This module provides APIs to manage sensitive information, including application sensitive information and infrastructure sensitive information.
- Create,
- Read,
- Update or
- Delete a secret in Hashicorp Vault
- Create,
- Read,
- Update or
- Delete an application secret in kubernetes
- Create,
- Read or
- Revoke a certificate,
- Get Certificate Revocation List
- Create or
- Invalidate a join token
- Crypto Engine
- Image Integrity Verifier
- Add a secret 'secret1' into the vault. If the secret exists, it will be overwritten.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"secret1","value":"123"}' -X POST spm:5003/v1.0/secrets
- Update the secret named 'secret1' with a new value
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"value":"456"}' -X PUT spm:5003/v1.0/secrets/secret1
- Read a secret named 'secret1' from the vault
curl -X GET spm:5003/v1.0/secrets/secret1
- Delete a secret named 'secret1' from the vault
curl -X DELETE spm:5003/v1.0/secrets/secret1
- Add an applicaton sensitive information as kubernetes secret and distribute it to pods. If the application service has existing secrets, this function add one more while keeping the other secrets intact.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"secret1","value":"123"}' -X POST spm:5003/v1.0/appsecrets
- Retrieve kubernetes secret with id 'secret1'
curl -X GET spm:5003/v1.0/appsecrets/secret1
- Remove a secret named 'secret1' from the service
curl -X DELETE spm:5003/v1.0/appsecrets/secret1
Assuming that you installed Robot framework successfully (Please follow this link if you has not installed the Robot framework yet: https://github.com/robotframework/QuickStartGuide/blob/master/QuickStart.rst#demo-application)
- Launch the vault server in localhost:
Download the vault server from https://www.vaultproject.io/downloads.html
Create a config file named vault.hcl with the below content:
storage "file" {
path = "datafile"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = 1
(all secrets will be written in the file 'datafile' which resides in the same directory with the executable file 'vault')
- Launch the vault server by command line
./vault server -config=vault.hcl
- Edit the file app/vaultclient.py to change VAULT_URL into
- Run the source code by command line
gunicorn -b app:app
- Run the test script by command line
robot test/test_script.rst