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Prove lemmas for waitgroup ghost state
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upamanyus committed Feb 17, 2025
1 parent c3d441a commit c58e28b
Showing 1 changed file with 210 additions and 29 deletions.
239 changes: 210 additions & 29 deletions new/proof/sync.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ Context `{!ffi_interp ffi}.
Section proof.
Context `{!heapGS Σ} `{!syncG Σ}.
Context `{!goGlobalsGS Σ}.
Context `{!sync.GlobalAddrs}.

Definition is_initialized : iProp Σ :=
"#?" ∷ sync.is_defined ∗
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,16 +415,20 @@ Implicit Type γ : WaitGroup_names.

(* FIXME: opaque *)
Definition own_WaitGroup_waiters γ (possible_waiters : w32) : iProp Σ :=
∃ (m : gmap w32 ()),
ghost_map_auth γ.(waiter_gn) 1 m ∗
⌜ size m = uint.nat possible_waiters ⌝.
∃ (m : gset w32),
ghost_map_auth γ.(waiter_gn) 1 (gset_to_gmap () m) ∗
(* XXX: this helps maintain that the max number of waiters is [2^32-1] instead of [2^32]. *)
(W32 0) ↪[γ.(waiter_gn)]□ () ∗
⌜ size m = S (uint.nat possible_waiters) ⌝.

Definition own_WaitGroup_wait_token γ : iProp Σ :=
∃ k, k ↪[γ.(waiter_gn)] ().
∃ k,
k ↪[γ.(waiter_gn)] () ∗
(W32 0) ↪[γ.(waiter_gn)]□ ().

Definition own_zerostate_auth_half γ (unfinished_waiters : w32): iProp Σ :=
∃ (m : gmap w32 ()),
ghost_map_auth γ.(zerostate_gn) (1/2) m
∃ (m : gset w32),
ghost_map_auth γ.(zerostate_gn) (1/2) (gset_to_gmap () m)
⌜ size m = uint.nat unfinished_waiters ⌝.

Definition own_zerostate_token γ : iProp Σ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -459,31 +462,152 @@ Local Definition is_WaitGroup wg γ N : iProp Σ :=
"#Hinv" ∷ is_WaitGroup_inv wg γ N ∗
"#HsemInv" ∷ is_WaitGroup_sema_inv γ N.

Lemma size_fin_to_set_w32:
size (fin_to_set w32 : gset w32) = (Z.to_nat (2^32 : Z)).
unfold fin_to_set.
rewrite -> size_list_to_set by apply finite.NoDup_enum.
replace (length (finite.enum _)) with (finite.card w32) by reflexivity.
pose proof (finite.fin_card (Z.to_nat (2^32 : Z))) as <-.
set (f := λ (x : fin (Z.to_nat (2^32 : Z))), W32 (Z.of_nat (fin_to_nat x))).
unshelve eapply (finite.bijective_card f).
intros ???. subst f.
simpl in *.
apply fin_to_nat_inj.
pose proof (fin_to_nat_lt x).
pose proof (fin_to_nat_lt y).
(* FIXME: word. *)
intros ?.
subst f. simpl.
unshelve eexists (nat_to_fin (p:=uint.nat y) _).
2:{ rewrite fin_to_nat_to_fin. word. }

(* Prepare to Wait() *)
Lemma alloc_wait_token γ (w : w32) :
uint.Z (word.add w (W32 1)) = uint.Z w + 1 →
own_WaitGroup_waiters γ w ==∗ own_WaitGroup_waiters γ (word.add w (W32 1)) ∗ own_WaitGroup_wait_token γ.
iIntros "(% & (H &#? & %))".
unshelve epose proof (size_pos_elem_of (fin_to_set w32 ∖ m) _) as [new Helem].
{ rewrite -> size_difference by set_solver. rewrite size_fin_to_set_w32. word. }
iMod (ghost_map_insert new () with "[$]") as "[? ?]".
{ rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap_None. set_solver. }
rewrite -gset_to_gmap_union_singleton.
iFrame "∗#".
iPureIntro. rewrite H.
rewrite size_union //.
2:{ set_solver. }
rewrite size_singleton. word.

