Repo for manual registration of paper sykmelding, receives paper sykmelding and in turns them into digital sykmeldings
- Kotlin
- Ktor
- Gradle
- Junit
- Jackson
- JDK 21
- Docker
This the high level flow for the application
graph LR;
syk-dig ---> smregistrering-backend;
smregistrering-backend -- check caseworker access --- istilgangskontroll;
smregistrering-backend -- create,get,complete oppgave --- oppgave;
smregistrering-backend -- verify token --- azure-AD;
smregistrering-backend --- id1[(Database)];
To build locally and run the integration tests you can simply run
./gradlew shadowJar
or on windows
gradlew.bat shadowJar
Creating a docker image should be as simple as
docker build -t smregistrering-backend .
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 smregistrering-backend
For information on connecting to dev og prod database see: Postgres GCP
Find the newest version of gradle here: Then run this command:
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version $gradleVersjon
This project is maintained by navikt/teamsykmelding
Questions and/or feature requests? Please create an issue
If you work in @navikt you can reach us at the Slack channel #team-sykmelding