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A text/template based package which triggers actions from rules defined in an xml file.

Coverage Status


  • Builtin functions for writing simple rule expressions.
  • Supports injecting custom functions.
  • Can namespace a set of rules for custom types.
  • Allows setting priority of a rule.

This pacakge is used for firing business actions based on a textual decision tree. It uses the powerful control structures in text/template and xml parsing from encoding/xml to build the tree from a roulette xml file.


$ go get



From examples/rules.xml

    <!--filterTypes="T1,T2,T3..."(required) allow one or all of the types for the rules group. * pointer filterting is not done .-->
    <!--filterStrict=true or false. rules group executed only when all types are present -->
    <!--prioritiesCount= "1" or "2" or "3"..."all". if 1 then execution stops after "n" top priority rules are executed. "all" executes all the rules.-->
    <!--dataKey="string" (required) root key from which user data can be accessed. -->
    <!--resultKey="string" key from which result.put function can be accessed. default value is "result".-->
    <!--workflow: "string" to group rulesets to the same workflow.-->

    <ruleset name="personRules" dataKey="MyData" resultKey="result" filterTypes="types.Person,types.Company" 
        filterStrict="false" prioritiesCount="all"  workflow="promotioncycle">

        <rule name="personFilter1" priority="3">
                <r>with .MyData</r>
                       le .types.Person.Vacations 5 |
                       and (gt .types.Person.Experience 6) (in .types.Person.Age 15 30) |
                       eq .types.Person.Position "SSE" |
                       .types.Person.SetAge 25

        <rule name="personFilter2" priority="2">
                <r>with .MyData</r>
                       le .types.Person.Vacations 5 |
                       and (gt .types.Person.Experience 6) (in .types.Person.Age 15 30) |
                       eq .types.Person.Position "SSE"  |
                       .result.Put .types.Person

        <rule name="personFilter3" priority="1">
            <r>with .MyData</r>
                    le .types.Person.Vacations 5 |
                    and (gt .types.Person.Experience 6) (in .types.Person.Age 15 30) |
                    eq .types.Person.Position "SSE"  |
                    eq .types.Company.Name "Myntra" |
                     .result.Put .types.Company |

    <ruleset name="personRules2" dataKey="MyData" resultKey="result" filterTypes="types.Person,types.Company" 
    filterStrict="false" prioritiesCount="all" workflow="demotioncycle">
    <rule name="personFilter1" priority="1">
        <r>with .MyData</r>
                eq .types.Company.Name "Myntra" | .types.Person.SetSalary 30000

From examples/...


   	p := types.Person{ID: 1, Age: 20, Experience: 7, Vacations: 5, Position: "SSE"}
	c := types.Company{Name: "Myntra"}

	config := roulette.TextTemplateParserConfig{}

	parser, err := roulette.NewParser(readFile("../rules.xml"), config)
	if err != nil {

	executor := roulette.NewSimpleExecutor(parser)
	executor.Execute(&p, &c, []string{"hello"}, false, 4, 1.23)

	if p.Age != 25 {
		log.Fatal("Expected Age to be 25")




	p := types.Person{ID: 1, Age: 20, Experience: 7, Vacations: 5, Position: "SSE"}
	c := types.Company{Name: "Myntra"}

	config := roulette.TextTemplateParserConfig{
		WorkflowPattern: "demotion*",
	// set the workflow pattern
	parser, err := roulette.NewParser(readFile("../rules.xml"), config)
	if err != nil {

	executor := roulette.NewSimpleExecutor(parser)
	executor.Execute(&p, &c, []string{"hello"}, false, 4, 1.23)

	if p.Salary != 30000 {
		log.Fatal("Expected Salary to be 30000")

	if p.Age != 20 {
		log.Fatal("Expected Age to be 20")


    count := 0
	callback := func(vals interface{}) {

	config := roulette.TextTemplateParserConfig{
		Result: roulette.NewResultCallback(callback),

	parser, err := roulette.NewParser(readFile("../rules.xml"), config)
	if err != nil {

	executor := roulette.NewSimpleExecutor(parser)
	if count != 2 {
		log.Fatalf("Expected 2 callbacks, got %d", count)


in := make(chan interface{})
	out := make(chan interface{})

	config := roulette.TextTemplateParserConfig{
		Result: roulette.NewResultQueue(),

	// get rule results on a queue
	parser, err := roulette.NewParser(readFile("../rules.xml"), config)
	if err != nil {

	executor := roulette.NewQueueExecutor(parser)
	executor.Execute(in, out)

	go func(in chan interface{}, values []interface{}) {

		for _, v := range values {
			in <- v

	}(in, testValuesQueue)

	expectedResults := 2

	for {
		select {
		case v := <-out:
			switch tv := v.(type) {
			case types.Person:
				// do something
				if !(tv.ID == 4 || tv.ID == 3) {
					log.Fatal("Unexpected Result", tv)

			if expectedResults == 0 {
				break read

			if expectedResults < 0 {
				log.Fatalf("received  %d more results", -1*expectedResults)

		case <-time.After(time.Second * 5):
			log.Fatalf("received  %d less results", expectedResults)


Roulette XML file:

Tags and Attributes


roulette is the root tag of the xml. It could contain a list of ruleset tags.


ruleset: a types namespaced tag with rule children. The attributes filterTypes and dataKey are required. To match ruleset , atleast one of the types from this list should be an input for the executor.


