Simple, yet feature complete, in memory search engine.
This library is meant for relatively small document sets (up to tenths of thousands) while maintaining fast query times (measured in low milliseconds). Index updates are not supported by design and full index rebuild is required to reflect changes in source data.
Main features are:
- Inspired by well known Lucene design
- Fast in memory searching
- Low memory allocation for search execution
- Stemming and stop words handling for 31 languages
- Text, keyword, hierarchy and range fields
- Index time synonym maps with multi token support
- Cross field searching with BM25 scoring
- Filtering keyword and hierarchy fields by any or all values and range fields by value subrange
- Faceting without restricting facet values by field filters
- Result sorting by document scoring or range field values
- Fully configurable and extendable text analysis pipeline
- Fluent query builder
Porter (English)
Using Clara.Analysis.Snowball package
Arabic, Armenian, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Lithuanian, Nepali, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Turkish, Yiddish
Using Clara.Analysis.Morfologik package
Given sample product data set from
"id": 1,
"title": "iPhone 9",
"description": "An apple mobile which is nothing like apple",
"price": 549,
"discountPercentage": 12.96,
"rating": 4.69,
"stock": 94,
"brand": "Apple",
"category": "smartphones"
We define data model as follows.
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public decimal? Price { get; set; }
public double? DiscountPercentage { get; set; }
public double? Rating { get; set; }
public int? Stock { get; set; }
public string Brand { get; set; }
public string Category { get; set; }
Now we need to define index model mapper. Mapper is a definition of how our index will be built from source documents and what capabilities will it provide afterwards.
Clara only supports single field searching, all text that is to be indexed has to be combined into single field. We can provide more text fields, for example when we want to provide multiple language support from single index. In such case we would combine text for each language and use adequate analyzer.
For simple fields we define delegates that provide raw values for indexing. Each field can provide none, one or more values, null values are automatically skipped during indexing. All non-text fields can be marked as filterable or facetable, while only range fields can be made sortable.
Built indexes have no persistence and reside only in memory. If index needs updating, it should be rebuild and old one should be discarded. This is why fields have no names and can be referenced only by their usually static definition.
interface is straightforward. It provides all fields collection, method to access document
key and method to access indexed document value. Indexed document value, which is provided in query results
can be different than index source document. To indicate such distinction use IIndexMapper<TSouce, TDocument>
type instead and return proper document type in GetDocument
method implementation.
public sealed class ProductMapper : IIndexMapper<Product>
public TextField<Product> Text { get; } = new(GetText, new PorterAnalyzer());
public DecimalField<Product> Price { get; } = new(x => x.Price, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true, isSortable: true);
public DoubleField<Product> DiscountPercentage { get; } = new(x => x.DiscountPercentage, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true, isSortable: true);
public DoubleField<Product> Rating { get; } = new(x => x.Rating, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true, isSortable: true);
public Int32Field<Product> Stock { get; } = new(x => x.Stock, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true, isSortable: true);
public KeywordField<Product> Brand { get; } = new(x => x.Brand, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true);
public HierarchyField<Product> Category { get; } = new(x => x.Category, separator: "-", root: "all", HierarchyValueHandling.Path, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true);
public IEnumerable<Field> GetFields()
yield return Text;
yield return Price;
yield return DiscountPercentage;
yield return Rating;
yield return Stock;
yield return Brand;
yield return Category;
public string GetDocumentKey(Product item) => item.Id.ToString();
public Product GetDocument(Product item) => item;
private static IEnumerable<string?> GetText(Product product)
yield return product.Id.ToString();
yield return product.Title;
yield return product.Description;
yield return product.Brand;
yield return product.Category;
Then we build our index.
var mapper = new ProductMapper();
var index = IndexBuilder.Build(products, mapper);
With index built, we can run queries against it. Result documents can be accessed with Documents
property and
facet results via Facets
. Documents are not paged, since search engine builds whole result set each time,
in order to perform facet values computation, while using pooled buffers for result construction. If paging
is needed, it can be added by simple Skip
logic on top Documents
// Query result must always be disposed in order to return pooled buffers for reuse
using var result = index.Query(
q => q
.Search(mapper.Text, SearchMode.Any, "watch ring leather bag")
.Filter(mapper.Brand, FilterMode.Any, "Eastern Watches", "Bracelet", "Copenhagen Luxe")
.Filter(mapper.Category, FilterMode.Any, "womens")
.Filter(mapper.Price, valueFrom: 10, valueTo: 90)
.Sort(mapper.Price, SortDirection.Descending));
foreach (var document in result.Documents.Take(10))
Console.WriteLine($" [{document.Document.Title}] ${document.Document.Price} => {document.Score}");
foreach (var value in result.Facets.Field(mapper.Brand).Values.Take(5))
Console.WriteLine($" {(value.IsSelected ? "(x)" : "( )")} [{value.Value}] => {value.Count}");
foreach (var value in result.Facets.Field(mapper.Category).Values.Take(5))
Console.WriteLine($" (x) [{value.Value}] => {value.Count}");
foreach (var child in value.Children)
Console.WriteLine($" ( ) [{child.Value}] => {child.Count}");
var priceFacet = result.Facets.Field(mapper.Price);
Console.WriteLine($" [Min] => {priceFacet.Min}");
Console.WriteLine($" [Max] => {priceFacet.Max}");
Running this query against sample data results in following output.
