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hannesm committed Feb 2, 2024
1 parent 03df675 commit 53d580a
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Showing 5 changed files with 21 additions and 262 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion eio/
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Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ let stat path =

(** Return the header needed for a particular file on disk *)
let header_of_file ?level ?getpwuid ?getgrgid filepath : Tar.Header.t =
let level = match level with None -> !Tar.Header.compatibility_level | Some level -> level in
let level = Option.value ~default:!Tar.Header.compatibility_level level in
let stat = stat filepath in
let pwent = (fun f -> f stat.uid) getpwuid in
let grent = (fun f -> f stat.gid) getgrgid in
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213 changes: 0 additions & 213 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -763,128 +763,6 @@ let decode t data =
| Error ((`Checksum_mismatch | `Unmarshal _) as e) ->
Error (`Fatal e)

module type ASYNC = sig
type 'a t
val ( >>= ): 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
val return: 'a -> 'a t

module type READER = sig
type in_channel
type 'a io
val really_read: in_channel -> bytes -> unit io
val skip: in_channel -> int -> unit io

module type WRITER = sig
type out_channel
type 'a io
val really_write: out_channel -> string -> unit io

module type HEADERREADER = sig
type in_channel
type 'a io
val read : global:Header.Extended.t option -> in_channel ->
(Header.t * Header.Extended.t option, [ `Eof | `Fatal of [ `Checksum_mismatch | `Corrupt_pax_header | `Unmarshal of string ] ]) result io

module type HEADERWRITER = sig
type out_channel
type 'a io
val write : ?level:Header.compatibility -> Header.t -> out_channel -> (unit, [> `Msg of string ]) result io
val write_global_extended_header : Header.Extended.t -> out_channel -> (unit, [> `Msg of string ]) result io

module HeaderReader(Async: ASYNC)(Reader: READER with type 'a io = 'a Async.t) = struct
open Async
open Reader

type in_channel = Reader.in_channel
type 'a io = 'a t

(* This is not a bind, but more a lift and bind combined. *)
let ( let^* ) x f =
match x with
| Ok x -> f x
| Error _ as e -> return e

let read ~global (ifd: Reader.in_channel) : (Header.t * Header.Extended.t option, [ `Eof | `Fatal of [ `Checksum_mismatch | `Corrupt_pax_header | `Unmarshal of string ] ]) result t =
(* We might need to read 2 headers at once if we encounter a Pax header *)
let buffer = Bytes.make Header.length '\000' in
let real_header_buf = Bytes.make Header.length '\000' in

let next_block global () =
really_read ifd buffer >>= fun () ->
return (Header.unmarshal ?extended:global (Bytes.unsafe_to_string buffer))

let rec get_hdr ~next_longname ~next_longlink global () : (Header.t * Header.Extended.t option, [> `Eof | `Fatal of [ `Checksum_mismatch | `Corrupt_pax_header | `Unmarshal of string ] ]) result t =
next_block global () >>= function
| Ok x when x.Header.link_indicator = Header.Link.GlobalExtendedHeader ->
let extra_header_buf = Bytes.make (Int64.to_int x.Header.file_size) '\000' in
really_read ifd extra_header_buf >>= fun () ->
skip ifd (Header.compute_zero_padding_length x) >>= fun () ->
(* unmarshal merges the previous global (if any) with the
discovered global (if any) and returns the new global. *)
let^* global =
(fun e -> `Fatal e)
(Header.Extended.unmarshal ~global (Bytes.unsafe_to_string extra_header_buf))
get_hdr ~next_longname ~next_longlink (Some global) ()
| Ok x when x.Header.link_indicator = Header.Link.PerFileExtendedHeader ->
let extra_header_buf = Bytes.make (Int64.to_int x.Header.file_size) '\000' in
really_read ifd extra_header_buf >>= fun () ->
skip ifd (Header.compute_zero_padding_length x) >>= fun () ->
let^* extended =
(fun e -> `Fatal e)
(Header.Extended.unmarshal ~global (Bytes.unsafe_to_string extra_header_buf))
really_read ifd real_header_buf >>= fun () ->
let^* x =
(fun _ -> `Fatal `Corrupt_pax_header)
(Header.unmarshal ~extended (Bytes.unsafe_to_string real_header_buf))
let x = fix_link_indicator x in
return (Ok (x, global))
| Ok ({ Header.link_indicator = Header.Link.LongLink | Header.Link.LongName; _ } as x) when x.Header.file_name = longlink ->
let extra_header_buf = Bytes.create (Int64.to_int x.Header.file_size) in
really_read ifd extra_header_buf >>= fun () ->
skip ifd (Header.compute_zero_padding_length x) >>= fun () ->
let name = String.sub (Bytes.unsafe_to_string extra_header_buf) 0 (Bytes.length extra_header_buf - 1) in
let next_longlink = if x.Header.link_indicator = Header.Link.LongLink then Some name else next_longlink in
let next_longname = if x.Header.link_indicator = Header.Link.LongName then Some name else next_longname in
get_hdr ~next_longname ~next_longlink global ()
| Ok x ->
(* XXX: unclear how/if pax headers should interact with gnu extensions *)
let x = match next_longname with
| None -> x
| Some file_name -> { x with file_name }
let x = match next_longlink with
| None -> x
| Some link_name -> { x with link_name }
let x = fix_link_indicator x in
return (Ok (x, global))
| Error `Zero_block ->
next_block global () >>= function
| Ok x -> return (Ok (x, global))
| Error `Zero_block -> return (Error `Eof)
| Error ((`Checksum_mismatch | `Unmarshal _) as e) -> return (Error (`Fatal e))
| Error ((`Checksum_mismatch | `Unmarshal _) as e) ->
return (Error (`Fatal e))
get_hdr ~next_longname:None ~next_longlink:None global ()


