Supplementary material regarding the analysis of heating options for Quebec
using a TIMES model
The repository includes several jupyter notebooks used in the article:
Astudillo, M.F., Vaillancourt, K., Pineau, P.-O., Amor, B., 2017. Can the household sector reduce global warming mitigation costs? sensitivity to key parameters in a TIMES techno-economic energy model. Appl. Energy 205, 486–498.
The repository contains:
Household heating availability factors: calculation of annual availability factors from hourly temperature data. Comparison with alternative method proposed by Papakostas et al. 2009
run-of-river calculation of a proxy for run-of-river production in Quebec from runoff data of several hydrometric stations.
solar calculation of solar availability factors per time-slice for pv pannels. Derived from the temporal distribution of solar irradiation data in Montreal and an annual AF.
wind calculation of the availability factors per time-slice from the data made available by the Pan-Canadian study of wind power potential.
Estimating AF of hydropower - reservoir and runoff Estimation of AF of hydropower plants in Quebec.
Comparing heating demand of different cities Comparison of monthly heating demand for the most populated cities in Quebec.
it also contains most of the underlying data required to run the notebooks.