[Fashion Magnetic Wrist Watch] $60 => 3,31469
[Leather Hand Bag] $57 => 6,3701906
[Fancy hand clutch] $44 => 6,559135
[Steel Analog Couple Watches] $35 => 3,4505985
[Stainless Steel Women] $35 => 3,4802377
(x) [Eastern Watches] => 2
(x) [Bracelet] => 2
(x) [Copenhagen Luxe] => 1
( ) [LouisWill] => 2
( ) [Luxury Digital] => 1
(x) [womens] => 5
( ) [womens-watches] => 3
( ) [womens-bags] => 2
[Min] => 35
[Max] => 100
Range fields represent index fields for struct
values with IComparable<T>
interface implementation,
that is for comparable values, which can be within specific range. Range fields allow filtering by
subrange and their facet values contain matched documents minimum and maximum values. Sorting is dependant
on direction Ascending
or Descedning
. When sorting by Ascending
order, then minumum document value
is used and documents without any value are treated as if they had maxValue
. While when sorting by
order maximum document value is used and documents without values have minValue
to them.
Internally DateTime
, Decimal
, Double
and Int32
types are supported. Implementors can support
any type that fullfills requirements by directly using RangeField<TValue>
and providing minValue
for a given type. For example given DateOnly
type, index field can be defined as follows.
public static RangeField<DateOnly> DateOfBirth { get; } = new(x => x.DateOfBirth, minValue: DateOnly.MinValue, maxValue: DateOnly.MaxValue, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true, isSortable: true);
Alternatively it is possible to provide own concrete implementation, by creating subclass of
public sealed class DateOnlyField<TSource> : RangeField<TSource, int>
public DateOnlyField(Func<TSource, DateOnly?> valueMapper, bool isFilterable = false, bool isFacetable = false, bool isSortable = false)
: base(
valueMapper: valueMapper,
minValue: DateOnly.MinValue,
maxValue: DateOnly.MaxValue,
isFilterable: isFilterable,
isFacetable: isFacetable,
isSortable: isSortable)
public DateOnlyField(Func<TSource, IEnumerable<DateOnly>> valueMapper, bool isFilterable = false, bool isFacetable = false, bool isSortable = false)
: base(
valueMapper: valueMapper,
minValue: DateOnly.MinValue,
maxValue: DateOnly.MaxValue,
isFilterable: isFilterable,
isFacetable: isFacetable,
isSortable: isSortable)
Defined DateOnlyField
can be used now directly, without the need to specify TValue
and minValue
each time.
public static DateOnlyField DateOfBirth { get; } = new(x => x.DateOfBirth, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true, isSortable: true);
Internally only PorterAnalyzer
is provided for English language stemming. For other languages
Clara.Analysis.Snowball or
Clara.Analysis.Morfologik packages can
be used. Those packages provide stem and stop token filters for all supported languages.
Index and query benchmarks and tests are performed using sample 100 product data set. Benchmark
variants with x100
suffix are based on data set multiplied 100 times.
BenchmarkDotNet v0.14.0, Windows 11 (10.0.22631.4249/23H2/2023Update/SunValley3)
12th Gen Intel Core i9-12900K, 1 CPU, 24 logical and 16 physical cores
.NET SDK 8.0.108
[Host] : .NET 8.0.8 (8.0.824.36612), X64 RyuJIT AVX2 DEBUG
DefaultJob : .NET 8.0.8 (8.0.824.36612), X64 RyuJIT AVX2
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Allocated |
StandardTokenizer | 134.8 ns | 0.61 ns | 0.57 ns | - |
StandardAnalyzer | 236.0 ns | 0.85 ns | 0.79 ns | - |
PorterAnalyzer | 628.7 ns | 3.56 ns | 3.33 ns | - |
SynonymMap | 829.9 ns | 2.14 ns | 1.90 ns | - |
EnglishAnalyzer | 1,257.2 ns | 2.71 ns | 2.26 ns | - |
MorfologikAnalyzer | 4,729.8 ns | 9.64 ns | 9.01 ns | 944 B |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Allocated |
IndexInstance_x100 | 64,705.4 μs | 1,265.52 μs | 1,732.26 μs | 25794.27 KB |
IndexInstance | 654.1 μs | 3.78 μs | 3.54 μs | 598.38 KB |
IndexShared_x100 | 68,391.9 μs | 1,358.52 μs | 1,395.10 μs | 24512.33 KB |
IndexShared | 598.5 μs | 2.03 μs | 1.80 μs | 485.57 KB |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Allocated |
QueryComplex_x100 | 330,053.0 ns | 1,797.45 ns | 1,681.33 ns | 904 B |
QueryComplex | 8,725.7 ns | 10.38 ns | 8.67 ns | 904 B |
QuerySearch | 3,795.0 ns | 17.04 ns | 14.23 ns | 352 B |
QueryFilter | 723.8 ns | 2.91 ns | 2.72 ns | 424 B |
QueryFacet | 6,765.3 ns | 17.11 ns | 16.01 ns | 624 B |
QuerySort | 1,529.3 ns | 3.43 ns | 3.04 ns | 392 B |
Query | 509.8 ns | 3.10 ns | 2.90 ns | 296 B |
Clara depends heavily on internal buffer pooling in order to provide minimal query execution memory
footprint. Due to that fact, memory allocation per search execution is constant after initial buffer
allocation. Although there are compromises being made regarding Query
and QueryResult
allocations to provide ease of use and proper disposal of internal buffers.