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# ObjectValidation (BETA)

This library contains some object validation helper:

- `(Try)ValidateObject` extension for validating any object type
- `NoValidationAttribute` for excluding types or properties from validation
- `ObjectValidationException` for handling validation errors
- Validation events
- `CountLimitAttribute` for limiting dictionary, list, array, collection and
enumerable lengths
- `ValidatableObject` for implementing automatic validated types
- Deep dictionary and list key/value validation
- `ICountable` and `ILongCountable` interfaces for count limitation
- `ItemNullableAttribute` for (non-)nullable dictionary or list item validation
- SWIFT validation attributes for ISO 13616 IBAN and ISO 9362 BIC (SWIFT codes)
- IP address validation attribute for IPv4 and IPv6
- Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code validation
- Currency ISO 4217 code validation
- Money amount validation
- Luhn checksum validation
- XRechnung routing validation
- European VAT ID validation
- XML validation

It has been developed with the goal to offer an automatted deep object
validation with support for deep dictionaries and lists contents, too.

All public instance properties with a public getter method will be validated,
unless there's a `NoValidationAttribute` present. You can use any
`ValidationAttribute` to define property value constraints.

Also the `IValidatableObject` interface is supported by using the
`Validator.TryValidateObject` method with the `validateAllProperties`
parameter having the value `true` (the `IValidationObject` validation method
will be called in a second round). Using this interface you can implement some
more advanced custom validations, if required.

**NOTE**: The ObjectValidation doesn't replace the classic built in .NET
object validation - it extends the existing routines with deep validation and
more. Btw. you don't need to use the ObjectValidation methods, if you only
want to profit from the included general validation attributes for SWIFT etc.

## Additional validations

- Nullable types (`null` values in non-nullable properties will fail)
- Dictionary list and enumerable count limit using `CountLimitAttribute`
- Validations by event handlers
- Dictionary and list key/value validation (including validating (non-)null
items using `ItemNullableAttribute`)
- ISO 13616 IBAN and ISO 9362 BIC (SWIFT code) validation using
`IbanAttribute` and `BicAttribute`
- IP address validation using `IpAttribute`
- Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code validation using `CountryAttribute`
- Currency ISO 4217 code validation using `CurrencyAttribute`
- Money amount validation using `AmountAttribute`
- Luhn checksum validation using `LuhnChecksumAttribute`
- XRechnung routing validation using `XRechnungRouteAttribute`
- European VAT ID validation using `EuVatIdAttribute`
- XML validation using `XmlAttribute`

## Deep object validation

Nested property object value validation is supported for:

- Dictionaries
- Lists
- Arrays
- Collections
- Enumerables
- Any non-value types

## Length/count validation

The length/count of dictionaries, lists, arrays and enumerables can be
validated using the `CountLimitAttribute` (which may not work for enumerables,
if not used trough ObjectValidation methods!).

### Limiting countables

By implementing the `ICountable` or `ILongCountable` interfaces you can use
the `CountLimitAttribute` for limiting the minimum/maximum count of an object.

## `null` values

The object validation will generate an error, if a non-null property has a
`null` value (or any non-null-expected value is `null`).

public string StringProperty { get; set; } = null!// This will generate an error

If a non-null property was initialized with `null`, and the code forgot to set
another value, the ObjectValidation will create an error for this property.

Another feature is the validation of (non-)null dictionary or list items:

public List<string?> NullableList { get; set; } = new() { null };// Ok
public List<string> NonNullList { get; set; } = new() { null };// Ok
public List<string?> NullableList2 { get; set; } = new() { null };// This will generate an error
public List<string> NonNullList2 { get; set; } = new() { null! };// This will generate an error

Using the `ItemNullableAttribute` you can define, if the dictionary value or
the list item may be `null`.

## General examples

// Only determine if valid/invalid
// Object invalid

// Get validation messages in a new list
if(!anyObject2.TryValidateObject(out List<ValidationResult> results))
// Object invalid

// Get validation messages in an existing list
// Object invalid

// Check for exceptions during validation
Console.WriteLine(results.First(r => r.ErrorMessage?.StartsWith(ValidationExtensions.VALIDATION_EXCEPTION_PREFIX)).ErrorMessage);

// Fluent syntax without the "Try" method name prefix (will throw a ObjectValidationException on error)
return anyObject4.ValidateObject();

**NOTE**: Any `ValidationResult` will let the validation fail in total!

In case you want to forward error messages to a peer, you may want to exclude
exceptions and their stack trace. You can use the `HasValidationException`
method and a LINQ expression like the one from the example to filter out any
exception in the results.

