#AjaxSearch 1.10.1
Ajax and non-Ajax search that supports results highlighting
Authors: Coroico [email protected]
Jason Coward [email protected]
KyleJaebker [email protected]
Ryan Thrash [email protected]
Basic usage: [!AjaxSearch!]
Name | Description | Default value |
config | Load a custom configuration from config .config.php in the folder assets/snippets/ajaxSearch/configs/With @FILE a file relative to MODX base path could be specified. See Configuration Files section for further explanation. |
default |
debug | Output debugging information.0 debug not active.1 Parameters, search context and sql query logged. 2 Parameters, search context, sql query and templates logged.3 Parameters, search context, sql query, templates and results logged. |
0 |
language | Sets the ajaxSearch language. Available language files could be found in the folder assets/snippets/ajaxSearch/lang/: arabic-utf8 , Chinese , chinese_simplified-utf8 , chinese_simplified , chinese_traditional-utf8 , chinese_traditional , czech , danish , english-utf8 , english , finnish , francais-utf8 , francais , german , hebrew , icelandic , indonesian , italian , japanese-utf8 , nederlands , norsk-utf8 , norsk , persian , portuguese-br , portuguese , russian-UTF8 , russian , slovak-utf8 , slovak , spanish-utf8 , spanish , svenska-utf8 , svenska |
MODX manager language |
ajaxSearch | Use the ajax mode.0 off, 1 on, >1 custom usage |
1 |
advSearch | Set the advanced search options.exactphrase provides the documents which contain the exact phraseallwords provides the documents which contain all the wordsnowords provides the documents which do not contain the wordsoneword provides the document which contain at least one word |
oneword |
subSearch | Define sub-domains or sites where to search for each site. A custom search function has to be defined in the configuration file. Example: &subSearch=`products,employee` |
asId | Unique id for AjaxSearch instance to distinguish several AjaxSearch instances on the same page. The id is used to link the snippet calls between them. Choose a short name. For example: &asId=`as2` . In ajax mode, the first AjaxSearch snippet call shouldn’t use the parameter &asId |
timeLimit | Max execution time in seconds for the AjaxSearch script. 0 for an unlimited execution time | 60 |
whereSearch | Set in which tables & fields the search occurs. A separated list of keywords describing the tables where to search in the form keyword:table fields . If you want to exclude all content table fields from search you could use content:null The following keyword are predefined: content searches in pagetitle , longtitle , description , alias , introtext , menutitle and content in site_content tabletv searches in value in site_tmplvar_contentvalues table, jot searches in content in jot_content table , maxigallery searches in gal_title and gal_descr of maxi gallery table |
`content |
withTvs | Add template variables als placeholder values to the search results. Could cause performances issues, so use it wisely. Format: [[+-][:tvlist]] Examples: tvl,tv2,tv3 the content of tvl, tv2 and tv3 are added as placeholder values+:tvl,tv2,tv3 the content of tvl, tv2 and tv3 are added as placeholder values+ the content of all template variables of the site are added as placeholder values: the content of all template variables of the site are added as placeholder values-:tvl,tv2,tv3 the content of all template variables of the site except of tvl, tv2 and tv3 are added as placeholder values |
tvPhx | Add template variables als PHx placeholder values to the search results. Could cause performances issues, so use it wisely. Same usage as &withTvs |
category | Define categories. Should contain the name of a template variable that is contains the category of each search result item. The displayed title of category could be renamed in the categConfig function. See grpLabel parameter. |
display | If the results comes from different sites, subsites or categories, the display could be set to mixed or unmixed. Possible values:mixed mixes all the results coming from the different areas.unmixed displays the results grouped by site, subsite or category. Each group of results can be paginated.In unmixed mode the results are ordered by the first field of the order parameter |
unmixed |
order | Sort order of results. Comma separated list of fields defined as searchable in the table definition. To suppress sorting, use &order=` ` Example: pagetitle DESC, pub_date |
publishedon,pagetitle |
rank | Define the rank of search results. Results are sorted by rank value. Comma separated list of fields (extract excluded) with optionally user defined weight. To suppress the rank sorting, use &rank=` ` &rank sort occurs after the &order sort. |
maxWords | Maximum number of words for searching. Could contain values between 1 and 10. |
5 |
minChars | Minimum number of characters to require for a word to be valid for searching. Could contain values between 1 and 100. Contains the minimal length of each word with &advSearch set to allwords , oneword or nowords . Contains the minimal length of the search string with possible spaces with &advSearch set to exactphrase |
3 |
showInputForm | Hide/show the search form when showing results.0 off, 1 on |
1 |
showIntro | Show/hide the introduction message displayed in the search form.0 off, 1 on |
1 |
