DFIG1 play an increasingly important role in industrial applications and renewable energy due to their numerous advantages such as flexible speed control and the ability to operate as a generator. In this context, model predictive control plays a pivotal role in achieving high performance for doubly-fed induction motors. FS-MPC2 is characterized by its ability to accurately model the system and take into account operational constraints, enabling optimal control of key variables such as speed, torque, and electrical currents. We also use a DMC3, which is a direct AC/DC converter connected to the grid, which connects between the AC source and the AC load without the need for energy storage elements such as capacitors. Additionally, model predictive control can achieve multiple objectives such as reducing power losses and improving torque response simultaneously. This code focuses on developing and testing model predictive control strategies for doubly-fed induction motors in different operating scenarios, with an emphasis on dynamic performance and efficiency.
I changed some symbols in the code and gave each symbol a meaning. You can see that at the end of the code. I have already explained it..
I hope that the project works smoothly for you, and if you encounter any problem, contact me.Thank you :).