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Refactor and improve text widget navigation and selection
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- Make the selection box be extended by newlines again.
- Avoid selection box overflowing the element, by force clipping in such situations.
- For word-wrapped text widgets, allow the edit region to "overflow" with blank spaces. Instead, force the element not to scroll, and clamp the cursor to the content space.
- For `text-align: right`, don't remove any soft-wrapped space at the end of the line from the edit region. Instead, adjust the alignment offset to position the line appropriately.
  - This ensures that newline selection extension also works for righ alignment.
- Share selection and composition IME geometry.
- Adjust composition underline position so that it sits at a fixed position compared to the text cursor.
- Avoid doing unnecessary string width calculations during alignment.
  • Loading branch information
mikke89 committed Jul 7, 2024
1 parent 4cb518e commit be9a497
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Showing 2 changed files with 121 additions and 143 deletions.
233 changes: 106 additions & 127 deletions Source/Core/Elements/WidgetTextInput.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -50,8 +50,9 @@

namespace Rml {

static constexpr float CURSOR_BLINK_TIME = 0.7f; // [s]
static constexpr float OVERFLOW_TOLERANCE = 0.5f; // [px]
static constexpr float CURSOR_BLINK_TIME = 0.7f; // [s]
static constexpr float OVERFLOW_TOLERANCE = 0.5f; // [px]
static constexpr float COMPOSITION_UNDERLINE_WIDTH = 2.f; // [px]

enum class CharacterClass { Word, Punctuation, Newline, Whitespace, Undefined };
static CharacterClass GetCharacterClass(char c)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,6 +194,7 @@ WidgetTextInput::WidgetTextInput(ElementFormControl* _parent) :
parent->SetProperty(PropertyId::Drag, Property(Style::Drag::Drag));
parent->SetProperty(PropertyId::WordBreak, Property(Style::WordBreak::BreakWord));
parent->SetProperty(PropertyId::TextTransform, Property(Style::TextTransform::None));
parent->SetProperty(PropertyId::Clip, Property(Style::Clip::Type::Auto));

parent->AddEventListener(EventId::Keydown, this, true);
parent->AddEventListener(EventId::Textinput, this, true);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,6 +244,7 @@ WidgetTextInput::WidgetTextInput(ElementFormControl* _parent) :
ime_composition_end_index = 0;

last_update_time = 0;
ink_overflow = false;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,8 +470,7 @@ void WidgetTextInput::OnRender()

Vector2f text_translation = parent->GetAbsoluteOffset() - Vector2f(parent->GetScrollLeft(), parent->GetScrollTop());

if (cursor_visible && !parent->IsDisabled())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1059,20 +1061,36 @@ int WidgetTextInput::CalculateLineIndex(float position) const
return Math::Clamp(line_index, 0, (int)(lines.size() - 1));

float WidgetTextInput::GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(const char* p_begin, int line_index) const
float WidgetTextInput::GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(const Line& line) const
const float available_width = GetAvailableWidth();
const float total_width = (float)ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, String(p_begin, lines[line_index].editable_length));
auto text_align = GetElement()->GetComputedValues().text_align();
const String& value = GetValue();
StringView editable_line_string(value, line.value_offset, line.editable_length);

const Style::TextAlign text_align = parent->GetComputedValues().text_align();

// Callback to avoid expensive calculation in the cases where it is not needed.
auto RemainingWidth = [&] {
const float total_width = (float)ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, String(editable_line_string));
return GetAvailableWidth() - total_width;

// offset position depending on text align
switch (text_align)
case Style::TextAlign::Right: return Math::Max(0.0f, (available_width - total_width));
case Style::TextAlign::Center: return Math::Max(0.0f, ((available_width - total_width) / 2));
default: break;
case Style::TextAlign::Left: return 0;
case Style::TextAlign::Right:
// For right alignment with soft-wrapped newlines, remove up to a single space to align the last word to the right edge.
const bool is_last_line = (line.value_offset + line.size == (int)value.size());
const bool is_soft_wrapped = (!is_last_line && line.editable_length == line.size);
if (is_soft_wrapped && editable_line_string.size() > 0 && *(editable_line_string.end() - 1) == ' ')
editable_line_string = StringView(editable_line_string.begin(), editable_line_string.end() - 1);
return Math::Max(0.0f, RemainingWidth());
case Style::TextAlign::Center: return Math::Max(0.0f, 0.5f * RemainingWidth());
case Style::TextAlign::Justify: return 0;

return 0;

