The Open Gnss Receiver Protocol
Previous attempts to define an exchange protocol for GNSS related data have been proposed only by manufacturers for their own products with proprietary wire protocols or for limited applications, e.g. RTCM, RINEX, NMEA.
OGRP (Open GNSS Receiver Protocol) tries to be a protocol for many different causes in the domain of GNSS may it be output of raw measurements from receivers over a physical wire connection but also supporting RPC (remote procedure call) like JSON-RPC.
OGRP is a protocol based on JSON ([RFC4627]).
For the use in RPC, zerorpc ( is recommended as a transport mechanism. Other mechanisms may be used for non-RPC, e.g. plain TCP socket, a file, a serial line with a wrapping wire protocol all using NDJ. Files containing OGRP should have the filename extension .ogrp.
OGRP is meant to be extendable and future-proof rather than optimized regarding performance for a specific case. Many messages are not defined but it should be easy to define one on your own fitting into the common scheme. OGRP should also support complete wrapping of other message protocols in itself, e.g. any message used in proprietary protocols should be expressable by OGRP or embeddable in OGRP messages.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
The underlying format used for OGRP is JSON. Consequently, terms and types are to be interpreted as described in section 1 of [RFC4627].
The OGRP protocol definition uses the ABNF syntax ( where appropriate but mixes with examples in JSON syntax.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Reasoning: Licenses for Protocols
Maturity indicator: Is this an experimental, draft, stable, legacy, or retired specification?
A: OGRP is considered in experimental state.
Consider the following:
Use formal grammar: prevents arguments due to different interpretations of the text.
Use technical explanation: semantics of each message, error handling, and so on.
Add references: to other documents, protocols, and so on.
Use list-of-structs instead of struct-of-lists.
Use explicit and unambiguous key names.
Use lower-case, underscore separated key names.
An OGRP message is composed of one JSON object. Two mandatory fields exist
msg = {
"protocol": protocol,
"id": id,
protocol = "OGRP1"
id = string ; lower-case, underscore separated id, e.g. "measurement", ...
The additional content in the message is dependant on the message id. Optional fields are allowed and must be ignored by parsers if unknown (according to JSON).
A message of id 'measurement' for raw measurements of a GNSS receiver, e.g. including pseudorange and carrier phase measurements for multiple satellites on different channels, can look like this:
measurement = {
"protocol": protocol,
"id": "measurement",
"sw_version": int / hex,
"timestamp": float / string, ; (see Representing time and date)
"time_status": time_status,
"channel_measurement": [*channel_measurement]
time_status = string, ; "FREE_RUNNING" / "COARSE" / "GPS_SYNCED" / ...
channel_measurement = {
"gnss": string, ; "GPS" / "GALILEO" / "GLONASS" / "SBAS" / ...
"satellite_id": int, ; starting at 1
"signal_type": string, ; "L1CA" / "L5I" / "E5aI" / ...
"channel_state": channel_state,
"doppler": float, ; (Hz)
"carrier_phase": float, ; (cycles)
"signal_to_noise_ratio": float, ; (dB)
"locktime": float, ; (seconds)
"pseudorange": float, ; (meters)
"code_phase": float, ; (chips)
"channel_number": int ; starting at 0
channel_state = string, ; "IDLE" / "SEARCHING" / "PULL_IN" / "LOCKED" / "SYNCED"
Names of keys should be explicit and unambiguous.
If desired, abbreviations can be used but should be properly defined. Both variants of a key, abbreviated and non-abbreviated should be supported.
Here is the list of currently defined abbreviations:
full name | abbreviation |
channel_measurement | ch_meas |
channel_number | ch_nr |
pseudorange | psr |
satellite_id | sat_id |
signal_to_noise_ratio | snr |
Fields called 'timestamp' can hold times specified in UNIX time or ISO 8601. So if the JSON type is float it's a UNIX time referred to UTC. If the JSON type is string, it must conform to ISO 8601.
GPS or Galileo time is only valid for fields called 'gps_time' or 'galileo_time'.
Applications using OGRP for input or output should define the supported messages as JSON Schema. An example for a PVT application's minimum input data could be:
"id": "",
"$schema": "",
"description": "Minimum schema for a PVT application",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"protocol": { "type": "string" },
"id": { "type": "string" },
"timestamp": { "$ref": "" },
"channel_measurements": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"satellite_id": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 1
"pseudorange": {
"type": "number"
"satellites": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"satellite_id": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 1
"position": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"x": { "type": "number" },
"y": { "type": "number" },
"z": { "type": "number" }
See JSON considerations on this topic in [RFC4627].
No further security mechanisms are designed into OGRP.
- [RFC2119] [RFC2119]: "RFC2119"
- [RFC4627] [RFC4627]: "RFC4627"