The primary purpose of this android application to optimize the size, cost and eventually the frequency of public vehicles plying through a set of predefined stops on a particular route. Thus the unwanted wastage of fuel, money etc. can be taken care of, with the help of this app.
This is a whole integrated architecture with both backend and frontend code. It use Pubnub API to interact with Frontend and backend. The backend use Maven build system and frontend use gradle build system. To build backend use mvn clean install from command line. To build frontend import android_code_all in android studio.
To run the application copy the build apk to your android phone and install it or you may use the already build apk from all_apk before that you need to run the start_registration_subscriber and start_booking_subscriber bat files to make the app functional.
For the detailed installation steps follow the smartrideinstallation.docx and for better understanding of functionallity follow this link