Ssh onto CCR
Load the project modules
module use /projects/academic/chrest/modules/
Load the required modules
module purge; module load chrest/release
module purge; module load chrest/debug
- List Examples
ls $TCHEM_DIR/example
- Getting example for an example
$TCHEM_DIR/example/TChem_IgnitionZeroD.x --help
Ssh onto CCR
Load the project modules
module use /projects/academic/chrest/modules/
Load the required modules
module purge; module load chrest/release
module purge; module load chrest/debug
Clone the example repo
git clone https://github.com/mmcgurn/tchemExample.git
Setup/build exe
mkdir tchemExampleBuild cd tchemExampleBuild cmake -B . -S ../tchemExample -DTChem_DIR=$TCHEM_DIR/lib64/cmake/TChem -DTines_DIR=$TINES_DIR/lib64/cmake/Tines -DKokkos_DIR=$KOKKOS_DIR/lib64/cmake/Kokkos make -j 8
Running the example
# Using grimech ./exe --inputs-path=$TCHEM_DIR/example/data/ignition-zero-d/gri3.0/ --use-prefix-path=true # using custom yaml ./exe --useYaml=true --chemfile=../tchemExample/inputs/LL2KGB_AllRange.yaml --samplefile=../tchemExample/inputs/sample.dat