A plugin for the Serverless framework to deploy the static assets into a separate deployment bucket.
This ensures that that the lambda isn't invoked for serving assets which in turn reduces the costs and improves performace.
This plugin has only been tested with the AWS provider and will not work if you are deploying to other providers e.g. GCP.
Install using NPM by using the following command
npm install --save-dev @mridang/serverless-servestatic-plugin
And then add the plugin to your serverless.yml
- @mridang/serverless-servestatic-plugin
A thorough guide on installing plugins can be found at https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs-guides-plugins
The configuration of the plugin is done by defining a custom servestatic
object in your serverless.yml with your specific configuration.
All settings are optional and will be set to reasonable defaults if missing.
See the sections below for detailed descriptions of the settings.
- 'public/**/*' # The list of assets to be included
- '**/' # The list of assets to be excluded
public: false # A boolean indicating whether thr S3 bucket is public
If public
is enabled, the assets in the bucket can be served directly from the
bucket. Public acess can be disabled if you intend to front the bucket via
When you trigger a deployment, the custom resource will unpack all the assets that the match the glob patterns into the bucket that will be used for serving static assets.
$ sls deploy
Deploying test-logcls to stage dev (us-east-1)
Compiling with Typescript...
Using local tsconfig.json - tsconfig.json
Typescript compiled.
✔ Service deployed to stack test-logcls-dev (104s)
endpoint: https://sfukfimmof3tinylzdbum77uvdu0xtznt.lambda-url.us-east-1.on.aws/
probot: test-logcls-dev-probot (22 MB)
Need a faster logging experience than CloudWatch? Try our Dev Mode in Console: run "serverless dev"
If you have suggestions for how this app could be improved, or want to report a bug, open an issue - we'd love all and any contributions.
Apache License 2.0 © 2024 Mridang Agarwalla