VitaKeyboard is a plugin and application for PS Vita that lets you use it as a USB Keyboard. The host will think your vita is an actual keyboard.
- Add hidkeyboard.skprx to taiHEN's config (ur0:/tai/config.txt):
- Install vitakeyboard.vpk
- Reboot the vita to load the kernel plugin
- Before typing, make sure the host computer is using the same keyboard layout as the one selected in VitaKeyboard.
- if there is a keyboard layout that you'd like to be added, submit an issue or follow the instructions at
and build the project yourself (pull requests are welcome). - layout savedata is stored in
from the root folder:
cd skprx
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ../..
cd vpk
mkdir build
cmake ..
the relevant outputs are skprx/build/hidkeayboard.skprx
and vpk/build/vitakeyboard.vpk
- hnaves for making hidmouse and xerpi for porting it to vita, of which this was initially a fork from
- xerpi for making vitastick, from which a lot of this code is based on (looking back, it would probably be easier to fork from it lol)
- SonicMastr for help with libime and loading modules
- LiveArea design is based on the one made for vitastick by @nkrapivin
- added support for other keyboard layouts
- added pt (BR) layout
- added es (ES) layout
- added de (DE) layout
- added LiveArea design
- added better way to close the application (START while IME is closed)
- First Release.