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mikke89 committed Mar 30, 2024
1 parent ee1db61 commit 0c030e4
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## RmlUi 6.0 (WIP)

### Advanced rendering features

This one has been a long time in the making, now the time has come for one of the biggest additions to the library. Advanced rendering effects are now available, including filters with blur support, box-shadow, advanced gradients, shaders, masks, and clipping of rounded borders.

The original issue is found in #307 and the pull request is #594. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback. Resolves #249, #253, #307, #597, and even addresses #1.

#### New features

New properties:

- `filter`: Apply a rendering effect to the current element (including its children).
- Supported filters: `blur`, `drop-shadow`, `hue-rotate`, `brightness`, `contrast`, `grayscale`, `invert`, `opacity`, `sepia`. In other words, all filters supported in CSS.
- `backdrop-filter`: Apply a filter to anything that is rendered below the current element.
- `mask-image`: Can be combined with any decorator, including images and gradients, to mask out any part of the current element (and its children) by multiplying their alpha channels.
- `box-shadow`: With full support for offset, blur, spread, and insets.

New decorators:

- `shader`: A generic decorator to pass a string to your renderer.
- `linear-gradient`, `repeating-linear-gradient`
- `radial-gradient`, `repeating-radial-gradient`
- `conic-gradient`, `repeating-conic-gradient`

The gradients support most of the CSS features and syntax, including angle and `to <direction>` syntax for direction, multiple color stops, locations in length or percentage units, and up to two locations per color. Please see the [decorators documentation]( for details.

- The new rendering interface include support for shaders, which enable the above decorators. Parsing is done in the library, but the backend renderer is the one implementing the actual shader code.

- All filters and gradient decorators have full support for interpolation, that is, they can be animated. This is not yet implemented for box-shadow.

- Decorators can now take an extra keyword `<paint-area>` which is one of `border-box | padding-box | content-box`, which indicates which area of the element the decorator should apply to. All built-in decorators are modified to support this property. For example: `decorator: linear-gradient(to top right, yellow, blue) border-box`.

- Custom filters can be created by users by deriving from `Filter` and `FilterInstancer`, analogous to how custom decorators are created.

- Improved element clipping behavior. Handles more complicated cases, including nested transforms with hidden overflow, and clips to the curved edge of elements with border-radius. This requires clip mask support in the renderer.

Feel free to take a look at the `effects` sample showcasing many of the new features.

For now, only the OpenGL 3 renderer implements all new rendering features. All other backends have been updated to work with the updated render interface but with their old feature set.

#### Major overhaul of the render interface

The render interface has been simplified to ease implementation of basic rendering functionality, while extended to enable the new advanced rendering effects. The new effects are fully opt-in, and can be enabled iteratively to support the features that are most desired for your project.

Highlighted changes:

- Now using safer, modern types (like span).
- A clear separation between required functions for basic functionality, and optional features for advanced rendering effects. The required functions are now pure virtual.
- All colors are now submitted as 8-bit sRGBA (like before), but with premultiplied alpha (new). Existing renderers should modify their blending modes accordingly. This change is central to correct blending of partially transparent layers.
- All geometry is now compiled before it can be rendered, which helps to simplify the interface.
- Now the pointers to the geometry data (vertices and indices) are guaranteed to be available and immutable until the same geometry is released. Thus, users can simply store the views to this data, and reuse that during rendering, which should help considerably with migrating from the immediate rendering function.
- The scissor region should now be applied separately from any active transform. Previously, we would have to manually redirect the scissor to a stencil operation, that is no longer the case. Instead, the clipping with transform is now handled by the library, and directed to the clip mask functionality of the render interface as appropriate.
- Expanded functionality to enable the new rendering effects, including layered rendering, rendering to texture, rendering with filters and shaders.
- Textures are no longer part of the compiled geometry, compiled geometry can be rendered with different textures or shaders.

#### Backward compatible render interface adapter

The render interface changes will require updates for all users writing their own render interface implementation. To smooth the transition, there is a fully backward-compatible adapter for old render interfaces, please see [RenderInterfaceCompatibility.h](Include/RmlUi/Core/RenderInterfaceCompatibility.h).

