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Matt Mastracci edited this page Jun 27, 2020 · 15 revisions

The Stylus configuration is split into two categories:

Server Configuration

The first is the main server configuration, stored in config.yaml in the root directory of the configuration. This controls the overall server behaviour (including listening ports) and the CSS layout. It also points Stylus to the monitoring directory (monitor.d by default).

# Stylus will fail to load any configuration without a version of 1 (for future extensibility)
version: 1

# HTTP server configuration
  # Listen port
  port: 8000
  # Static file directory
  static: static

# Monitor configuration
  # The top-level directory that stylus looks for monitor directories
  dir: monitor.d

  # Arbitrary metadata can be associated with each of the four states: blank (no state),
  # red (failed), yellow (timed out) or green (success).

  # Use metadata to get prettier colors - note that we can add arbitrary string keys and values here
      color: "white"
      color: "#fa897b"
      color: "#ffdd94"
      color: "#d0e6a5"

  # Specify a number of rules - selector/declaration pairs. Each pair will generate a CSS block.
    # Style the HTML/SVG with the appropriate status color
    - selectors: "
        [data-monitor-id=\"{{}}\"] > *
      declarations: "
        background-color: {{monitor.status.css.metadata.color}} !important;
        fill: {{monitor.status.css.metadata.color}} !important;
    # Add some text for the status/return value of the script
    - selectors: "
        #{{}} td:nth-child(2)::after
      declarations: "
        content: \"status={{monitor.status.status}} retval={{monitor.status.code}}\"

Monitor Configuration

Standard Monitor

A standard monitor consists of a single test for a single host.

  # (optional) The internal ID to use for this test. If omitted, the ID is inferred from the monitor directory's name.
  id: foo
  # How often the test is run. The interval restarts from the last success or failure of the test.
  interval: 60s
  # How long the script will be given to run before it is killed.
  timeout: 30s
  # The test command to run, relative to the monitor directory. The PATH is not used and the file must be
  # directly executable.

Output from the test's standard output and standard error streams are captured and available from the logging endpoint.

Group Monitor

See Advanced Configuration for examples of configuring a group monitor.

CSS Interpolation

Interpolation is used in the css block to control the display. The interpolation library under the hood is handlebars-rust and any of the advanced syntaxes may be used.

Generally a monitor's output is interpolated from its status JSON, which will have a following form like the given example below:

  "id": "my-id",
  "config": {
    "interval": "1m",
    "timeout": "30s",
    "command": "/full/path/to/"
  "status": {
    "status": "green",
    "code": 0,
    "description": "Success",
    "css": {
      "metadata": {
        "color": "#d0e6a5"
    "metadata": {
      "key": "value1"

The root object is named monitor, and you may choose to use any of the keys as such:

{{}} = my-id
{{monitor.status.status}} = green
{{monitor.status.css.metadata.color}} = #d0e6a5
{{monitor.status.metadata.key}} = value1

You may use additional text content around the interpolation blocks. For example, background-color: {{monitor.status.css.metadata.color}} !important; will interpolate to background-color: #d0e6a5 !important.

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