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michaelwillett committed Feb 25, 2017
0 parents commit 23c4a60
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Showing 11 changed files with 940 additions and 0 deletions.
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions eskf1.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
function [X, Z] = eskf1(sensor, vic, K)
% EKF1 Extended Kalman Filter with Vicon velocity as inputs
% sensor - struct stored in provided dataset, fields include
% - is_ready: logical, indicates whether sensor data is valid
% - t: sensor timestamp
% - rpy, omg, acc: imu readings
% - img: uint8, 240x376 grayscale image
% - id: 1xn ids of detected tags
% - p0, p1, p2, p3, p4: 2xn pixel position of center and
% four corners of detected tags
% Y
% ^ P3 == P2
% | || P0 ||
% | P4 == P1
% o---------> X
% vic - struct for storing vicon linear velocity in world frame and
% angular velocity in body frame, fields include
% - t: vicon timestamp
% - vel = [vx; vy; vz; wx; wy; wz]
% varargin - any variables you wish to pass into the function, could be
% a data structure to represent the map or camera parameters,
% your decision. But for the purpose of testing, since we don't
% know what inputs you will use, you have to specify them in
% init_script by doing
% ekf1_handle = ...
% @(sensor, vic) ekf1(sensor, vic, your input arguments);
% X - nx1 state of the quadrotor, n should be greater or equal to 6
% the state should be in the following order
% [x; y; z; qw; qx; qy; qz; other states you use]
% we will only take the first 7 rows of X
% Z - mx1 measurement of your pose estimator, m shoulb be greater or equal to 7
% the measurement should be in the following order
% [x; y; z; qw; qx; qy; qz; other measurement you use]
% note that this output is optional, it's here in case you want to log your
% measurement
persistent Model t_sensor t_vicon reset;

% initialize Model Parameters:
if nargin == 0
reset = true;

X = zeros(7,1);
Z = zeros(7,1);

if reset
te_p = .05;
te_u = .2;
err_p = .05;
err_u = .15;
reset = false;
Model.x = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]'; % initial nominal state = zeros(9,1); % initial error state
Model.sigma = eye(9,9); % initial cov of error state
Model.A = eye(9,9); % process model
Model.Q = diag([te_p te_p te_p err_p err_p err_p .1 .1 .1].^2); % uncertainty in process noise
Model.W = eye(7); % some variable I don't understand, but is in the slides
Model.R = diag([te_u te_u te_u err_u err_u err_u err_u].^2); % uncertainty in update model
t_sensor = sensor.t;
t_vicon = vic.t;

if (vic.t > t_vicon) % prediction update
dt = vic.t - t_vicon;
Model = ESKFPrediction(Model, dt, vic.vel');
t_vicon = vic.t;

if (sensor.t > t_sensor & ~isempty( % observation update
dt = sensor.t - t_sensor;
t_sensor = sensor.t;
[v o] = estimate_vel(sensor, K, dx, dy, p_orig, id);
Model = ESKFPrediction(Model, dt, [v o]');

[T, q] = estimate_pose(sensor, K, dx, dy, p_orig, id);
Model = ESKFUpdate(Model, [T; q']);

X(1:7) = Model.x(1:7);

function [Model] = ESKFPrediction(Model, dt, u)
% KFPrediction computes the predicted mean and covariance using
% the dynamic model x_dot = A*x + B*u + U*n

mu =;
sigma = Model.sigma;
Q = Model.Q;
p = Model.x(1:3);
q = Model.x(4:7);
b = Model.x(8:10);
R = quat2rotm(q);

v = u(1:3)';
omega = u(4:6)';

F = eye(9) + padarray(padarray(-R*dt, [0,6],'pre'), [3,0]);
U = padarray(-eye(3),[6,6], 'post') + padarray(eye(3),[6,6], 'pre') + padarray(-R, [3 3]);

% update error = F*mu;
Model.sigma = F*sigma*F' + U*Q*U';

% update nominal state
Model.x(1:3) = p + v*dt;
Model.x(4:7) = QuatHProd(q,quat(.5*(omega - b)*dt)); % this is for omega in local frame

function [Model] = ESKFUpdate(Model, z)
% KFUpdate computes the updated mean and covariance using
% the observation model z(t) = C*x(t) + W*v(t)

mu_b =;
sigma_b = Model.sigma;
x_b = Model.x(1:7);
W = Model.W;
R = Model.R;
I = eye(9);

q = Model.x(4:7);
qw = q(1);
qx = q(2);
qy = q(3);
qz = q(4);

Q = .5*[-qx -qy -qz;...
qw qz -qy;...
-qz qw qx;...
qy -qx qw];

Cl = eye(7,10);
Cr = padarray(eye(3),[7,6], 'post') + padarray(eye(3),[7,6], 'pre') + padarray(Q, [3 3]);
C = Cl*Cr;

% Update error state using observation model
dz = zeros(7,1);
dz(1:7) = z(1:7) - x_b(1:7);
K = (sigma_b*C')/(C*sigma_b*C'+ W*R*W');
mu_p = K*dz;
sigma_p = (I - K*C)*sigma_b*(I - K*C)' + K*W*R*W'*K';

% Inject observed error into nominal state
Model.x(1:3) = x_b(1:3) + mu_p(1:3);
Model.x(4:7) = x_b(4:7) + [0; mu_p(4:6)];
Model.x(4:7) = Model.x(4:7) / norm(Model.x(4:7));
Model.x(8:10) = Model.x(8:10) + mu_p(7:9);

% Reset error
dtheta = mu_p(4:6);
G = eye(9,9) + padarray(Hat(.5*dtheta),[3 3]); = zeros(9,1);
Model.sigma = G*sigma_p*G';


function r = QuatHProd(p, q)
r = [p(1)*q(1) - p(2)*q(2) - p(3)*q(3) - p(4)*q(4); ...
p(1)*q(2) + p(2)*q(1) + p(3)*q(4) - p(4)*q(3); ...
p(1)*q(3) - p(2)*q(4) + p(3)*q(1) + p(4)*q(2); ...
p(1)*q(4) + p(2)*q(3) - p(3)*q(2) + p(4)*q(1)];

function q = quat(w)
q = [1 w(1) w(2) w(3)]';
q = q/norm(q);

function R = quat2rotm(q)
s = q(1,1,:);
x = q(2,1,:);
y = q(3,1,:);
z = q(4,1,:);

R = [ 1-2*(y.^2+z.^2) 2*(x.*y-s.*z) 2*(x.*z+s.*y)
2*(x.*y+s.*z) 1-2*(x.^2+z.^2) 2*(y.*z-s.*x)
2*(x.*z-s.*y) 2*(y.*z+s.*x) 1-2*(x.^2+y.^2) ];

function H = Hat(w)
H = [ 0 -w(3) w(2);...
w(3) 0 -w(1);...
-w(2) w(1) 0];

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