Library for interacting with Norada's Solve360 CRM
The gem is hosted on Gem Cutter:
gem sources -a
gem install solve360
You can configure the API settings in a number of ways, but you must specify:
- url
- username
- token
The configuration uses Configify so you can use a block or hash to define values:
Solve360::Config.configure do |config|
config.url = ""
config.username = "[email protected]"
config.token = "token"
Because configure accepts a hash, you can configure with YAML:
Solve360::Config.configure YAML.load("/path/to/file"))
And if you're using environments like Rails:
Solve360::Config.configure YAML.load("/path/to/file"))[RAILS_ENV]
Base attributes are set up for you. Creating is simple:
Solve360::Contact.create(:fields => "First Name" => "Stephen", "Last Name" => "Bartholomew")
Custom attributes can be added:
Solve360::Contact.map_fields do
{"Description" => "custom20394", "Location" => "custom392434"}
and then used:
contact = Solve360::Contact.create(:fields => "First Name" => "Steve", "Description" => "Web Developer", "Location" => "England")
=> The ID of the record created on the CRM
You can pull all records with:
contacts = Solve360::Contact.find(:all)
Please Note: It's not yet possible to pass filter conditions to find(:all).
You can find by the ID of a record on the CRM:
contact = Solve360::Contact.find(12345)
Once you have set the attributes on a model you can simply save:
contact.fields["First Name"] = "Steve"
If the record does not have an ID it'll be created, otherwise the details will be saved.
Related items can be access via:
=> {"name" => "Curve21", "id" => "12345"}
And added:
contact.add_related_item({"name" => "ACME Ltd", "id" => "91284"})
You can specify the ownership of a record directly:
contact.ownership = 123456
Or you can add a default value to the configuration:
config.default_ownership = 123456
If no ownership is specified, the default will be used.
All Solve360 API IDs can be found in the 'My Account' > 'API Reference' section of the desktop.