Lemma max_waiters (n : Z) γ :
([∗] replicate (Z.to_nat n) (own_WaitGroup_wait_token γ)) -∗
⌜ n < 2^32 ⌝.
iIntros "H".
destruct (Z.to_nat n) eqn:Hn.
{ word. }
iAssert (∃ (m : gset w32 ), ⌜ size m = S (Z.to_nat n) ⌝ ∗
([∗ set] k ∈ m, ∃ dq, k ↪[γ.(waiter_gn)]{dq} ())
)%I with "[H]" as "(%m & %Heq & _)".
assert (m ⊆ (fin_to_set w32)) as Hsz by set_solver.
apply subseteq_size in Hsz.
rewrite size_fin_to_set_w32 in Hsz.
rewrite Heq /= in Hsz.
rewrite Hn. clear n Hn.
rename n0 into n.
iInduction n as [|] "IH".
iDestruct "H" as "[(% & ? & ?) _]".
destruct (decide (k = W32 0)).
{ iExFalso. subst. iDestruct (ghost_map_elem_valid_2 with "[$] [$]") as %Hv. naive_solver. }
iExists {[ k; W32 0 ]}.
assert ({[k]} ## ({[W32 0]} : gset w32)) by set_solver.
{ iPureIntro. rewrite -> size_union by set_solver. rewrite !size_singleton //. }
rewrite big_sepS_union // !big_sepS_singleton.
{ generalize (S n) as n'. intros. clear n. rename n' into n.
rewrite replicate_S.
iDestruct "H" as "[Helem H]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "[$]") as "(% & % & H)".
iDestruct "Helem" as (?) "[? _]".
destruct (decide (k ∈ m)).
iDestruct (big_sepS_elem_of_acc with "H") as "[H _]".
{ done. }
iDestruct "H" as (?) "?".
iDestruct (ghost_map_elem_valid_2 with "[$] [$]") as %[Hv _].
apply dfrac_valid_own_r in Hv. done.
iExists ({[k]} ∪ m).
rewrite -> size_union by set_solver.
rewrite size_singleton. iSplitR.
{ word. }
rewrite -> big_sepS_union by set_solver.
iFrame. rewrite big_sepS_singleton. iFrame.

Lemma waiters_none_token_false γ :
own_WaitGroup_waiters γ (W32 0) ∗ own_WaitGroup_wait_token γ -∗ False.
own_WaitGroup_waiters γ (W32 0) -∗ own_WaitGroup_wait_token γ -∗ False.
iIntros "(% & Hauth & Hptsto1 & %)".
iIntros "(% & Hptsto2 & _)".
iCombine "Hauth Hptsto1" gives %Hlookup1.
iCombine "Hauth Hptsto2" gives %Hlookup2.
destruct (decide (k = W32 0)).
{ subst. iDestruct (ghost_map_elem_valid_2 with "[$] [$]") as %[Hv _]. naive_solver. }
rewrite !lookup_gset_to_gmap_Some in Hlookup1, Hlookup2.
assert ({[W32 0 ; k]} ⊆ m) as Hsz.
{ set_solver. }
apply subseteq_size in Hsz.
rewrite -> size_union in Hsz by set_solver.
rewrite !size_singleton in Hsz. word.

Lemma alloc_zerostate_token uw γ :
uint.Z (word.add uw (W32 1)) = uint.Z uw + 1 →
own_zerostate_auth_half γ uw ∗ own_zerostate_auth_half γ uw ==∗
own_zerostate_auth_half γ uw -∗ own_zerostate_auth_half γ uw ==∗
own_zerostate_auth_half γ (word.add uw (W32 1)) ∗ own_zerostate_auth_half γ (word.add uw (W32 1)) ∗
own_zerostate_token γ.
intros. iIntros "Ha1 Ha2".
iDestruct "Ha1" as "(% & Ha1 & %)".
iDestruct "Ha2" as "(% & Ha2 & %)".
iCombine "Ha1 Ha2" gives %[_ Heq].
apply (f_equal dom) in Heq.
rewrite !dom_gset_to_gmap in Heq. subst.
iCombine "Ha1 Ha2" as "Ha".
unshelve epose proof (size_pos_elem_of (fin_to_set w32 ∖ m0) _) as [new Helem].
{ rewrite -> size_difference by set_solver. rewrite size_fin_to_set_w32. word. }
iMod (ghost_map_insert new () with "Ha") as "[Ha ?]".
{ rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap_None. set_solver. }
rewrite -gset_to_gmap_union_singleton.
iDestruct "Ha" as "($ & $)". iPureIntro.
apply and_wlog_r; last done.
rewrite -> size_union by set_solver.
rewrite size_singleton. word.

