellow). College researchers have asked for an 8-meshes package and a small dataset with 100 intances, we also provide those.
Dataset | Download Link | sha256sum | Password |
CALVIS (full) | CALVIS.tar.gz | ab5d48c57677a7654c073e3148fc545cb335320961685886ed8ea8fef870b15e | calvisdataset |
Cavis, only 8 human meshes | cavis-8-human-meshes.tar.gz | 8c457ad064829c439b977ebc2e6487e3e5fbb09203d78efd226ab0793081aafd | calvis-8-hm |
Calvis, small dataset with 100 instances | calvis-100-instances.tar.gz | 2812ea4cba4e521fa0dac96d7a2b2ef063e1099d8a7db09bab4ea285746ad417 | calvis-100-i |
The general structure of the folders is as follows:
--------------- cmu/ # using MoCap from CMU dataset
--------------------- annotations/ # json annotations with calvis
---------------------------------- female/
---------------------------------- male/
--------------------- human_body_meshes/ # generated meshes
---------------------------------------- female/
---------------------------------------- male/
--------------------- synthetic_images/ # synthetic greyscale images (200x200x1)
---------------------------------------- 200x200/
------------------------------------------------ female/
------------------------------------------------ male/
Please consider that in all cases, we install dependencies into a conda environment. The code was tested under ubuntu 16.04 with python 3.7.
You need to download SMPL data from and in order to run the synthetic data generation code. Once you agree on SMPL license terms and have access to downloads, you will have the following three files:
Place these three files under datageneration/smpl_data
--------- smpl_data.npz # 2.5GB
# trans* [T x 3] - (T: number of frames in MoCap sequence)
# pose* [T x 72] - SMPL pose parameters (T: number of frames in MoCap sequence)
# maleshapes [1700 x 10] - SMPL shape parameters for 1700 male scans
# femaleshapes [2103 x 10] - SMPL shape parameters for 2103 female scans
# regression_verts [232]
# joint_regressor [24 x 232]
You need to install Human Body Models. Please, consider installing all dependencies in a conda environment.
git clone
cd hbm
pip install .
Building Blender is a painful process. That is why we recommend to download and install the version that we used. The provided code was tested with Blender2.78.
Just open the Scripting view and load (or copy and paste) the script
Change the path correspondingly at cmu_dataset_path = os.path.abspath("/home/youruser/YourCode/calvis/CALVIS/dataset/cmu/")
and run the script.
The process takes several minutes.
You need to install these two libraries:
conda install -c conda-forge vtkplotter
pip install trimesh
Run the script
The process takes several hours.
To visualize at which points calvis is calculating the body measurements, follow the code in
or directly display it with jupyter notebook display_one_by_one_8_subjects_calvis_with_vtkplotter_and_trimesh.ipynb
Note: To display the meshes in the browser, we use k3d backend. Install it with
conda install -c conda-forge k3d
At this point you should have the input (synthetic images) and the supervision signal (calvis annotations). Here, we provide code to train and evaluate CalvisNet on the synthetic data to predict given the input chest, waist and pelvis circumference.
- Install pytorch with CUDA support.
- Download CALVIS
- Install scikit-learn, SciPy and its image processing routines
conda install scikit-learn
conda install -c anaconda scipy
conda install -c anaconda scikit-image
Tested on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) with cuda 10.2 on a GeForce GTX 1060 6GB graphic card
To train and evaluate calvis, follow the code in
You might want to do a partial download depending on your needs.
Dataset | 8 Meshes | 3803 Meshes | 3803 (200x200x1) Synthetic images | Annotations | Total |
CALVIS | 3.3MB | 1.5GB | 16MB | 1.8MB | 1.6GB |
If you use this code, please cite the following:
title={CALVIS: chest, waist and pelvis circumference from 3D human body
meshes as ground truth for deep learning},
author={Gonzalez Tejeda, Yansel and Mayer, Helmut A.},
note={14 pages, 6 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the VIII
International Workshop on Representation, analysis and recognition of shape
and motion FroM Imaging data (RFMI 2019), 11-13 December 2019, Sidi Bou
Said, Tunisia},
Please check the license terms before downloading and/or using the code, the models and the data.
The SMPL team for providing us with the learned human body templates and the SMPL code.
The data generation code and this repo structure is heavely inspired by Gül Varol's SURREAL repo.
The vtkplotter team (specially Marco Musy) and the trimesh team for the great visualization and intersection libraries.