1. In your legacy RenderInterface implementation, derive from `Rml::RenderInterfaceCompatibility` instead of
#include <RmlUi/Core/RenderInterfaceCompatibility.h>
class MyRenderInterface : public Rml::RenderInterfaceCompatibility { ... };
2. Use the adapted interface when setting the RmlUi render interface.
That's it, and your old renderer should now still work!
It can also be useful to take a closer look at the adapter before migrating your own renderer to the new interface, to see which changes are necessary. Naturally, this adapter won't support any of the new rendering features.
#### Render manager and resources
A new RenderManager is introduced to manage resources and other rendering state. Users don't normally have to interact with this, but for contributors, and for more advanced usages, such as custom decorators, this implies several changes.
The RenderManager can be considered a wrapper around the render interface. All internal calls to the render interface should now go through this class.
Resources from the render interface are now wrapped as unique render resources, which are move-only types that automatically clean up after themselves when they go out of scope. This considerably helps resource management. This also implies changes to many central rendering types.
- `Mesh`: A new type holding indices and vertices. Can be constructed directly or from MeshUtilities (previously GeometryUtilities).
- `Geometry`: Is now a unique resource holding a compiled geometry handle, and constructed from a Mesh, taking ownership of the mesh's data.
- `Texture`: Now simply a non-owning view and can be freely copied. The underlying file texture is owned by the render manager, and held throughout the manager's lifetime.
- `CallbackTexture`: In contrast, this is a unique render resource, automatically released when out of scope.
See [this commit message]( for more details.
#### Limitations
Filters will only render based on geometry that is visible on-screen. Thus, some filters may be cut-off. As an example, an element that is partly clipped with a drop-shadow may have its drop-shadow also clipped, even if it is fully visible. On the other hand, box shadows should always be rendered properly, as they are rendered off-screen and stored in a texture.
### Major layout engine improvements
- Make layout more conformant to CSS specification.
Expand All @@ -28,29 +120,189 @@
- Allow nested flexboxes: Flex items can now be flex containers themselves. #320
- Better handling of block-level boxes in inline formatting contexts. #392
More details to be posted later. Expect some possible layout shifts in existing documents, usually due to better CSS conformance. Some new issues are expected during development, please report bugs, and layout changes that are not in compliance with CSS.
More details to be posted later. Expect some possible layout shifts in existing documents, usually due to better CSS conformance.
### General layout improvements
- Scale pixels-per-inch (PPI) units based on the context's dp-ratio. #468 (thanks @Dakror)
- Make flex containers and tables with fixed width work in shrink-to-fit contexts. #520
- Compute shrink-to-fit width for flex boxes. #559 #577 (thanks @alml)
- Add `space-evenly` value to flex box properties `justify-content` and `align-content`. #585 (thanks @LucidSigma)
### General decorator improvements
- Add repeat fit mode to image decorator, e.g. `decorator: image(alien.png repeat)`. #259 #493 (thanks @viseztrance)
### RCSS Properties
In addition to the RCSS properties for the new advanced rendering listed above, the following properties or values have been added.
- New `display` property values: `flow-root`, `inline-flex`, `inline-table`.
- New `vertical-align` property value: `center`.
- Added support for `letter-spacing` property. #429 (thanks @igorsegallafa)
### Text shaping and font engine
- Add `lang` and `dir` RML attributes, along with text shaping support in the font engine interface. #563 (thanks @LucidSigma)
- Create a sample for text shaping with Harfbuzz, including right-to-left text formatting. #568 #211 #588 (thanks @LucidSigma)
- Add support for the `letter-spacing` property. #429 (thanks @igorsegallafa)
- Add initialize and shutdown procedures for better lifetime management. #583
### Spatial navigation
Introduce [spatial navigation]( for keyboards and other input devices. This determines how the focus is moved when pressing one of the navigation direction buttons. #142 #519 #524 (thanks @gleblebedev)
- Add the new properties `nav-up`, `nav-right`, `nav-down`, `nav-left`, and shorthand `nav`. E.g.
- Add [`:focus-visible` pseudo class]( as a way to style elements that should be highlighted during navigation, like its equivalent CSS selector.
- Makes the `invaders` sample fully work with keyboard navigation and `:focus-visible` to highlight the focus.
- Elements in focus are now clicked when pressing space bar.
input { nav: auto; nav-right: #ok_button; }
.menu_item { nav: vertical; border: #000 3px; }
.menu_item:focus-visible { border-color: #ff3; }