Expand All @@ -1083,11 +1101,12 @@ int WidgetTextInput::CalculateCharacterIndex(int line_index, float position)

ideal_cursor_position_to_the_right_of_cursor = true;

const char* p_begin = GetValue().data() + lines[line_index].value_offset;
const Line& line = lines[line_index];
const char* p_begin = GetValue().data() + line.value_offset;

position -= GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(p_begin, line_index);
position -= GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(line);

for (auto it = StringIteratorU8(p_begin, p_begin, p_begin + lines[line_index].editable_length); it;)
for (auto it = StringIteratorU8(p_begin, p_begin, p_begin + line.editable_length); it;)
const int offset = (int)it.offset();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1130,8 +1149,11 @@ void WidgetTextInput::ShowCursor(bool show, bool move_to_cursor)
else if (parent->GetScrollTop() > cursor_position.y)

const bool word_wrap = parent->GetComputedValues().white_space() == Style::WhiteSpace::Prewrap;
float minimum_scroll_left = (cursor_position.x + cursor_size.x) - GetAvailableWidth();
if (parent->GetScrollLeft() < minimum_scroll_left)
if (word_wrap)
else if (parent->GetScrollLeft() < minimum_scroll_left)
else if (parent->GetScrollLeft() > cursor_position.x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1231,25 +1253,10 @@ Vector2f WidgetTextInput::FormatText(float height_constraint)
Vector2f line_position = {0, top_to_baseline};
bool last_line = false;

auto text_align = GetElement()->GetComputedValues().text_align();

struct Segment {
Vector2f position;
int width;
String content;
bool selected;
int line_index;
float max_selection_right_edge = 0;

Vector<Segment> segments;

struct IMESegment {
Vector2f position;
int width;
int line_index;

Vector<IMESegment> ime_segments;
// Clear the selection background and IME composition geometry, and get the vertices and indices so the new geometry can be generated.
Mesh selection_composition_mesh = selection_composition_geometry.Release(Geometry::ReleaseMode::ClearMesh);

// Keep generating lines until all the text content is placed.
Expand All @@ -1269,44 +1276,33 @@ Vector2f WidgetTextInput::FormatText(float height_constraint)
last_line =
text_element->GenerateLine(line_content, line.size, line_width, line_begin, available_width - cursor_size.x, 0, false, false, false);

// If this line terminates in a soft-return (word wrap), then the line may be leaving a space or two behind as an orphan. If so, we must
// append the orphan onto the line even though it will push the line outside of the input field's bounds.
String orphan;
if (!last_line && (line_content.empty() || line_content.back() != '\n'))
// Check if the editable length needs to be truncated to dodge a trailing endline.
line.editable_length = (int)line_content.size();
if (!line_content.empty() && line_content.back() == '\n')
line.editable_length -= 1;

// Include all spaces at the end of this line, if they were not included due to soft-wrapping in `GenerateLine`.
// This helps prevent sudden shifts when whitespace wraps down to the next line.
const String& text = GetValue();
for (int i = 1; i >= 0; --i)
size_t i_space_begin = size_t(line_begin + line.editable_length);
size_t i_space_end = Math::Min(text.find_first_not_of(' ', i_space_begin), text.size());
size_t count = i_space_end - i_space_begin;
if (count > 0)
int index = line_begin + line.size + i;
if (index >= (int)text.size())

if (text[index] != ' ')

int next_index = index + 1;
if (!orphan.empty() || next_index >= (int)text.size() || text[next_index] != ' ')
orphan += ' ';
line_content.append(count, ' ');
line_width += ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, " ") * (int)count;
line.editable_length += (int)count;
line.size += (int)count;
// Consume the hard wrap if we have one on this line, so that it doesn't make its own, empty line.
if (text[i_space_end] == '\n')
line.size += 1;
// If the spaces extend all the way to the end, we have consumed all the lines.
if (i_space_end == text.size())
last_line = true;

if (!orphan.empty())
line_content += orphan;
line.size += (int)orphan.size();
line_width += ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, orphan);

