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Terraform module for GitLab auto scaling runners on Spot instances

This repo contains a terraform module and example to run a GitLab CI multi runner on AWS Spot instances. See the blog post at 040code for a detailed description of the setup.

GitLab Runners

The setup is based on the blog post: Auto scale GitLab CI runners and save 90% on EC2 costs The created runner will have by default a shared cache in S3 and logging is streamed to CloudWatch. The cache in S3 will expire in X days, see configuration. The logging can be disabled.

Besides the auto scaling option (docker+machine executor) the docker executor is supported as wel for a single node.



Ensure you have Terraform installed, see .terraform-version for the used version. A handy tool to mange your terraform version is tfenv.

On mac simple install tfenv using brew.

brew install tfenv

Next install a terraform version.

tfenv install <version>


To run the terraform scripts you need to have AWS keys. Example file:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...

Service linked roles

The gitlab runner ec2 instance needs the following sercice linked roles:

  • AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling
  • AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot

By default the ec2 instance is allowed to create the roles, by setting the option allow_iam_service_linked_role_creation to false you can deny the creation of roles by the instance. In that case you have to ensure the roles exists. You can create them manually or via terraform.

resource "aws_iam_service_linked_role" "spot" {
  aws_service_name = ""

resource "aws_iam_service_linked_role" "autoscaling" {
  aws_service_name = ""

Configuration GitLab runner token

Currently register a new runner is a manual process. See the GitLab Runner documentation for more details.

docker run -it --rm gitlab/gitlab-runner register

Provide the details in the interactive terminal. Once done the token can be found in the GitLab runners section, choose edit to get the token or see the config.toml file.



Update the variables in terraform.tfvars to your needs and add the following variables, see previous step for how to obtain the token.

runner_name  = "NAME_OF_YOUR_RUNNER"
gitlab_url   = "GIT_LAB_URL"
runner_token  = "RUNNER_TOKEN"

The base image used to host the GitLab Runner agent is the latest available Amazon Linux HVM EBS AMI. In previous version of the module an hard coded list of AMI per region was available. This list is replaced by a search filter to find the latest AMI. By setting the filter for example to amzn-ami-hvm-2018.03.0.20180622-x86_64-ebs you can lock the version of the AMI.

Usage module.

module "gitlab-runner" {
  source = "npalm/gitlab-runner/aws"
  version = "1.0.0"

  aws_region              = "${var.aws_region}"
  environment             = "${var.environment}"
  ssh_public_key          = "${file("${var.ssh_key_file}")}"

  vpc_id                  = "${module.vpc.vpc_id}"
  subnet_ids_gitlab_runner = "${module.vpc.private_subnets}"
  subnet_id_runners       = "${element(module.vpc.private_subnets, 0)}"

  runners_name             = "${var.runner_name}"
  runners_gitlab_url       = "${var.gitlab_url}"
  runners_token            = "${var.runner_token}"

  # Optional
  runners_off_peak_timezone = "Europe/Amsterdam"
  runners_off_peak_periods  = "[\"* * 0-9,17-23 * * mon-fri *\", \"* * * * * sat,sun *\"]"


