Denarius v2.0.0.0
Denarius v2.0.0.0 (MANDATORY UPDATE)
New Denarius Hybrid Masternodes and PoS Fix!
You must update before block 640,000!
New Denarius RPC Commands:
- Added searchrawtransactions rpc command
- Added getrichlist rpc command
- Added updaterichlist rpc command
- Added resetrichlist rpc command
- Added getblock_old rpc command (Old version of the getblock command prior v1.0.7.0)
- Added masternode rpc commands
- Added darksend rpc command
- Added spork rpc command
- Added getpoolinfo rpc command
- Added denominate rpc command
- Updated getblocktemplate rpc command (Contains masternode payment/payee information for pools)
Under the hood changes:
- Added Rich List GUI to the Denarius QT Wallet
- Corrected the .pro file to USE_LEVELDB by default
- Refactored COutPoint/CInPoint/CTxIn/CTxOut into core.h
- Refactored CTxMempool into txmempool.h/.cpp
- Fixed Market Cap and Bitcoin Price Formatting in Market Tab
- Added Refresh Button to Overview of all balances, easily refresh USD/BTC Estimated Totals
- Added DarkSend GUI to Denarius QT Wallet (WIP)
- Added DarkSend, InstantX, and Spork structuring code to Denarius
- Added Masternode Tab & GUI to Denarius QT Wallet
- Added Masternodes to Denarius blockchain, live on: ~March 14th 2018 (Block 645,000)
- Masternodes will require 5,000 DNR to utilize and will be provided 33% of the block reward
- Fixed Proof of Stake Rewards from CoinAge * 0.06 / 365 / COIN to CoinAge * 0.06 / 365 (Goes live on Block 640,000)
- Removed IRC Node Connection Code (This should help with anti-virus false positives for Denarius, but heuristics may still complain)
- Fixed denariusd compilation with different boost versions on other Linux flavors
- Fixed darksend, multisig, and other non-string rpc command conversions
- Added Darksend Rounds to Coin Control in QT and Denominate button
- Added Tools menu in Denarius QT, easily access your denarius.conf or masternode.conf
- Added the new flag "-reindexaddr" to index the new address DB, this must be indexed to run the richlist commands or use the Rich List GUI, reindexing the address DB can take awhile 15+ minutes, especially if it is your first time running -reindexaddr, also running updaterichlist or resetrichlist will take awhile to get the data.
- Added Terms of Use for utilizing Denarius
- Added Proof of Data to Denarius, Image timestamping on the blockchain for proof of ownership
- Updated denariusd to warn less during compile
- Added Proof of Burn to masternode payments if masternodes are not found upon boot
- Updated QT to display Mined/Staked coins properly
- Added a ton more of updates and fixes and additions! (So many commits 174