- PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocressor
- PHP is an object oriented server side scripting language
- We an executes the PHP code only on server side
- Hypertext is text that links to other information(text)
- By clicking on a link ( hyperlink ) in a hypertext document, a user can quickly jump to different content..
A Preprocressor is a progarm that processes its input data to produce output that is used as input to another progarm
Common Gateway Interfacing --> PHP Interpreter --> Preprocressor .php file <--> Apache Server --> Internet --> Client
PHP Application can runs varioud platform
Learn to easy because its syntax is very similar to C program
Response and speed of executions of program is fast
It can interact with many different database language including MySQL
- variable is a storage location that can ber modified at any time
- In programming,variable is memory locations
- We can store number, text,file or images path etc..
- In Php,variable should start with $ symbol
E = m (c square) Here m is variable m = 5kg,10kg,15kg..
- Should start with $ sign
- Should start letter or underscore after the $ sign
- Should not start with number
- We can use alpha-numeric characters and underscore
$name = "Nisha";
$_mobile = 9876543210;
$ image_path1 = "C:/images/1.jpg";
$pass = "Mypass@1234";