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moh-hassan edited this page Apr 2, 2017 · 2 revisions

To get the help screen of the OData2Poco CLI, just run the following command:

  o2pgen -help    
  or   o2pgen -h
  or   o2pgen -?

The following options are displayed with description:

	 -r, --url           Required. URL of OData feed.

	  -u, --user          User name for authentication.

	  -p, --password      password for authentication.

	  -f, --filename      (Default: poco.cs) filename to save generated c# code.

	  -x, --metafile      Xml filename to save metadata.

	  -v, --verbose       (Default: False) Prints C# code to standard output.

	  -d, --header        (Default: False) List  http header of the service

	  -l, --list          (Default: False) List POCO classes to standard output.

	  -k, --key           (Default: False) Add Key attribute [Key]

	  -t, --table         (Default: False) Add Table attribute

	  -q, --required      (Default: False) Add Required attribute

	  -n, --navigation    (Default: False) Add navigation properties

	  -e, --eager         (Default: False) Add non virtual navigation Properties
						  for Eager Loading

	  -b, --nullable      (Default: False) Add nullable data types

	  -i, --inherit       for class inheritance from  BaseClass and/or interfaces

	  -m, --namespace     A namespace prefix for the OData namespace

	  -c, --case          (Default: none) Type pas or camel to Convert Property
						  Name to PascalCase or CamelCase

	  -a, --attribute     Type all attributes separated by one or more
						  space.Allowed are:key required json table.

	  -j, --Json          (Default: False) Add JsonProperty Attribute, example:
						  [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "email")]

	  --help              Display this help screen.
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