`ValidatableObject` types may be validated automatic (depending on the app
context), because they implement the `IValidatableObject` interface. The
`ValidatableObject` executes the ObjectValidation method internal. For using
the `ValidatableObject` base class, simply extend from it, and call the base
constructor from your constructor methods.

**TIP**: You should use the `ValidatableObject` base type, if possible! By
only implementing the `IValidatableObject` interface your type may be
validated automatic, but not by the ObjectValidation library!

## Dictionary and list key/value validation

By implementing the `IItemValidationAttribute` interface, you can define
validation attributes that are going to be applied on each key/value of a
dictionary or a list. There's an almost generic `ItemValidationAttribute`
which allows to construct with any `ValidationAttribute`. For the .NET built
in validation attributes (most of them) there are adapting attributes, which
start with `Item` and continue with the original attribute name. By setting a
`target` in the `ItemValidationAttribute` constructor, you can define, if a
validation should only be applied to a dictionary key. Examples:

[CountLimit(1, 10)]// Dictionary object validation
[ItemRequired(ItemValidationTarget.Key), ItemStringLength(100, ItemValidationTarget.Key)]// Key validation
[ItemRequired, ItemStringLength(255)]// Value validation
public Dictionary<string, string> Dict { get; }

[CountLimit(1, 10)]// List object validation
[ItemRequired, ItemStringLength(255]// Item validation
public List<string> List { get; }

The dictionary needs to have at last one, maximum 10 key/value pairs, where
the key length needs to be between 1-100 characters, and the value length
needs to be 1-255 characters.

The list needs to have at last one, maximum 10 items, where each item length
is limited to 1-255 characters.

Using the `ItemNoValidationAttribute` you can disable key/value validation for
a property. In case of an enumerable value, the enumeration needs to be
executed in case there's a `CountLimitAttribute` present.

These item validation adapters exist:

- `ValidationAttribute` -> `ItemValidationAttribute`
- `CountLimitAttribute` -> `ItemCountLimitAttribute`
- `RequiredAttribute` -> `ItemRequiredAttribute`
- `CompareAttribute` -> `ItemCompareAttribute`
- `CreditCardAttribute` -> `ItemCreditCardAttribute`
- `EmailAddressAttribute` -> `ItemEmailAddressAttribute`
- `MaxLengthAttribute` -> `ItemMaxLengthAttribute`
- `MinLengthAttribute` -> `ItemMinLengthAttribute`
- `NoValidationAttribute` -> `ItemNoValidationAttribute`
- `PhoneAttribute` -> `ItemPhoneAttribute`
- `RangeAttribute` -> `ItemRangeAttribute`
- `RegularExpressionAttribute` -> `ItemRegularExpressionAttribute`
- `StringLengthAttribute` -> `ItemStringLengthAttribute`
- `UrlAttribute` -> `ItemUrlAttribute`
- `IbanAttribute` -> `ItemIbanAttribute`
- `BicAttribute` -> `ItemBicAttribute`
- `IpAttribute` -> `ItemIpAttribute`
- `CountryAttribute` -> `ItemCountryAttribute`
- `CurrencyAttribute` -> `ItemCurrencyAttribute`
- `AmountAttribute` -> `ItemAmountAttribute`
- `LuhnChecksumAttribute` -> `ItemLuhnChecksumAttribute`
- `XRechnungRouteAttribute` -> `ItemXRechnungRouteAttribute`
- `EuVatIdAttribute` -> `ItemEuVatIdAttribute`

You can use the `ItemNoValidationAttribute` at the class level to prevent from
validating and dictionary or list contents.

**NOTE**: By setting the `ArrayLevel` (starts with zero) of an
`ItemValidationAttribute`, you can specify to use the item for the desired
array level only. This enables array of array etc. item validations. Entering
a deeper array level counts as recursion. The array level can be set for
dictionary keys, too, if they're a dictionary or a list.

