I wrote this set of scripts to help me research and experiement with the latest concepts in RL, as well as a way to learn Python and PyTorch.
It is a setup and workflow that works well for me to debug and experiment with concepts like agent algorithms, world models, planning, plasticity, transformers etc, and other beginners might find it a useful starting point for their own experiments.
The focus of Mini RL Lab is on continous control gym-like environments aimed at physical systems or expensive-to-sample simulations - my personal research interest, and it makes the problem and architecture space tractable.
The basis are CleanRL's PPO and SAC agents [https://github.com/vwxyzjn/cleanrl] which I modified to:
- Separate the environment rollout and logging from the agent code. CleanRL's single file approach is great but I find this arrangement easier for experiments
- Simplify the code, improve performance where possible
- Use different specialised training scripts
- Include algorithms + variants as baselines with which to compare
- Agents based on established, tried and tested baselines from CleanRL
- Agents are structured for easy experimentation, whilst staying ~"one file"
- Various performance considerations such as minimising cpu<>gpu syncs, data transfers from buffer etc
- Helpful for those of us limited to one workstation and a midrange GPU
- Inline comments document design choices and links to source papers
- Learn scripts implement a lot best practices I discovered as I went, minor (data logging structure) to major (multiprocessing allows running a number of parallel agents with different seeds, essential in RL)
- Pytorch 2 (though 1.x will work with small changes)
- Numpy (1.25 though older should work)
- Tensorboard
- Gymnasium[Box2D] and/or [Mujoco] (https://gymnasium.farama.org)
- Or other gym compatible environment of choice
- Bayesian Optimisation (https://github.com/bayesian-optimization/BayesianOptimization)
Test a change quickly for major errors:
Python learn_simple.py
Training run with multiple random seeds logging to tensorboard:
Python learn_simple.py --log --seed 8 --name "testing X new feature"
Run a vectorised environment with cuda and log:
Python learn_vectorised.py --log --cuda
Use bayesian optimisation to optimise hyperparameter(s):
Python hypertune.py
- Based on CleanRL's continuous PPO agent
- Simplified for easy modifictions
- Improved samples per second through small optimisations
- Based on CleanRL's continuous SAC agent
- Simplified for easy modification
- Removed CUDA <> CPU synchronisations for better performance
- Variants: DroQ and CrossQ
- CrossQ in particular is great, see the paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05605
Novel agents
- Based on sac_crossq with actor replaced by a cross entropy method optimiser
- Inspired by QT-Opt https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.10293 and TD-MPC2 https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.16828
- Question: Can QT-Opt's performance improve to match TD-MPC2 using CrossQ's improvements to the Q functions?
- Result: maybe, but CEM actor is so compute intensive it is not clear this is a direction worth pursuing
- WIP, could be improved
- Inspired by various papers showing that SAC can be improved with (a) more compute (b) regularisation (c) simple design changes
- Promising results, first agent in Mini RL Lab that seems to reliably solve WalkerHardcore in <500k steps
- WIP, not tuned or optimised yet
- Multiple training runs in parallel using multiprocessing (the processes have independent agents and environments)
- Few assumptions about environments, more easily compatible with rl envs approximating the open ai gym api
- Easy to edit and modify, design choices in comments
- Use case: test performance of new feature on multiple environments with many random seeds in parallel
- No multiprocessing, runs a single process
- PPO seems to really need different hyperparameters when vectorised
- Use case: check performance when vectorised
- uses bayesian optimisation to tune selected hyperparameters
- uses multiprocessing to run multiple evaluations in parallel
- implements a median pruner to stop badly performing runs early
- Use case: optimise a new hyperparameter
- Hyperparameters in RL https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.01324 is a good reference for this