##Tools for creating, opening/using, and closing a usb/sd encrypted with cryptsetup and gpg.
git clone https://github.com/mktx-code/Cryption
cd Cryption
chmod +x *.sh
Run the relevant script.
A. ./create.sh
B. ./unlock.sh
C. ./lock.sh
- Pick an external storage device.
- Wipe device using badblocks, number of passes specified by user.
- Device is then partitioned to two primary partitions. One being 5MB for key storage, and the second being the remainder of the device.
- The first partition is then encrytped using: cryptsetup luksFormat -i 15000 -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 and a user defined password.
- Next this partition is populated with 10 keys. One of which the user will choose to encrypt the second partition.
- The user will also choose a second passphrase to lock their keyfile using gpg symmetric encryption.
- The other keyfiles are encrypted with random passwords.
- Second partition is encrypted using: cryptsetup luksFormat -i 15000 -c aes-xts-plain64 and a key file chosen by the user.
- Everything is cleaned up nice and neat.
- Pick device.
- Unlock partition 1.
- Decrypt key file.
- Use key file to open partition 2.
- Securely remove decrypted keyfile.
- Unmount and lock partition 1.
- Pick device.
- Unmount and lock partition 2.