A modern Emergencies Tracking System with microservices architecture, built using F# (Giraffe) for backend services and Angular with MUI for the frontend.
This repository provides a complete solution for tracking and visualizing emergencies, focusing on natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanoes.
Run single container
docker build -t image_name .
docker run -it -p your_port:8080 --rm --name container_name image_name
Run composition
docker compose up
Earthquakes Microservice:
- Tracks and manages real-time data about earthquakes.
- Provides APIs for querying earthquake-related emergencies.
- Processes external data sources for up-to-date earthquake information.
Volcanoes Microservice:
- Tracks volcanic activities and related emergencies.
- Offers APIs for retrieving data on active or recent volcanic events.
- Supports integration with geolocation services for mapping.
- User Interface:
- Built using Angular and Material-UI (MUI) for a modern and responsive design.
- Visualizes data from both microservices in an intuitive dashboard.
- Interactive charts and maps for emergencies tracking.
- Features:
- Displays real-time updates on earthquakes and volcanoes.
- Offers filtering, sorting, and search functionalities for emergency data.
- Integrates with external APIs for enhanced visualizations (e.g., maps).
- F# with Giraffe: Functional programming for robust and maintainable backend microservices.
- Angular: Modern frontend framework for building fast and scalable web applications.
- Material-UI (MUI): Provides a clean, user-friendly, and responsive UI for the frontend.
- Backend:
- The Earthquakes and Volcanoes microservices independently process and store their respective data.
- Both microservices expose RESTful APIs for data retrieval.
- Frontend:
- The Angular-based frontend fetches data from the backend services via APIs.
- Users can view, filter, and interact with emergency data on an elegant dashboard.
- Integration:
- External data sources are processed by the backend services for up-to-date emergency tracking.
- Geolocation data is displayed on maps in the frontend for better visualization.
- Monitor real-time natural disaster data, including earthquakes and volcanoes.
- Build scalable microservices with F# and Giraffe for functional backend development.
- Create modern web applications with Angular and MUI for data visualization and user interaction.
This repository serves as a practical example for developers interested in microservices, functional programming with F#, and building a responsive UI with Angular and MUI.