Role selectors that allow selecting elements by their ARIA role, ARIA attributes and accessible name.
// Click a button with accessible name "log in" page.click("role=button[name='log in']")
Read more in our documentation.
API to filter an existing locatorLocator buttonsLocator = page.locator("role=button"); // ... Locator submitButton = buttonsLocator.filter(new Locator.FilterOptions().setHasText("Submit")); submitButton.click();
Playwright for Java now supports Ubuntu 20.04 ARM64 and Apple M1.
You can now run Playwright for Java tests on Apple M1, inside Docker on Apple M1, and on Raspberry Pi.
Browser Versions
- Chromium 102.0.5005.40
- Mozilla Firefox 99.0.1
- WebKit 15.4
This version was also tested against the following stable channels:
- Google Chrome 101
- Microsoft Edge 101