let encode_long level link_indicator payload =
let blank = {Header.file_name = longlink; file_mode = 0; user_id = 0; group_id = 0; mod_time = 0L; file_size = 0L; link_indicator = Header.Link.LongLink; link_name = ""; uname = "root"; gname = "root"; devmajor = 0; devminor = 0; extended = None} in
let payload = payload ^ "\000" in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -941,94 +819,3 @@ let encode_header ?level header =

let encode_global_extended_header global =
encode_extended_header `Global global

module HeaderWriter(Async: ASYNC)(Writer: WRITER with type 'a io = 'a Async.t) = struct
open Async
open Writer

type out_channel = Writer.out_channel
type 'a io = 'a t

let write_unextended ?level header fd =
let level = Header.get_level level in
let blank = {Header.file_name = longlink; file_mode = 0; user_id = 0; group_id = 0; mod_time = 0L; file_size = 0L; link_indicator = Header.Link.LongLink; link_name = ""; uname = "root"; gname = "root"; devmajor = 0; devminor = 0; extended = None} in
(if level = Header.GNU then begin
if String.length header.Header.link_name > Header.sizeof_hdr_link_name then begin
let file_size = String.length header.Header.link_name + 1 in
let blank = {blank with Header.file_size = Int64.of_int file_size} in
let buffer = Bytes.make Header.length '\000' in
Header.marshal ~level buffer { blank with link_indicator = Header.Link.LongLink }
| Error _ as e -> return e
| Ok () ->
really_write fd (Bytes.unsafe_to_string buffer) >>= fun () ->
let payload = header.Header.link_name ^ "\000" in
really_write fd payload >>= fun () ->
really_write fd (Header.zero_padding blank) >>= fun () ->
return (Ok ())
end else
return (Ok ())
end >>= function
| Error _ as e -> return e
| Ok () ->
if String.length header.Header.file_name > Header.sizeof_hdr_file_name then begin
let file_size = String.length header.Header.file_name + 1 in
let blank = {blank with Header.file_size = Int64.of_int file_size} in
let buffer = Bytes.make Header.length '\000' in
Header.marshal ~level buffer { blank with link_indicator = Header.Link.LongName }
| Error _ as e -> return e
| Ok () ->
really_write fd (Bytes.unsafe_to_string buffer) >>= fun () ->
let payload = header.Header.file_name ^ "\000" in
really_write fd payload >>= fun () ->
really_write fd (Header.zero_padding blank) >>= fun () ->
return (Ok ())
end else
return (Ok ())
end >>= function
| Error _ as e -> return e
| Ok () -> return (Ok ())
end else
return (Ok ())) >>= function
| Error _ as e -> return e
| Ok () ->
let buffer = Bytes.make Header.length '\000' in
match Header.marshal ~level buffer header with
| Error _ as e -> return e
| Ok () ->
really_write fd (Bytes.unsafe_to_string buffer) >>= fun () ->
return (Ok ())

let write_extended ?level ~link_indicator hdr fd =
let link_indicator_name = match link_indicator with
| Header.Link.PerFileExtendedHeader -> "paxheader"
| Header.Link.GlobalExtendedHeader -> "pax_global_header"
| _ -> assert false
let pax_payload = Header.Extended.marshal hdr in
let pax = Header.make ~link_indicator link_indicator_name
(Int64.of_int @@ String.length pax_payload) in
write_unextended ?level pax fd >>= function
| Error _ as e -> return e
| Ok () ->
really_write fd pax_payload >>= fun () ->
really_write fd (Header.zero_padding pax) >>= fun () ->
return (Ok ())

let write ?level header fd =
( match header.Header.extended with
| None -> return (Ok ())
| Some e ->
write_extended ?level ~link_indicator:Header.Link.PerFileExtendedHeader e fd )
>>= function
| Error _ as e -> return e
| Ok () -> write_unextended ?level header fd

let write_global_extended_header global fd =
write_extended ~link_indicator:Header.Link.GlobalExtendedHeader global fd
64 changes: 18 additions & 46 deletions lib/tar.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,62 +139,34 @@ module Header : sig
val to_sectors: t -> int64

