This is a project for my school's Computer Science project assessment, and is currently mostly finished. It is a small password manager with a CLI and web interface.
$ pnpm install
$ pnpx tailwindcss -i ./src/web/index.css -o ./dist/index.css
$ cargo run
The web interface has a rather strange architecture, which was stolen from
Tsoding's seroost (I'm using the same
http library and the server's event loop calls similarly named functions). I've
implemented a sort-of hot-reloading on top of tiny-http
, where if we are in
debug-mode, any static files index.html
, etc, are read from file every time
they are requested, but if we are in release-mode, then they are
ed into the final binary. This approach was also stolen from Tsoding,
but was stolen from his musializer
project where he implemented hot-reloading for C.
- TUI?
- Improved CLI deletion
- Saving the website URL
- Use URL query parameters instead of passing the query in the body of the GET request
- Web
- Web interface
- Query logins
- Remove logins
- Add logins
- Initialise a database via the API
- Add logins via the API
- Query logins via the API
- Remove logins via the API
- Remove a single login
- Remove multiple logins
- Web interface