All workflows
Add requested permissions to avoid dependency on user/org defaults being too permissive
Check For Updates Workflow
Default host to (you can enter myaccount/AL-Go-PTE@main to change template)
Support for "just" changing branch (ex. @Preview ) to shift to the preview version
CI/CD Workflow
Support for feature branches (naming feature/* ) - CI/CD workflow will run, but not generate artifacts nor deploy to QA
Create Release Workflow
Support for release branches
Force Semver format on release tags
Add support for creating release branches on release (naming release/*)
Add support for incrementing main branch after release
Increment version number workflow
Add support for incremental (and absolute) version number change
Support environmentName redirection in CI/CD and Publish To Environments workflows
If the name in Environments or environments settings doesn't match the actual environment name,
You can add a secret called EnvironmentName under the environment (or <environmentname>_ENVIRONMENTNAME globally)
You can’t perform that action at this time.