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@mon mon released this 20 Sep 11:34
· 14 commits to master since this release

First major release in 2 years! 🎉

New features

  • Modding .bin textures from jubeat and Gitadora are now supported!
    • Check out data_mods/MOD_README.txt for instructions!
  • Layeredfs logs now appear in the same place as all other logs (restore the old behaviour with the flag --layered-logfile=ifs_hook.log)
  • Auto-injectors for games where d3d9.dll doesn't work are now supplied (opengl32.dll for jubeat and Gitadora, dxgi.dll for Bombergirl and some other newer games)
  • IIDX 19 is now supported
  • Games that use pkfs (jubeat(2008), jubeat ripples, gfdmv8) can now be modded without needing to extract the pak files
  • pkfs games don't have a file list: every filename must be guessed. An auto-extractor for pkfs games is now provided inside special_builds to make this process easier.
  • Games with very old AVS versions are now supported (such as jubeat 2008)


  • Several cases where filesystem case sensitivity was breaking things have been fixed (notably, if a modfile has capital letters and the game rootfs has posix=1, mods no longer fail)


  • Layeredfs is now built with mingw-w64 and Meson. Microsoft broke Windows XP compatibility, so I moved away from MSVC. The .dll is 5x bigger, but it's much less painful to build!
  • Special build variants (such as "always logs to file" and "always verbose logs") are now generated, in case you don't trust the commandline args
  • The source for the d3d9/opengl32/dxgi injectors is now provided and built in meson


Without the incredible work done by windyfairy on gitadora-texbintool, this release would never have happened. Thank you for the time you spent reversing the format.