Use the `ItemNullableAttribute`, if the dictionary value or list item may be
`null` (even if you wrote `T?` in your code, because the nullability
information my not be available during validation!).

## Force to fail with an exception

If you set the parameter `throwOnError` value to `true`, the validation will
throw a `ObjectValidationException`, as soon as an object was invalidated.

## Validation of a property group

By giving a list of member names to validate as `members` parameter, you can
avoid validating all properties which could be validated (f.e. you could
validate only a property group).

## Handling validation events

- `OnObjectValidation`: You can perform validations before any other
validations have been executed. When the event was cancelled, there won't be
any following validation, and the produced result will be used.
- `OnObjectValidationFailed`: Raised, if the object validation failed. You may
add additional error messages, before the validation method returns.
- `OnObjectPropertyValidation`: You can perform validations before any other
validations have been executed for the property. When the event was cancelled,
there won't be any following validation, and the produced result will be used
for the current property. The validation will then continue with the next
- `OnObjectPropertyValidationFailed`: Raised, if the object validation failed.
You may add additional error messages, before the validation method continues
with the next property. When the event was cancelled, the following property
validations will be skipped.

If the event arguments don't offer a `PropertyInfo` in the `Property`
property, the event was raised for the validated object.

An event handler can set a failed state by setting the `Result` property of
the event arguments to `false`.

**WARNING**: Do not set the value `true` to the `Result` property! An already
failed state can't be deleted, unless the original result `OriginalResult` was

The object validation will fail, if there was any validation result, or the
overall result is `false`.

## Found a bug?

If the object validation doesn't work for you as expected, please open an
issue - I'd be glad to help and make ObjectValidation become even better! Push
requests are welcome :)

## Good to know

### Recursion protection

The object validation implements a recursion detection and won't end up in an
endless loop, unless you produce an endless loop within your custom
`IValidatableObject` validation implementation or the event handling.

You can define a maximum recursion depth in the
`ValidationExtensions.MaxDepth` property (the default is 32). If the depth
would be exceeded during an object validation, this would result in a
`ObjectValidationException`, which would be catched as a validation error
result, when not setting `throwOnError` to `true`.

**WARNING**: If you disable the maximum recursion depth validation, this may
end up in a `StackOverflowException`, which will crash your application.

### Maximum number of error messages

You can limit the maximum number of returned error messages in the
`ValidationExtensions.MaxErrors` property (the default is 200). The object
validation would stop, once it was detected that the number of errors exceeds
this limit. Your validation result list will never contain more error messages
than defined in this limit.

**WARNING**: Disabling the maximum number of error messages may end up in huge
object lists, which could lead to memory usage problems and finally a crash of
your application!


ASP.NET (7) automatic validates `IValidatableObject` objects when
unserializing for an API controller call. The ObjectValidation library will be
used automatic, if you've used the `ValidatableObject` base class for your
types, which you want to be validated automatic. Simply use it as base class
for your DTO objects, and you don't need to care about validation anymore.

You should also understand the difference between `NoValidateAttribute` and
`NeverValidateAttribute`: `NoValidateAttribute` affects the ObjectValidation
validation, while `NeverValidateAttribute` affects all validations. So you can
use the `NoValidateAttribute` to skip double validation by the
ObjectValidation methods, if required.

### Nullability

The nullability of properties can be determined using reflections, even if one
returns a generic type. But if f.e. the return type is a
`YourType : Dictionary<string, string?>`, the object validation isn't able to
determine the nullability of the second generic type argument of the base
type, because the nullability information will be discarded during your code
compilation. For the dictionary item validation please specify the
`ItemNullableAttribute` in that case. The same is valid for deep array

### More validations

Have a look at the
project for more validations like

- Social Security Numbers
- Personal Identity Numbers
- More VAT IDs
- Tax IDs for individuals
- Tax IDs for companies
- ZIP codes

for many countries.

The `ObjectValidation.CountryValidator` packet includes references to this
packet, and exports item validation attributes:

- `ItemCompanyTINAttribute`
- `ItemPersonTINAttribute`
- `ItemSSNAttribute`
- `ItemVATAttribute`
- `ItemZipCodeAttribute`

**NOTE**: The main ObjectValidation library includes validation for European
VAT IDs only. By using this packet, you can use VAT ID validation for many
countries around the world.

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