### Elements

- Enable removal of properties using shorthand names. #463 (thanks @aimoonchen)
- Add `Element::Matches`, the last missing selector-related function. #573 (thanks @Paril)
- Text input: Add support for `text-align`. #454 #455 (thanks @Dakror)
- Text input: Fix clipboard being pasted when Ctrl + Alt + V key combination is used. #464 #465 (thanks @ShawnCZek)
- Text input: Fix selection index possibly returning an invalid index. #539 (thanks @ShawnCZek)
- Text input: Move the input cursor when the selection range changes. #542 (thanks @ShawnCZek)
- Text input: Ignore selection range update when the element is not focused. #544 (thanks @ShawnCZek)
- Tab set: Allow `ElementTabSet::RemoveTab` to work on tab sets with no panels. #546 (thanks @exjam)
- Range input: Fix a bug where the bar position was initially placed wrong when using min and max attributes.

### Utilities

- Improved mesh utilities to construct background geometry for any given area of the element, including for elements with border-radius.
- New Rectangle type to better represent many operations.
- Debugger now displays the axis-aligned bounding box of selected elements, including any transforms and box shadows.
- Visual tests:
- Several new visual tests for the new features.
- Highlight differences when comparing to previous capture by holding shift key.

### Data bindings

- Enable arbitrary expressions in data address lookups. #547 #550 (thanks @Dakror and @exjam)
- Add enum support to variants and data bindings. #445 (thanks @Dakror)
- Allow nested data models. #484 (thanks @Dakror)
- Fix XML parse error if single curly brace encountered at the end of a data binding string literal. #459 (thanks @Dakror)
- Fix usage of data variables in selected `option`s. #509 #510 (thanks @Dakror)

### Lua plugin

- Add `StopImmediatePropagation` to Rml::Event. #466 (thanks @ShawnCZek)
- Return inserted element from `AppendChild` and `InsertBefore`. #478 (thanks @ShawnCZek)

### General improvements

- Implement the ability to release specific textures from memory. #543 (thanks @viseztrance)
- Add support for the `not` prefix in media queries. #564 (thanks @Paril)
- Use string parser to allow "quotes" in sprite sheet `src` property. #571 #574 (thanks @andreasschultes)
- Format color types using RCSS hexadecimal notation.
- Use the default log output when there is no system interface installed, and redirect all print-like calls to the built-in logger. This ensures that log messages are submitted to the same stream output before and after installing the default provided system interface. In particular, the output from MSVC is given in its debug output.

### General fixes

- Fix wrong logic for assertion of released textures. #589 (thanks @pgruenbacher)
- Fix `JoinPath` system interface method being passed through when using the debugger. #462 #603 (thanks @Dakror)
- Fix some situations where units were not shown in properties, ensure all invoked types define a string converter.
- In `demo` sample, fix form submit animation not playing smoothly on power saving mode.
- Fix crash on shutdown in `bitmapfont` sample.

### Build improvements

- Fix compile issues on newer clang and gcc releases due to mixed use of std namespace on standard integer types. #470 #545 #555
- Add CMake option to include Lua library compiled as C++. #604 (thanks @LiquidFenrir)
- Fix `UnitTests` compilation error on MSVC by updating doctest. #491 (thanks @mwl4)
- Fix `Benchmarks` compilation error when using custom string type. #490 (thanks @mwl4)
- Change `StringUtilities::DecodeRml` to improve compatibility with other string types, like `EASTL::string`. #472 #475 (thanks @gleblebedev)
- Various CMake fixes for MacOS. #525 (thanks @NaLiJa)
- Fix include path. #533 (thanks @gleblebedev)

### Backends

- GLFW: Use new GLFW 3.4 cursors when available.
- GLFW: Fix mouse position conversion to pixel coordinates, particularly on MacOS retina displays. #521
- SDL: Use performance counters for increased time precision.
- Vulkan: Several fixes for validation errors and flickering behavior. #593 #601 (thanks @wh1t3lord)
- Vulkan: Update deprecated debug utilities. #579 (thanks @skaarj1989)
- OpenGL 3: Restore all modified state after rendering a frame. #449 (thanks @reworks-org)
- OpenGL 3: Set forward compatibility flag to fix running on MacOS. #522 (thanks @NaLiJa)

### Breaking changes

- Possible layout changes, usually due to better CSS conformance.
- Reworked font engine interface, in particular in terms of font metrics and letter-spacing.
#### Layout

- Possible layout changes, usually due to better CSS conformance. Please see notes above.