extract | Maximum number of extracts that will be displayed per document and define which fields will be used to set up extracts. Format n:searchable fields list with n = maximum number of extracts displayedExample: &extract=`99:content` |
One extract searched in content , description , introtext and tv_content |
extractLength | Length of one extract. Could contain values between 50 and 800. |
200 |
extractEllips | String to mark the start and the end of an extract inside of a sentence. | ... |
extractSeparator | String to mark the separation between each extract. | <br /> |
formatDate | Format of outputted dates (See date function in PHP manual) | d/m/y : H:i:s |
highlightResult | Create links that way that search terms will be highlighted when linked page is clicked. Requires Highlight plugin. 0 off, 1 on |
1 |
pagingType | Type of pagination.0 Results Pages 1 | 2 | 3, 1 Previous - X-Y/Z - Next, 2 X-Y/Z - Show 10 more results0 or 1 could be used in non ajax mode, 1 or 2 could be used in ajax mode |
1 |
pageLinkSeparator | Symbol between the page link numbers. | ` |
showResults | Show the search results.0 off, 1 on |
1 |
parents | Comma separated list of document IDs which children are searched/not searched until the depth of &depth parameter is reached.Could be prefixed with in: or not in: See examples in &documents parameter. |
depth | Depth of the search starting with parents parameter or MODX root | 10 |
documents | Comma separated list of document IDs that are searched/not searched. Could be prefixed with in: or not in: Examples: in:28,29,30,31 searches in the documents 28, 29, 30, 31not in:28,29,30,31 searches in all documents except in the documents 28, 29, 30, 31in:28,29,30,31 could be shortened to 28,29,30,31 |
hideMenu | Search in hidden documents from menu.0 Search only in documents visible from menu.1 Search only in documents hidden from menu.2 Search in hidden or visible documents from menu. |
2 |
hideLink | Search in weblinks.0 Search in resources with resource type Web page and Weblink.1 Search only in resources with resource type Web page. |
1 |
filter | Exclude unwanted documents. Same usage as the filter parameter in Ditto 2.1 The metacharacter # is replaced by the search string. The advSearch parameter is also taken into account, if advSearch is oneword , nowords or allwords then # is replaced by as many filters as search terms. Filtering by template variable name is possible this way.Examples: &filter=`pagetitle,#,8` with search string school child and &advSearch=`oneword` is equivalent to &filter=`pagetitle,school,81 pagetitle,child,8` &filter=`articleTags,volcano,7` displays only documents tagged with volcano. |
output | Custom layout.0 Snippet output at the place of the snippet call1 Snippet output in the placeholders [+as.inputForm+] and [+as.results+] |
0 |
stripInput | Transform the search input extract on fly by a php function. The parameter value contains the name of the function. The function itself is defined in a configuration file. | defaultStripInput – function is defined in ajaxSearchInput.class.inc.php |
stripOutput | Transform the search output extract on fly by a php function. The parameter value contains the name of the function. The function itself is defined in a configuration file. The document is parsed before the relevant piece of text around the search term is extracted. | defaultStripOutput – function is defined in ajaxSearchResults.class.inc.php |
breadcrumbs | Display the breadcrumb path to the found document.0 disallow the breadcrumbs linkname,parameters the name/parameters of a function or the name/parameters of a snippet.The function itself is defined in a configuration file and it is called with the following parameters. $main (array) main table definition$row (array) search result row$params (array) breadcrumbs parameters passed with &breadcrumbs parameter. The parameters are divided by , , the parameter name is divided from the parameter value by : .The function returns the breadcrumbs link as a string. Example: Breadcrumbs,showHomeCrumb:0,showCrumbsAtHome:1 calls the Breadcrumbs snippet or a function named Breadcrumbs with the parameter array showHomeCrumb => 0, showCrumbsAtHome => 1 |
clearDefault | Clearing default text.0 off1 on. Include the clear default javascript function in the head. Add the class cleardefault to the input in the search form and set this parameter to 1 |
0 |
jsClearDefault | Location of the clearDefault javascript library. | AjaxSearch path + js/clearDefault/clearDefault.js |
mbstring | Use the php_mbstring extension.0 off, 1 on |
1 |
asLog | Log failed and successful search requests. Format: level[:comment[:purge]] level 0 disallow the ajaxSearch log (default)1 failed search requests are logged2 all ajaxSearch requests are loggedcomment 0 user comment not allowed (default)1 user comment allowedpurge – number of logs allowed before the log table is purged 0 no Purge allowed (= illimited number of logs)&aslog=`x` is equivalent to &asLog=`x:0:200` &aslog=`x:y` is equivalent to &asLog=`x:y:200` &asLog=`1:1:500` means that 500 failed search requests possibly commented by the end user could be stored in the ajaxSearchLog table. See the AjaxSearch Log Manager module |
0:0:200 |
Used in ajaxSearch mode
Name | Description | Default value |
liveSearch | Use the live search (Show results during typing).0 off, 1 on. |
0 |
