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Creating a Monitor Page
Stylus works particularly well with SVG diagrams, but can use any markup language that supports either CSS or dynamic updates via JSON data (eg: Angular, React, etc).
Short story: Using a tool like diagrams.net, create an SVG diagram of your network. Attach an SVG DOM attribute to the elements you'd like to style with status changes. If you're using diagrams.net, this can be done using the svgdata
plugin. Alternatively, you can use the automatic identifiers generated by your SVG editor as your monitoring identifiers.
From the SVG you've generated, create CSS selectors and rules that will apply styles to the appropriate elements as
statuses change. The SVG fill
attribute is a good candidate to change, but ensure that you're using !important
all your rules to override the fill colors created by your SVG editor.
Enable one of the networking diagram sets on diagrams.net that matches the style of diagram you'd like to create.
For each of the networking elements you've dropped on the canvas, click the "edit data" button to add metadata.
Set a custom property named infra-id
. This will be the ID we'll later use to configure the diagram.
Once you've completed your diagram, export it as an SVG.
These are the recommended options you can use to create a standalone SVG file.
The final result.
And the final SVG source:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1" width="181" height="167" viewBox="-0.5 -0.5 181 167">
<filter id="dropShadow">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="1.7" result="blur"/>
<feOffset in="blur" dx="3" dy="3" result="offsetBlur"/>
<feFlood flood-color="#3D4574" flood-opacity="0.4" result="offsetColor"/>
<feComposite in="offsetColor" in2="offsetBlur" operator="in" result="offsetBlur"/>
<feBlend in="SourceGraphic" in2="offsetBlur"/>
<g filter="url(#dropShadow)">
<g id="cell-f1RpjmRWZniSFc_S4n2y-1" content="<object label="" infra-id="firewall"/>" data-label="" data-infra-id="firewall">
<rect x="0" y="20" width="50" height="44" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 0 64 L 0 54.01 L 23.64 54.01 L 23.64 64 Z M 25 54.01 L 50 54.01 L 50 64 L 25 64 Z M 37.5 52.75 L 37.5 42.71 L 50 42.71 L 50 52.75 Z M 36.04 42.71 L 36.04 52.75 L 13.91 52.75 L 13.91 42.71 Z M 12.55 52.75 L 0 52.75 L 0 42.66 L 12.55 42.66 Z M 23.59 41.44 L 0 41.44 L 0 31.4 L 23.59 31.4 Z M 25 31.4 L 50 31.4 L 50 41.44 L 25.1 41.44 Z M 37.5 30.09 L 37.5 20 L 50 20 L 50 30.09 Z M 36.04 20.05 L 36.04 30.09 L 13.91 30.09 L 13.91 20.05 Z M 12.45 30.09 L 0 30.09 L 0 20.05 L 12.45 20.05 Z" fill="#00188d" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/></g><g id="cell-f1RpjmRWZniSFc_S4n2y-3" content="<object label="" infra-id="server-a"/>" data-label="" data-infra-id="server-a"><rect x="140" y="0" width="24" height="50" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/>
<path d="M 140 50 L 140 2.51 C 140 1.12 141.11 0 142.47 0 L 161.53 0 C 162.89 0 164 1.12 164 2.51 L 164 50 Z M 143.6 45.08 L 160.4 45.08 L 160.4 42.67 L 143.6 42.67 Z M 160.4 40.26 L 160.4 37.8 L 143.6 37.8 L 143.6 40.26 Z M 143.6 9.79 L 160.4 9.79 L 160.4 7.33 L 143.6 7.33 Z" fill="#00188d" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/>
<g id="cell-f1RpjmRWZniSFc_S4n2y-4" content="<object label="" infra-id="server-c"/>" data-label="" data-infra-id="server-c">
<rect x="90" y="110" width="24" height="50" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/>
<path d="M 90 160 L 90 112.51 C 90 111.12 91.11 110 92.47 110 L 111.53 110 C 112.89 110 114 111.12 114 112.51 L 114 160 Z M 93.6 155.08 L 110.4 155.08 L 110.4 152.67 L 93.6 152.67 Z M 110.4 150.26 L 110.4 147.8 L 93.6 147.8 L 93.6 150.26 Z M 93.6 119.79 L 110.4 119.79 L 110.4 117.33 L 93.6 117.33 Z" fill="#00188d" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/>
<g id="cell-f1RpjmRWZniSFc_S4n2y-5" content="<object label="" infra-id="server-b"/>" data-label="" data-infra-id="server-b">
<rect x="150" y="80" width="24" height="50" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/>
<path d="M 150 130 L 150 82.51 C 150 81.12 151.11 80 152.47 80 L 171.53 80 C 172.89 80 174 81.12 174 82.51 L 174 130 Z M 153.6 125.08 L 170.4 125.08 L 170.4 122.67 L 153.6 122.67 Z M 170.4 120.26 L 170.4 117.8 L 153.6 117.8 L 153.6 120.26 Z M 153.6 89.79 L 170.4 89.79 L 170.4 87.33 L 153.6 87.33 Z" fill="#00188d" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/>