#### Core types

Changed `Box` enums and `Property` units as follows:
- `Box::Area` -> `BoxArea` (e.g. `Box::BORDER` -> `BoxArea::Border`, values now in titlecase).
- `Box::Edge` -> `BoxEdge` (e.g. `Box::TOP` -> `BoxEdge::Top`, values now in titlecase).
- `Box::Direction` -> `BoxDirection` (e.g. `Box::VERTICAL` -> `BoxDirection::Vertical`, values now in titlecase).
- `Property::Unit` -> `Unit` (e.g. `Property::PX` -> `Unit::PX`).
- Changed `Box` enums and `Property` units as follows:
- `Box::Area` -> `BoxArea` (e.g. `Box::BORDER` -> `BoxArea::Border`, values now in titlecase).
- `Box::Edge` -> `BoxEdge` (e.g. `Box::TOP` -> `BoxEdge::Top`, values now in titlecase).
- `Box::Direction` -> `BoxDirection` (e.g. `Box::VERTICAL` -> `BoxDirection::Vertical`, values now in titlecase).
- `Property::Unit` -> `Unit` (e.g. `Property::PX` -> `Unit::PX`).
- Replaced `Element::ResolveNumericProperty` with `Element::ResolveLength` and `Element::ResolveNumericValue`. Can be used together with `Property::GetNumericValue`.
- Renamed and removed several `Math` functions.

#### RCSS

- The old `gradient` decorator has been deprecated, instead one can now use `horizontal-gradient` and `vertical-gradient`, thereby replacing the keyword to indicate direction. Please also see the new gradient decorators (linear, radial, and conic) above.

#### Render interface

Affects all users with a custom backend renderer.

- Signature changes to several functions, see notes above.
- See `RenderInterfaceCompatibility` notes above for an adapter from the old render interface.
- Texture is no longer part of the CompileGeometry command, instead it is submitted with the Render... command(s).
- Implementing the new clip mask API is required for handling clipping of transformed elements.
- RmlUi now provides vertex colors and generated texture data in premultiplied alpha.
- Set the blend mode to handle them accordingly. Recommended to convert your own textures to use premultiplied alpha. This ensures correct compositing, especially with layers and effects.
- Font effect color output now assumes premultiplied alpha. Color channels are initialized to black (previously white).

#### Render manager

Affects users with custom decorators and other more advanced usage with rendering commands.

- RenderManager should now be used for all rendering instead of manually calling the render interface.
- Redefine Geometry, introduce Mesh.
- Mesh is used to define vertices and indices, before it is submitted to construct a Geometry through the render manager.
- Geometry is now a wrapper around the underlying geometry (to be) submitted to a render interface.
- Move-only type which automatically releases its underlying resource when out of scope.
- GeometryUtilities (class and header file) renamed to MeshUtilities.
- Signatures changed to operate safely on a mesh instead of using raw pointers.
- Geometry no longer stores a Texture, it must be submitted during rendering.
- Redefine Texture.
- This class is now simply a non-owning view of either a file texture or a callback texture.
- CallbackTexture is a uniquely owned wrapper around such a texture.
- These are constructed through the render manager.
- File textures are owned by and retained by the render manager throughout its lifetime, released during its destruction.
- Decorator interface: GenerateElementData has a new paint area parameter.
- Moved DecoratorInstancer into the Decorator files.

#### Font engine interface

The font engine interface has been reworked to encompass new features, to simplify, and to modernize.

- Font metrics are now collected into a single function.
- Signature changes due to text shaping and letter-spacing support.
- The active render manager is now passed into the appropriate functions to generate textures against this one.
- Now using span types where appropriate.

#### Removed deprecated functionality

Removed deprecated functionality:
- Removed the `<datagrid>` and `<dataselect>` elements, related utilities, and associated tutorials. Users are encouraged to replace this functionality by [tables](, [select boxes](, and [data bindings](

#### Screenshots

![Effects demonstration](

[Effect sample](

## RmlUi 5.1

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