// visually remove trailing space if right aligned
if (!last_line && text_align == Style::TextAlign::Right && !line_content.empty() && line_content.back() == ' ')
line_width -= ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, " ");

// Now that we have the string of characters appearing on the new line, we split it into
// three parts; the unselected text appearing before any selected text on the line, the
// selected text on the line, and any unselected text after the selection.
Expand All @@ -1318,7 +1314,7 @@ Vector2f WidgetTextInput::FormatText(float height_constraint)
if (!pre_selection.empty())
const int width = ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, pre_selection);
segments.push_back({line_position, width, pre_selection, false, (int)lines.size()});
text_element->AddLine(line_position + Vector2f{GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(line), 0}, pre_selection);
line_position.x += width;

Expand All @@ -1336,19 +1332,22 @@ Vector2f WidgetTextInput::FormatText(float height_constraint)
return float(width_kerning - width_no_kerning);

// Check if the editable length needs to be truncated to dodge a trailing endline.
line.editable_length = (int)line_content.size();
if (!line_content.empty() && line_content.back() == '\n')
line.editable_length -= 1;

// If there is any selected text on this line, place it in the selected text element and
// generate the geometry for its background.
if (!selection.empty())
line_position.x += GetKerningBetween(pre_selection, selection);

const int selection_width = ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(selected_text_element, selection);
segments.push_back({line_position, selection_width, selection, true, (int)lines.size()});
const bool selection_contains_endline = (selection_begin_index + selection_length > line_begin + line.editable_length);
const Vector2f selection_size = {float(selection_width + (selection_contains_endline ? endline_font_width : 0)), line_height};
const Vector2f aligned_position = line_position + Vector2f{GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(line), 0};

MeshUtilities::GenerateQuad(selection_composition_mesh, aligned_position - Vector2f(0, top_to_baseline), selection_size,
selected_text_element->AddLine(aligned_position, selection);

max_selection_right_edge = Math::Max(max_selection_right_edge, aligned_position.x + selection_size.x);
line_position.x += selection_width;

Expand All @@ -1357,8 +1356,7 @@ Vector2f WidgetTextInput::FormatText(float height_constraint)
if (!post_selection.empty())
line_position.x += GetKerningBetween(selection, post_selection);
const int width = ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, post_selection);
segments.push_back({line_position, width, post_selection, false, (int)lines.size()});
text_element->AddLine(line_position + Vector2f{GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(line), 0}, post_selection);

// We fetch the IME composition on the new line to highlight it.
Expand All @@ -1368,9 +1366,16 @@ Vector2f WidgetTextInput::FormatText(float height_constraint)
// If there is any IME composition string on the line, create a segment for its underline.
if (!ime_composition.empty())
const bool composition_contains_endline = (ime_composition_end_index > line_begin + line.editable_length);
const int composition_width = ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, ime_composition);
const Vector2f composition_position(float(ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, ime_pre_composition)), line_position.y);
ime_segments.push_back({composition_position, composition_width, (int)lines.size()});
const Vector2f composition_position = {
float(ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, ime_pre_composition)) + GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(line),
line_position.y - top_to_baseline + line_height - COMPOSITION_UNDERLINE_WIDTH,
Vector2f line_size = {float(composition_width + (composition_contains_endline ? endline_font_width : 0)), COMPOSITION_UNDERLINE_WIDTH};

MeshUtilities::GenerateLine(selection_composition_mesh, composition_position, line_size,

// Update variables for the next line.
Expand All @@ -1390,54 +1395,22 @@ Vector2f WidgetTextInput::FormatText(float height_constraint)
// Clamp the cursor to a valid range.
absolute_cursor_index = Math::Min(absolute_cursor_index, (int)GetValue().size());

// Clear the selection background geometry, and get the vertices and indices so the new geometry can be generated.
Mesh selection_mesh = selection_geometry.Release(Geometry::ReleaseMode::ClearMesh);