  • filterTypes: "T1,T2,T3..."(required) allow one or all of the types for the rules group. * pointer filterting is not done.

  • filterStrict: true or false. rules group executed only when all types are present.

  • prioritiesCount: "1" or "2" or "3"..."all". if 1 then execution stops after "n" top priority rules are executed. "all" executes all the rules

  • dataKey: "string" (required) root key from which user data can be accessed.

  • resultKey: "string" key from which result.put function can be accessed. default value is "result".

  • workflow: "string" to group rulesets to the same workflow. The parser can then be created with a wildcard pattern to filter out rilesets. "*", "?" glob pattern matching is expected.


The tag which holds the rule expression. The attributes name and priority are optional. The default value of priority is 0. There is no guarantee for order of execution if priority is not set.


  • name: name of the rule.

  • priority: priority rank of the rule within the ruleset.

Rule Expressions

Valid text/template expression. The delimeters can be changed from the default <r></r> using the parse api.

Defining Rules in XML

  • Write valid text/template control structures within the <rule>...</rule> tag.

  • Namespace rules by custom types. e.g:

    <ruleset filterTypes="Person,Company">...</ruleset>

  • Set priority of rules within namespace filterTypes.

  • Add custom functions to the parser using the method parser.AddFuncs. The function must have the signature:

    func(arg1,...,argN,prevVal ...bool)bool

    to allow rule execution status propagation.

  • Methods to be invoked from the rules file must also be of the above signature.

  • Invalid/Malformed rules are skipped and the error is logged.

  • The pipe | operator takes a previously evaluated value and passes it to the next function as the last argument.

  • For more information on go templating: text/template



Right now the package provides a single parser: TextTemplateParser. As the name suggests the parser is able to read xml wrapped over a valid text/template expression and executes it.


Types which implements the roulette.Result. If a parser is initalised with a Result type, rule expressions with result.Put become valid. result.Put function accepts an interface{} type as a parameter.


roulette.ResultCallback: An implementation of the roulette.Result interface which callbacks the provided function with result.Put value.


roulette.ResultQueue: An implementation of the roulette.Result interface which puts the value received from result.Put on a channel.


An executor takes a parser and tests an incoming values against the rulesets. Executors implement the roulette.SimpleExecute and roulette.QueueExecute interfaces. The result is then caught by a struct which implements the roulette.Result interface.


A simple implementation of the roulette.SimpleExecute interface which has a parser with nil Result set. This is mainly used to directly modify the input object. The executor ignores rule expressions which contain result.Put.

parser,err := NewTextTemplateParser(data, nil,"")
// or parser, err := roulette.NewSimpleParser(data,nil,"")
executor := roulette.NewSimpleExecutor(parser)
SimpleExecutor with Callback

An implementation of the roulette.SimpleExecute interface. which accepts a parser initialized with roulette.ResultCallback.

    config := roulette.TextTemplateParserConfig{}

	parser, err := roulette.NewParser(readFile("../rules.xml"), config)
	if err != nil {

	executor := roulette.NewSimpleExecutor(parser)


An implementation of the roulette.QueueExecute interface. which accepts the roulette.ResultQueue type. The Execute method expects an input and an output channel to write values and read results respectively.

in := make(chan interface{})
		out := make(chan interface{})

		config := roulette.TextTemplateParserConfig{
			Result: roulette.NewResultQueue(),

		// get rule results on a queue
		parser, err := roulette.NewParser(readFile("../rules.xml"), config)
		if err != nil {

		executor := roulette.NewQueueExecutor(parser)
		executor.Execute(in, out)

For concrete examples of the above please see the examples directory.

Builtin Functions

Apart from the built-in functions from text/template, the following functions are available.

Default functions reside in funcmap.go. They have been sourced and modified from src/text/template/funcs.go to make them work with pipelines and keep the expression uncluttered. The idea is to keep the templating language readable and easy to write.

Function Usage
in val >= minVal && val <= maxval, e.g. in 2 1 4 => true
gt > op, e.g. gt 1 2
ge >= op, e.g. ge 1 2
lt <= op, e.g. lt 1 2
le < op, e.g. le 1 2
eq == op, e.g. eq "hello" "world"
ne != op, "hello" "world"
not !op , e.g.not 1
and op1 && op2, e.g. and (expr1) (expr2)
or op1 // op2, e.g. or (expr1) (expr2)
result.Put result.Put Value where result is the defined resultKey
  • pipe operator | : Usage: the output of fn1 is the last argument of fn2, e.g. fn1 1 2| fn2 1 2

The functions from the excellent package sprig are also available.


The roulette.png image is sourced from with a CC license.


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