Lemma alloc_many_zerostate_tokens uw γ :
own_zerostate_auth_half γ (W32 0) -∗ own_zerostate_auth_half γ (W32 0) ==∗
Expand All @@ -502,7 +626,7 @@ Proof.
{ word. }
replace (uint.nat (word.sub _ _)) with n by word.
iMod (alloc_zerostate_token with "[$]") as "(? & ? & $)".
iMod (alloc_zerostate_token with "[$] [$]") as "(? & ? & $)".
{ word. }
replace (word.add (word.sub _ _) _) with (uw) by ring.
by iFrame.
Expand All @@ -511,24 +635,83 @@ Qed.
Lemma zerostate_empty_token_false γ :
own_zerostate_auth_half γ (W32 0) -∗ own_zerostate_token γ -∗ False.
iIntros "(% & Ha1 & %) (% & Hp)".
apply size_empty_inv in H.
apply leibniz_equiv in H as ->.
iCombine "Ha1 Hp" gives %Hbad. done.

Lemma zerostate_tokens_bound (n : nat) w γ :
own_zerostate_auth_half γ w -∗ [∗] replicate n (own_zerostate_token γ) -∗ ⌜ n ≤ uint.nat w ⌝.
iIntros "(% & Ha & %) H".
iAssert (
∃ (x : gset w32),
⌜ size x = n ⌝ ∗
⌜ x ⊆ m ⌝ ∗
([∗ set] k ∈ x, k ↪[γ.(zerostate_gn)] ()) ∗
ghost_map_auth γ.(zerostate_gn) (1 / 2) (gset_to_gmap ()%V m)
)%I with "[-]" as "(% & % & %Hsz & _)".
2:{ iPureIntro. subst. apply subseteq_size in Hsz. word. }
iInduction n as [|] "IH".
iExists ∅. iSplitR; first done.
iSplitR; first done. iFrame. done.
rewrite replicate_S.
iDestruct "H" as "[Ht H]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "[$] [$]") as (?) "(% & % & H & Ha)".
iDestruct "Ht" as "(% & Ht)".
destruct (decide (k ∈ x)).
iDestruct (big_sepS_elem_of_acc with "H") as "[H _]".
{ eassumption. }
iCombine "Ht H" gives %Hbad. exfalso. naive_solver.
iCombine "Ht Ha" gives %Hlookup.
apply lookup_gset_to_gmap_Some in Hlookup as [? _].
iExists ({[k]} ∪ x).
{ iPureIntro. rewrite -> size_union by set_solver. rewrite size_singleton. word. }
{ iPureIntro. set_solver. }
rewrite -> big_sepS_union by set_solver.
iFrame. rewrite big_sepS_singleton. iFrame.

Lemma delete_zerostate_token uw γ :
own_zerostate_auth_half γ uw -∗ own_zerostate_auth_half γ uw -∗
own_zerostate_token γ ==∗
own_zerostate_auth_half γ (word.sub uw (W32 1)) ∗ own_zerostate_auth_half γ (word.sub uw (W32 1)).
iIntros "(% & Ha1 & %) (% & Ha2 & %) (% & Ht)".
iCombine "Ha1 Ha2" gives %[_ Heq%(f_equal dom)].
rewrite !dom_gset_to_gmap in Heq. subst.
iCombine "Ha1 Ha2" as "Ha".
iCombine "Ha Ht" gives %Hlookup.
apply lookup_gset_to_gmap_Some in Hlookup as [Helem _].
iMod (ghost_map_delete with "[$] [$]") as "H".
rewrite -gset_to_gmap_difference_singleton.
iDestruct "H" as "[$ $]".
apply and_wlog_r; last done.
rewrite -> size_difference by set_solver.
rewrite size_singleton.
enough (size m0 ≠ O) by word.
intros Hbad. apply size_empty_inv in Hbad.