(** {1 Decoding and encoding of a whole archive} *)

(** The type of the decode state. *)
type decode_state

(** [decode_state ~global ()] constructs a decode_state. *)
val decode_state : ?global:Header.Extended.t -> unit -> decode_state

(** [decode t data] decodes [data] taking the current state [t] into account.
It may result on success in a new state, optionally some action that should
be done ([`Read] or [`Skip]), or a decoded [`Header]. Possibly a new global
PAX header is provided as well.
If no [`Read] or [`Skip] is returned, the new state should be used with
[decode] with the next [Header.length] sized string, which will lead to
further decoding until [`Eof] (or an error) occurs. *)
val decode : decode_state -> string ->
(decode_state * [ `Read of int | `Skip of int | `Header of Header.t ] option * Header.Extended.t option,
[ `Eof | `Fatal of [ `Checksum_mismatch | `Corrupt_pax_header | `Unmarshal of string ] ])

(** [encode_header ~level hdr] encodes the header with the provided [level]
(defaults to [V7]) into a list of strings to be written to the disk.
Once a header is written, the payload (padded to multiples of
[Header.length]) should follow. *)
val encode_header : ?level:Header.compatibility ->
Header.t -> (string list, [> `Msg of string ]) result

(** [encode_global_extended_header hdr] encodes the global extended header as
a list of strings. *)
val encode_global_extended_header : Header.Extended.t -> (string list, [> `Msg of string ]) result

module type ASYNC = sig
type 'a t
val ( >>= ): 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
val return: 'a -> 'a t

module type READER = sig
type in_channel
type 'a io
val really_read: in_channel -> bytes -> unit io
val skip: in_channel -> int -> unit io

module type WRITER = sig
type out_channel
type 'a io
val really_write: out_channel -> string -> unit io

module type HEADERREADER = sig
type in_channel
type 'a io

(** Returns the next header block or error [`Eof] if two consecutive
zero-filled blocks are discovered. Assumes stream is positioned at the
possible start of a header block.
@param global Holds the current global pax extended header, if
any. Needs to be given to the next call to [read]. *)
val read : global:Header.Extended.t option -> in_channel ->
(Header.t * Header.Extended.t option, [ `Eof | `Fatal of [ `Checksum_mismatch | `Corrupt_pax_header | `Unmarshal of string ] ]) result io

module type HEADERWRITER = sig
type out_channel
type 'a io
val write : ?level:Header.compatibility -> Header.t -> out_channel -> (unit, [> `Msg of string ]) result io
val write_global_extended_header : Header.Extended.t -> out_channel -> (unit, [> `Msg of string ]) result io

module HeaderReader(Async: ASYNC)(Reader: READER with type 'a io = 'a Async.t) :
HEADERREADER with type in_channel = Reader.in_channel and type 'a io = 'a Async.t

module HeaderWriter(Async: ASYNC)(Writer: WRITER with type 'a io = 'a Async.t) :
HEADERWRITER with type out_channel = Writer.out_channel and type 'a io = 'a Async.t
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion unix/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module HeaderWriter = Tar.HeaderWriter(Lwt)(Io)

(** Return the header needed for a particular file on disk *)
let header_of_file ?level (file: string) : Tar.Header.t Lwt.t =
let level = match level with None -> !Tar.Header.compatibility_level | Some level -> level in
let level = Option.value ~default:!Tar.Header.compatibility_level level in
Lwt_unix.LargeFile.stat file >>= fun stat ->
Lwt_unix.getpwuid stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_uid >>= fun pwent ->
Lwt_unix.getgrgid stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_gid >>= fun grent ->
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion unix/
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Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ include Driver

(** Return the header needed for a particular file on disk *)
let header_of_file ?level (file: string) : Tar.Header.t =
let level = match level with None -> !Tar.Header.compatibility_level | Some level -> level in
let level = Option.valud ~default:!Tar.Header.compatibility_level level in
let stat = Unix.LargeFile.lstat file in
let file_mode = stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_perm in
let user_id = stat.Unix.LargeFile.st_uid in
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