ajaxMax | Maximum number of results showed in a group of results. | 6 |
showMoreResults | Display a link to show all search results.0 off, 1 on. |
0 |
moreResultsPage | Document ID of the target page for the more results link. This page should contain another AjaxSearch snippet call to display the results. | 0 |
opacity | Opacity of the ajaxSearch_output div. | 1 |
jscript | Select the javascript framework used by AjaxSearch javascript.jquery jQuery Frameworkmootools2 MooTools 1.2 Frameworkmootools MooTools 1.1 Framework |
mootools2 |
addJscript | Add the MooTools library to the head section of web pages automatically.0 off, 1 on. |
1 |
jsMooTools | Location of the MooTools 1.1 javascript library. | manager/media/script/mootools/mootools.js |
jsMooTools2 | Location of the MooTools 1.2 javascript library. | AjaxSearch path + js/mootools2/mootools1.2.js |
jsJquery | Location of the jQuery javascript library. | assets/js/jquery.min.js |
##Non Ajax
Used in non-ajaxSearch mode
Name | Description | Default value |
landingPage | Document ID of the target page for the search result (non Ajax search) | |
grabMax | Maximum number of results showed in a group of results. | 6 |
showPagingAlways | Always display paging, even if the result is only one page. If &showMoreResults=`1` and &moreResultsPage is defined, then it could happen that ajaxsearch result will only have one page and pagination is not shown.0 off, 1 on. |
0 |
To use another template, define the template name and location with @FILE:assets/snippets/ajaxSearch/templates/folderName/templateName.tpl.html
or create a new chunk, copy/paste the content of an existing template and edit it.
##Input Templates
Name | Description | Default value |
tplInput | Style the AjaxSearch input form. Could contain the following form elements: A set of check boxes to select the value of the advanced Search parameter (name=advSearch) An input or a dropdown select field (name=search), to catch the search terms |
AjaxSearch path + templates/input.tpl.html |
To demonstrate the possibilities, there are several demos in templates/inputTemplates
Simple search with a simple input field.input2.tpl.html
Simple search with a multiple input list.input3.tpl.html
Advanced search. An input field with the selection of the advanced Search parameter.
The advanced search parameter can be mixed with the input list (2 & 3).
In liveSearch mode (ajax) the submit button is not displayed. A search is done after each character is typed.
##Non-Ajax Output Templates
Name | Description | Default value |
tplGrpResult | Style the non-ajax output group result outer | AjaxSearch path + templates/grpResult.tpl.html |
tplResults | Style the non-ajax output results outer | AjaxSearch path + templates/results.tpl.html |
tplResult | Style each output result | AjaxSearch path + templates/result.tpl.html |
tplComment | Style the comment form (also used with the ajax mode) | AjaxSearch path + templates/comment.tpl.html |
tplPaging0 | Style the paging links – type 0 | AjaxSearch path + templates/Paging0.tpl.html |
tplPaging1 | Style the paging links – type 1 | AjaxSearch path + templates/Paging1.tpl.html |
##Ajax Output Templates
Name | Description | Default value |
tplAjaxGrpResult | Style the ajax output group result outer | AjaxSearch path + templates/ajaxGrpResult.tpl.html |
tplAjaxResults | Style the ajax output results outer | AjaxSearch path + templates/ajaxResults.tpl.html |
tplAjaxResult | Style each output result | AjaxSearch path + templates/ajaxResult.tpl.html |
tplPaging1 | Style the paging links - type 1 | AjaxSearch path + templates/Paging1.tpl.html |
tplPaging2 | Style the paging links - type 2 | AjaxSearch path + templates/Paging2.tpl.html |
These placeholders are used in the templates.
Name | Description |
[+as.searchString+] |
The search string used for the search. E.g.: "Search results for [+as.searchString+]" as pagetitle for the landing page. |
[+as.****+] |
The field with the column name **** of the main table and of the joined table could be displayed in tplResult and tplAjaxResult templates. All TVs could be displayed with &withTvs or &tvPhx |
[+as.****Show+] |
Boolean value which is equal to 0 when the placeholder **** is empty, otherwise 1 |
[+as.****Class+] |
Class name equal to: ajaxSearch_result**** for the non ajax results and AS_ajax_result**** for ajax results |
With &whereSearch=`content,tv`
, there are these placeholders:
Name | Value |
[+as.id+] |
Table content , field id |
[+as.publishon+] |
Table content , field publishon |
[+as.pagetitle+] |
Table content , field pagetitle |
[+as.longtitle+] |
Table content , field longtitle |
[+as.description+] |
Table content , field description |
[+as.alias+] |
Table content , field alias |
[+as.introtext+] |
Table content , field introtext |
[+as.menutitle+] |
Table content , field menutitle |
[+as.content+] |
Table content , field content |
[+as.tv_value+] |
Table tv , concatened values of TVs |
[+as.breadcrumbs+] |
With `&breadcrumbs=`1` |
[+as.extract+] |
Extracts defined with &extract |
With &whereSearch=`jot`
, there are these placeholders:
Name | Value |
[+as.jot_content] |
Jot content |
With &whereSearch=`maxi gallery`
, there are these placeholders:
Name | Value |
[+as.gal_title] |
Image title |
[+as.gal_descr] |
Image description |
All the placeholder above have the according [+as.****Show+]
and [+as.****Class+]
placeholder set.