Lemma own_zerostate_auth_half_agree uw uw' γ :
own_zerostate_auth_half γ uw -∗ own_zerostate_auth_half γ uw' -∗ ⌜ uw = uw' ⌝.
iIntros "(% & ? & %) (% & ? & %)".
iDestruct (ghost_map_auth_agree with "[$] [$]") as %Heq.
apply (f_equal dom) in Heq.
rewrite !dom_gset_to_gmap in Heq. subst. word.

Definition own_WaitGroup γ (counter : w32) : iProp Σ :=
ghost_var γ.(counter_gn) (1/2)%Qp counter.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -566,8 +749,6 @@ Lemma wp_WaitGroup__Add (wg : loc) (delta : w64) γ N :
) -∗
WP method_call #sync.pkg_name' #"WaitGroup'ptr" #"Add" #wg #delta {{ Φ }}.
(* XXX: without posing something with name H, word gets stuck. *)
clear H. pose proof I as H.
intros delta'.
iIntros (?) "[#Hi #His] HΦ". iNamed "Hi".
iNamed "His".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -603,7 +784,7 @@ Proof.
iDestruct "Htoks" as "[Htok _]".
iDestruct "HnoWaiters" as "[%|HnoWaiter]".
{ done. }
iDestruct (waiters_none_token_false with "[$]") as %[].
iDestruct (waiters_none_token_false with "[$] [$]") as %[].
iCombine "Hptsto Hptsto2" as "Hptsto".
iExists _. iFrame.
Expand All @@ -620,7 +801,7 @@ Proof.
{ exfalso. apply n. word. }
rewrite replicate_S.
iDestruct "Hunfinished_token" as "[Htok _]".
iDestruct (waiters_none_token_false with "[$]") as %[].
iDestruct (waiters_none_token_false with "[$] [$]") as %[].
destruct (decide (word.add oldc delta' = W32 0 ∧ waiters ≠ W32 0)) as [Hwake|HnoWake].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -675,8 +856,8 @@ Proof.
rewrite word.signed_add /word.swrap in Heq2_signed.
apply Heq0. intuition. exfalso. apply H3.
{ apply word.signed_inj. rewrite H0 //. }
apply Heq0. intuition. exfalso. apply H2.
{ apply word.signed_inj. rewrite H //. }
* wp_pures. iFrame. done.
Expand All @@ -698,7 +879,7 @@ Proof.
2:{ by apply dec_stable. }
apply Znot_gt_le in Heq1.
apply H0. clear H0. apply word.signed_inj.
apply H. clear H. apply word.signed_inj.
replace (sint.Z (W32 0)) with 0 in * by reflexivity.
apply Z.le_antisymm.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -760,8 +941,8 @@ Proof.
rewrite word.signed_add /word.swrap in Heq2_signed.
apply Heq0. intuition. exfalso. apply H5.
{ apply word.signed_inj. rewrite H0 //. }
apply Heq0. intuition. exfalso. apply H4.
{ apply word.signed_inj. rewrite H //. }
* wp_pures. iFrame. done.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -957,7 +1138,7 @@ Proof.
iIntros "Hptsto".
iMod "Hmask" as "_".

iDestruct (max_waiters (1 + uint.Z waiters) with "[-]") as %HwaitersLt.
iDestruct (max_waiters (1 + uint.Z waiters) with "[-]") as %HwaitersLe.
rewrite -> Z2Nat.inj_add by word.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1045,7 +1226,7 @@ Proof.
wp_apply (wp_Uint64__Load with "[$]").
iInv "Hinv" as "Hi" "Hclose".
iMod (lc_fupd_elim_later with "[$] Hi") as "Hi".
iClear "Hv_ptr Hw_ptr Hstate_ptr". clear v_ptr counter w_ptr waiters state_ptr HwaitersLt.
iClear "Hv_ptr Hw_ptr Hstate_ptr". clear v_ptr counter w_ptr waiters state_ptr HwaitersLe.
clear unfinished_waiters sema n Hsema Hsem.
iNamed "Hi".
iApply fupd_mask_intro.
Expand Down

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