Dataset: Kaggle
Explore the dataset and extract insights from the data. Using statistical evidence to prove that
- Tumour stages are dependent of HER2-Status.
- There is a relationship between histology and HER2-Status.
- The effect of Proteins on patients' surival by tumour stages.
- Surgery performed on patient is dependent on his/her tumour stage
- The gender distribution is highly skewed
- Patients' survival curve differs by tumour stages
Tumour Stage-II's HER2 postive status has smaller proportion than Tumour Stage-III's HER2 postive status.
P-value: 0.01
Surgery Procedures greatly depend on the Patients' Tumour Stages.
P-value: 0.000022
Tumour Stages are dependent on different Age groups.
P-value: 0.01
Although, we can't draw a definite conclusion that the male-patients/female-patients ratio is small due to smaller sample size (of male patients) but intuitively, the sheer difference speaks in it's favour.
P-value: Nil | Since A/B Test is not applicable due to smaller sample size.