// Transform segments according to text alignment
for (Segment& it : segments)
selection_composition_geometry = parent->GetRenderManager()->MakeGeometry(std::move(selection_composition_mesh));

// Overflow is automatically caught by any text overflowing the content area. However, sometimes it is possible that
// the selection box extends beyond the text and outside the content area. This can even overflow the element
// itself. In particular, when the selection includes newlines near the right edge. We don't want the selection box
// to take part in the scrollable region of the element, which would be one way to ensure that it is always clipped.
// Instead, we here detect such possible overflow manually and force the element to clip. This will clip any parts
// of the selection box that is overflowing. Maybe in the future we'll have a better way to specify ink overflow and
// have that automatically clipped.
const bool new_ink_overflow = (max_selection_right_edge > available_width + parent->GetBox().GetEdge(BoxArea::Padding, BoxEdge::Right));
if (new_ink_overflow != ink_overflow)
const auto& line = lines[it.line_index];
const char* p_begin = GetValue().data() + line.value_offset;
float offset = GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(p_begin, it.line_index);

it.position.x += offset;

if (it.selected)
const bool selection_contains_endline = (selection_begin_index + selection_length > line_begin + lines[it.line_index].editable_length);
const Vector2f selection_size(float(it.width + (selection_contains_endline ? endline_font_width : 0)), line_height);

MeshUtilities::GenerateQuad(selection_mesh, it.position - Vector2f(0, top_to_baseline), selection_size, selection_colour);

selected_text_element->AddLine(it.position, it.content);
text_element->AddLine(it.position, it.content);
ink_overflow = new_ink_overflow;
parent->SetProperty(PropertyId::Clip, Property(ink_overflow ? Style::Clip::Type::Always : Style::Clip::Type::Auto));

selection_geometry = parent->GetRenderManager()->MakeGeometry(std::move(selection_mesh));

// Clear the IME composition geometry, and get the vertices and indices so the new geometry can be generated.
Mesh ime_composition_mesh = ime_composition_geometry.Release(Geometry::ReleaseMode::ClearMesh);

// Transform IME segments according to text alignment.
for (auto& it : ime_segments)
const auto& line = lines[it.line_index];
const char* p_begin = GetValue().data() + line.value_offset;
float offset = GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(p_begin, it.line_index);

it.position.x += offset;
it.position.y += font_metrics.underline_position;

const bool composition_contains_endline = (ime_composition_end_index > line_begin + lines[it.line_index].editable_length);
const Vector2f line_size(float(it.width + (composition_contains_endline ? endline_font_width : 0)), font_metrics.underline_thickness);

MeshUtilities::GenerateLine(ime_composition_mesh, it.position, line_size, parent->GetComputedValues().color().ToPremultiplied());

ime_composition_geometry = parent->GetRenderManager()->MakeGeometry(std::move(ime_composition_mesh));

return content_area;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1473,12 +1446,18 @@ void WidgetTextInput::UpdateCursorPosition(bool update_ideal_cursor_position)
GetRelativeCursorIndices(cursor_line_index, cursor_character_index);

const auto& line = lines[cursor_line_index];
const char* p_begin = GetValue().data() + line.value_offset;
const int string_width_pre_cursor =
ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, String(StringView(GetValue(), line.value_offset, cursor_character_index)));
const float alignment_offset = GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(line);

cursor_position.x = (float)ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(text_element, String(p_begin, cursor_character_index));
cursor_position.y = -1.f + (float)cursor_line_index * text_element->GetLineHeight();
cursor_position = {
(float)string_width_pre_cursor + alignment_offset,
-1.f + (float)cursor_line_index * text_element->GetLineHeight(),

cursor_position.x += GetAlignmentSpecificTextOffset(p_begin, cursor_line_index);
const bool word_wrap = parent->GetComputedValues().white_space() == Style::WhiteSpace::Prewrap;
if (word_wrap)
cursor_position.x = Math::Min(cursor_position.x, GetAvailableWidth() - cursor_size.x);

if (update_ideal_cursor_position)
ideal_cursor_position = cursor_position.x;
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