This code is for reading the K-Linke in Cars. With this code you can read sensor values, troubleshoot codes and more. It is compatible with ISO9141 and ISO14230(KWP slow and fast) protocols. I have shared schematics to communicate with the car. You can use these schematics or you can make another one. I used Arduino nano and ESP32 C3 as microcontrollers, but you can use another microcontrollers like STM32, ESP8266 and much more.
I will share more information about K-Line protocols and communication later. Stay tuned 😉.
You can also see this project for I/K Bus for BMW cars
- Open .ino file
- 📚Instal these Libraries
- ESPAsyncWebServer - AsyncTCP - ArduinoJson
- Edit the pins for your Board
#define K_Serial Serial #define K_line_RX 20 #define K_line_TX 21 #define Led 8 #define Buzzer 1 #define voltagePin 0
- If you are using ESP32 C3,S2 or S3 board, you need to disable "USB CDC On Boot" option in Tools menu
- Upload the code to your Board
- Upload the Website to SPIFFS.
- To upload the Web Site, you can use PlatformIO or you can upload with tool for Arduino IDE v1.x.x
Here is documentation how to upload files to SPIFFS with Arduino IDE.
- To upload the Web Site, you can use PlatformIO or you can upload with tool for Arduino IDE v1.x.x