To run nute, use the following commands: go mod download
Build common components: make mashupsdk
Install g3n support libraries: sudo apt-get install xorg-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libopenal1 libopenal-dev libvorbis0a libvorbis-dev libvorbisfile3
Generate self signed certs: cd ./mashupsdk/tls/ ./ cd ../.. mkdir examples/helloworld/hellocustos/tls mv mashupsdk.* examples/helloworld/hellocustos/tls
Make example: make hellocustosworld
Add nute hello custos world example to your $PATH: examples/helloworld/bin
Run worldg3n example: worldg3n -custos -insecure
Mac users have indicated some problems here. You'll need these if you don't have them yet.
brew install libvorbis brew install openal-soft brew install glfw
This works: worldg3n -toruslayout -headless
This doesn't: worldg3n -custos -tls-skip-validation -toruslayout
Run Hello world gio: make helloworldgio
hellogio -tls-skip-validation
Run Hello World fyne: make helloworldfyne
hellofyne -tls-skip-validation
Run Hello World mobile (do not build...)