##Configuration Files
###Default Values
The default configuration file contains all the required default values.
In a configuration file a global parameter could be initialized with the following syntax: $__param = value;
. This value could be later overwritten by a snippet call parameter. Example: $__hideLink = 0;
A not overwritable global parameter could be initialized with the following syntax: $param = 'value';
This value could not be overwritten by a snippet call parameter. E.g: $hideLink = 0;
###Custom stripInput Function
A custom stripInput function could be defines with the following code:
if (!function_exists(myStripInput)) {
function myStripInput($searchString) {
... // change the searchString
return $searchString;
CAUTION: Use the functions stripslashes, stripTags and stripHtml provided by AjaxSearch
###Custom stripOutput Function
A custom stripOutput function could be defines with the following code:
if (!function_exists(myStripOutput)) {
function myStripOutput($text) {
... // change the output text
return $text;
###Custom categConfig Function
A custom categConfig function could be defines with the following code:
if (!function_exists('categConfig')) {
function categConfig($site = 'defsite', $category = '') {
$config = array();
// set up config depending $site & $category
return $config;
Look in the someConfigsExamples folder to see an example for a custom categories function.
In this function a label could be defined that is linked with the group of results. This variable should not contain a comma ,

##Custom PHx Modifiers
If you want to use images in the AjaxSearch templates you could use the possible following PHx modifier on the imgTag placeholder:
Modifier | Value |
imgwidth | Image width |
imgheigth | Image height |
imgattr | Image attributes in the form height="xxx" width="yyy" |
imgmaxwidth | Limit the width of the image to a maximum. Under this limit, keep the true width |
imgmaxheight | Limit the height of the image to a maximum. Under this limit, keep the true height |
Show an image with its original height and width:
<img src="[+as.imgTag+]" width="[+as.imgTag:imgwidth+]" height="[+as.imgTag:imgheigth+]"/>
<img src="[+as.imgTag+]" [+as.imgTag:imgattr+] />
Show an image with limited height and width:
<img src="[+as.imgTag+]" width="[+as.imgTag:imgmaxwidth=`60`+]" height="[+as.imgTag:imgmaxheight=`90`+]"/>
These modifiers are useful in ajax mode to to determine the size of the AjaxSearch pop-up before the images are retrieved from the server.
##AjaxSearch Log Manager Module
A module provided to display the search logs from the MODx manager  ##Highlight Plugins  Authors: Coroico [email protected], Kyle Jaebker [email protected], Susan Ottwell [email protected]
When a user clicks on the link from the AjaxSearch results the target page will have the terms highlighted.

###searchHighlight Plugin

Highlight the containing terms between <body>
and </body>

###advSearchHighlight Plugin
Highlight the containing terms between <!--start highlight-->
and <!--end highlight-->
. Several distinct blocks are allowed.
To create show the searchterms and a link on the page that removes the highlighting and insert the following code on the page where this should appear: <!--search_terms-->
The following variables in the plugin code could be used to change the text:
Name | Description |
$termText |
The text before the search terms |
$removeText |
The text for the remove link |
##AjaxSearch Glossary
###ajaxSearch Mode
Search results displayed in current page through AJAX request.
###Non ajaxSearch Mode
Search results displayed in a new page.
###Search Term
The entry term in the search form.
Part of a document extracted and added in the results page.
###Search Result
Title (as a link to the document), description and extract.
Value of ranking depending of number of search results and where the results have been found.
###Search Results Page
All the search results with optionaly a more results link to a showMoreResult page or all the search results paginated with the grabMax parameter.
###Highlighted Term
In the search results page, the search terms found could be (or not) highlighted. This needs the plugin searchHighlight.
A group of search results tagged with the same TV.
##AjaxSearch Resources Links
Forum board: MODx: http://forums.modx.com/board/94/ajaxsearch
ClipperCMS: http://www.clippercms.com/forum/extras-%28core%29/
Bugs and new feature requests: https://github.com/modxcms/ajaxsearch