Name Description Type Default Required
allow_iam_service_linked_role_creation Attach policy to runner instance to create service linked roles. string true no
ami_filter AMI filter to select the AMI used to host the gitlab runner agent. By default the pattern amzn-ami-hvm-2018.03*-x86_64-ebs is used for the name. Currently Amazon Linux 2 amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.????????-x86_64-ebs looks not working for this configuration. list <list> no
ami_owners A list of owners used to select the AMI for the instance. list <list> no
aws_region AWS region. string - yes
aws_zone AWS availability zone (typically 'a', 'b', or 'c'). string a no
cache_bucket_prefix Prefix for s3 cache bucket name. string `` no
cache_expiration_days Number of days before cache objects expires. string 1 no
cache_shared Enables cache sharing between runners, false by default. string false no
create_runners_iam_instance_profile string true no
docker_machine_instance_type Instance type used for the instances hosting docker-machine. string m4.large no
docker_machine_options Additional to set options for docker machine. Each element of the list should be key and value. E.g. '["amazonec2-zone=a"]' list <list> no
docker_machine_spot_price_bid Spot price bid. string 0.04 no
docker_machine_user User name for the user to create spot instances to host docker-machine. string docker-machine no
docker_machine_version Version of docker-machine. string 0.16.1 no
enable_cloudwatch_logging Enable or disable the CloudWatch logging. string 1 no
environment A name that identifies the environment, will used as prefix and for tagging. string - yes
gitlab_runner_version Version for the gitlab runner. string 11.8.0 no
instance_role_json Instance role json for the runner agent ec2 instance to override the default. string `` no
instance_role_runner_json Instance role json for the docker machine runners to override the default. string `` no
instance_type Instance type used for the gitlab-runner. string t2.micro no
runners_concurrent Concurrent value for the runners, will be used in the runner config.toml string 10 no
runners_executor The executor to use. Currently supports docker+machine or docker string docker+machine no
runners_gitlab_url URL of the gitlab instance to connect to. string - yes
runners_iam_instance_profile_name IAM instance profile name of the runners, will be used in the runner config.toml string `` no
runners_idle_count Idle count of the runners, will be used in the runner config.toml string 0 no
runners_idle_time Idle time of the runners, will be used in the runner config.toml string 600 no
runners_image Image to run builds, will be used in the runner config.toml string docker:18.03.1-ce no
runners_limit Limit for the runners, will be used in the runner config.toml string 0 no
runners_monitoring Enable detailed cloudwatch monitoring for spot instances. string false no
runners_name Name of the runner, will be used in the runner config.toml string - yes
runners_off_peak_idle_count Off peak idle count of the runners, will be used in the runner config.toml. string 0 no
runners_off_peak_idle_time Off peak idle time of the runners, will be used in the runner config.toml. string 0 no
runners_off_peak_periods Off peak periods of the runners, will be used in the runner config.toml. string `` no
runners_off_peak_timezone Off peak idle time zone of the runners, will be used in the runner config.toml. string `` no
runners_output_limit Set maximum build log size in kilobytes, by default set to 4096 (4MB) string 4096 no
runners_post_build_script Commands to be executed on the Runner just after executing the build, but before executing after_script. string `` no
runners_pre_build_script Script to execute in the pipeline just before the build, will be used in the runner config.toml string `` no
runners_pre_clone_script Commands to be executed on the Runner before cloning the Git repository. this can be used to adjust the Git client configuration first, for example. string `` no
runners_privilled Runners will run in privilled mode, will be used in the runner config.toml string true no
runners_request_concurrency Limit number of concurrent requests for new jobs from GitLab (default 1) string 1 no
runners_root_size Runnner instance root size in GB. string 16 no
runners_token Token for the runner, will be used in the runner config.toml string - yes
runners_use_private_address Restrict runners to use only private address string true no
ssh_public_key Public SSH key used for the gitlab-runner ec2 instance. string - yes
subnet_id_runners Subnet used to hosts the docker-machine runners. string - yes
subnet_ids_gitlab_runner Subnet used for hosting the gitlab-runner. list - yes
tags Map of tags that will be added to created resources. By default resources will be tagged with name and environnemnt. map <map> no
userdata_post_install User-data script snippet to insert after gitlab-runner install string `` no
userdata_pre_install User-data script snippet to insert before gitlab-runner install string `` no
vpc_id The VPC that is used for the instances. string - yes


Name Description
runner_agent_role ARN of the rule used for the ec2 instance for the GitLab runner agent.
runner_as_group_name Name of the autoscaling group for the gitlab-runner instance
runner_cache_bucket_arn ARN of the S3 for the build cache.


An example is provided, execute the following steps to run the sample. Ensure your AWS and Terraform environment is set up correctly. All commands below are supposed to be run inside the directory example.

AWS keys

Keys are generated by terraform and stored in a directory generated in the example directory.

Configure GitLab

Register a new runner:

docker run -it --rm gitlab/gitlab-runner register

Once done, lookup the token in GitLab and update the terraform.tfvars file.

Create runner

Run terraform init to initialize terraform. Next you can run terraform plan to inspect the resources that will be created.

To create the runner run:

terraform apply

To destroy runner:

terraform destroy


Terraform script for AWS GitLab Runners on Spot Instances



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