The MessageMedia Conversations API allows users to communicate by sending and receiving messages via OTT messaging services. This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, you don't need to make any changes to your application, just an account configuration change by MessageMedia's support team ([email protected]).
Run the following command to install the SDK via RubyGems:
gem install messagemedia-conversations-sdk
It's easy to get started. Simply enter the API Key and secret you obtained from the MessageMedia Developers Portal into the code snippet below.
require 'message_media_conversations'
require 'pp'
# Configuration parameters and credentials
basic_auth_user_name = 'basic_auth_user_name' # The username to use with basic authentication
basic_auth_password = 'basic_auth_password' # The password to use with basic authentication
client =
basic_auth_user_name: basic_auth_user_name,
basic_auth_password: basic_auth_password
configuration_controller = client.configuration
request ="", "Rainbow Serpent Festival")
result = configuration_controller.create_configure_account(request)
pp result
require 'message_media_conversations'
require 'pp'
# Configuration parameters and credentials
basic_auth_user_name = 'basic_auth_user_name' # The username to use with basic authentication
basic_auth_password = 'basic_auth_password' # The password to use with basic authentication
client =
basic_auth_user_name: basic_auth_user_name,
basic_auth_password: basic_auth_password
facebook_controller = client.facebook
result = facebook_controller.get_facebook_authorisation_url()
pp result
require 'message_media_conversations'
require 'pp'
# Configuration parameters and credentials
basic_auth_user_name = 'basic_auth_user_name' # The username to use with basic authentication
basic_auth_password = 'basic_auth_password' # The password to use with basic authentication
facebook_controller = client.facebook
result = facebook_controller.get_facebook_pages()
pp result
You can get the facebookPageId by looking at the response of the Get Facebook pages example.
require 'message_media_conversations'
require 'pp'
# Configuration parameters and credentials
basic_auth_user_name = 'basic_auth_user_name' # The username to use with basic authentication
basic_auth_password = 'basic_auth_password' # The password to use with basic authentication
facebook_controller = client.facebook
facebook_page_id = 'facebookPageId'
result = facebook_controller.create_integrate_facebook_page(facebook_page_id)
pp result
require 'message_media_conversations'
require 'pp'
# Configuration parameters and credentials
basic_auth_user_name = 'basic_auth_user_name' # The username to use with basic authentication
basic_auth_password = 'basic_auth_password' # The password to use with basic authentication
appUsers_controller = client.app_users
result = appUsers_controller.get_app_users()
pp result
You can get the appUserId from the response of the Get users example.
require 'message_media_conversations'
require 'pp'
# Configuration parameters and credentials
basic_auth_user_name = 'basic_auth_user_name' # The username to use with basic authentication
basic_auth_password = 'basic_auth_password' # The password to use with basic authentication
appUsers_controller = client.app_users
app_user_id = 'appUserId'
result = appUsers_controller.get_app_user_messages(app_user_id)
pp result
You can get the appUserId from the response of the Get users example.
require 'message_media_conversations'
require 'pp'
# Configuration parameters and credentials
basic_auth_user_name = 'basic_auth_user_name' # The username to use with basic authentication
basic_auth_password = 'basic_auth_password' # The password to use with basic authentication
appUsers_controller = client.app_users
app_user_id = 'appUserId'
message ={"key":"value"})
appUsers_controller.create_send_message(app_user_id, message)
Check out the full API documentation for more detailed information.
Please contact developer support at [email protected] or check out the developer portal at
Apache License. See the LICENSE file.