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Vitis AI partitioner.

Getting start

prepare dev environment


All development environments of VAIP are integrated into a docker container. Access the container via xdock-vitis-ai-sw clone xdock-vitis-ai-sw repo.

# cd to your workspace
cd xdock-vitis-ai-sw
make run

After running the above command, you are in the docker terminal.


Developers need to install the dependent environment in advance as follows.

  1. Visual Studio 2019, with individual componment "spectre" installed,
  2. cmake (version >= 3.26),
  3. python (version == 3.9), 3.11 would cause some packaging issues,
  4. XRT,
    1. Download the zip(either debug or release, depends on your build)
    2. Extract it and copy the xrt folder inside to ~/.local/{prefix}.{build_type}/
      1. {prefix} is the output of python -c 'import platform ; print(\".\".join([platform.system(),platform.version(),platform.machine()]))'
      2. {build_type} is Debug or Release, depends on your build
    3. The directory after successful installation is as follows.
      dir ~\.local\Windows.10.0.14393.AMD64.Release\
          Directory: ~\.local\Windows.10.0.14393.AMD64.Release
      Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
      ----                -------------         ------ ----
      d-----        5/18/2023  11:48 AM                xrt


Use vai-rt to build vaip and dependencies. clone vai-rt repo.

cd vai-rt
python --type=release --dev-mode

The script will automate the installation of all dependencies. --type=debug means that the compiler type is the debug. --dev-mode forces compilation to use the latest code,your local change will be coverage.

How to run an onnx model

test_onnx_runner onnx/model/path/onnx.onnx

pull large file

There are some pull processes for large files that need to be done manually.

cd /workspace/vaip
git lfs fetch
git lfs pull

If you don't have git-lfs installed, follow these steps to install it:

tar -zxvf git-lfs-linux-amd64-v3.3.0.tar.gz
cd git-lfs-3.3.0
sudo ./
git lfs install

Cross compile

For cross compilation, can refer to onnxruntime_on_board_test.

tips for developpers.

put the following line in your ~/.bashrc might make many command shorter.

on Linux.

    export PREFIX=$HOME/.local/Ubuntu.20.04.x86_64.Debug
    export BUILD=$HOME/build/build.Ubuntu.20.04.x86_64.Debug
    export W=/workspace

for git-bash on Windows.

export W=$HOME/workspace
export BUILD=$HOME/build/build.Windows.10.0.17763.AMD64.Debug
export PREFIX=$HOME/.local/Windows.10.0.17763.AMD64.Debug

create a shell command build in one of your $PATH, for example, $HOME/.local/bin.

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    # Default logic or value goes here
echo "build project $project"
export BUILD=$HOME/build/build.Ubuntu.20.04.x86_64.Debug
# on windows
# export BUILD=$HOME/build/build.Windows.10.0.17763.AMD64.Debug
cmake --build $BUILD/$project -j $(nproc) && cmake --install $BUILD/$project

Then for example, you can run build vaip quickly to build the vaip project.

to create a new pass

python vaip/python/voe/tools/ --name dd change op dtype --enable
python vaip/python/voe/tools/ --help # for more details

convert an onnx model to text format

Sometime, for debugging purpose, it is very useful to view the onnx model in the text format

$BUILD/vaip/onnxruntime_vitisai_ep/onnx_dump_txt -i a.onnx -o a.txt
$BUILD/vaip/onnxruntime_vitisai_ep/onnx_dump_txt -h # for more details

generate a new pattern

$BUILD/vaip/onnxruntime_vitisai_ep/onnx_pattern_gen env \
 $BUILD/vaip/onnxruntime_vitisai_ep/onnx_pattern_gen \
 -i value/Add_output_0_QuantizeLinear_Output \
 -i key/MatMul_output_0_QuantizeLinear_Output \
 -i query/Add_output_0_QuantizeLinear_Output \
 -i Mul_output_0_convert_QuantizeLinear_Output \
 -o Reshape_4_output_0_QuantizeLinear_Output \
 -f vaip/.cache/acd89c9415eba62a3623a3af2e7e8227/onnx.onnx\
 -c ../../vaip_pattern_zoo/src/
 -m ../../vaip_pattern_zoo/src/QMHAGRPB_0.mmd
  1. IGNORE_CONSTANT when it is 0, constant initializers are not shown in the generated mermaid diagram. Usually it makes diagrams cleaner.
  2. ENABLE_CONSTNAT_SHARING=0 when it is 0, the generated pattern does not try to share a common constant initializer, which make the generated pattern potentially match wider range of nodes. If ENABLE_CONSTNAT_SHARING=1, the generated pattern is stricter to match a certain of subgraph which also share these constants. It does not match subgraphs which do not share constant initializers.
  3. -i specify subgraph input, if there are more than one inputs, we need to set multiple -i options.
  4. -o the subgraph output, only a single output is allowed.
  5. -f the sample onnx model as a template to genrate a pattern.
  6. -c the source file for generated c++ code.
  7. -m the file name for generated mermaid diagram.
  8. -h for see sample usage.

Extract subgraph from the ONNX model

Sometimes, the model is very large. For debugging purpose, it is very useful to extract subgraph as unit test. The "onnx_knife" tool can extracts a subgraph from an ONNX model based on specified input and output nodes. Support multiple input and single output. The tool takes command-line arguments to specify the input ONNX model file, the output path for the subgraph, and the input and output node arg names.

$BUILD/vaip/onnxruntime_vitisai_ep/onnx_knife -i 111 -o 118 -I pt_resnet50.onnx -O subgraph.onnx
$BUILD/vaip/onnxruntime_vitisai_ep/onnx_knife -h # for more detail


vaip open source






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  • C++ 81.3%
  • Python 15.6%
  • CMake 2.4%
  • Shell 0.2%
  • NASL 0.1%
  • Mermaid 0.1%
  • Other 0.3%